John wanted to win his first match, .... jeremy_mcdadian
so he wanted someone basically to job for him. He knew that any lightweights could turn him down without forfeiture, so he asked Curtis, someone who had joined the league at the last minute and no one knew much about him. Curtis was eager to prove himself, and knew that if he could beat a heavyweight, he'd start as a star. The two entered, and the audience was pretty unsure about both, so both got a medium greeting. Curtis came to the ring first, announced as 16 years old, standing 5'11" and weighing in at 168. Then John came in, and Curtis second guessed himself about his choice to fight him, a year older, 6'1" tall and 226 pounds of solid muscle. John got big last summer working as a volunteer firefighter. The two shook hands as the bell rang, and John used a vice-grip to pull the middleweight into him quickly and ram his shoulder into Curtis's chest. Curtis lost his breath, so John used that to throw him at the ropes, then he armdragged Curtis down when he came back off them. John then jumped and landed his knees on Curtis's chest and stomach. Curtis was hurtin and John only kept it comin', turnin into a heel in the crowds eyes. He lifted Curtis over his head, gorilla press'd, and showed of his muscles by pressing the kid up and down like freeweights. Eventually, he just dropped the middleweightand he landed hard on his front-side. Curtis was groggy as shit and John had no problem lifting him again and up into a torture rack. John jumped up and down to stretch the kid's back all outta its normal shape and Curtis shouted in pain. Eventually, he had to give and the muscleguy just dropped him, and left him lying in the ring wondering what had happened. What a squash job!