The Announcement RyanCarrWeber

After the Boys' Wrestling Battle Royal, the announcer re-entered the ring. After a few brief moments of praising the underdog winner of the Battle, he lifted his hand to quiet the assembled crowd. "And now, before I declare the end of this afternoon's event, and send you all off to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinners (remember, the Battle Royal was technically the third match of Thanksgiving Thwarting, severely delayed), we at Boys Wrestling have an announcement to make.

"It has been our pleasure this past year to bring fun and enjoyment to countless middle school boys who've joined and come to watch Boys Wrestling. And we realized recently that many of these boys, when they graduate eighth grade, may well be sad to leave Boys Wrestling altogether. So, beginning on the first of the year, we will be taking applications for Teens Wrestling, a league just like Boys Wrestling, but for the next age group - high school boys.

"Like Boys' Wrestling, Teens Wrestling will host both individual and tag-team competition, and will have rules regarding weight classes, though less of these than are necessary in Boys Wrestling. Teens Wrestling will have three weight classes - light, middle, and heavyweights. The only rule governing inter-weight challenges is that lightweights fighting heavyweights will require special dispensation, and the match rules will change only slightly. This will be further explained when that happens, but basically, Lightweights can challenge Heavyweights, but not the other way around.

"As mentioned, applications will be accepted beginning January 1, 2001, and we expect to have our first set of three matches to kick off the League on Thursday, February 8, 2001. Hope to see you all there."

The crowd roared in standing ovation, and this new league was the talk of the day as those in attendance went home excited to tell their older brothers about Teens Wrestling.