Tommy vs Danny lookingforcream

The introductions were over; Danny at 14 yrs, 5'5", 125lbs. was in his corner waving at the crowd accepting their cheers. They were the same age and he wasn't worried about the small difference in their sizes so Danny was confident in his ability to make a good showing in this match against the newcomer.

Tommy was also 14 yr. at 5'6" and 134 lbs. starting to show some definition in his body from the weight training he had been doing recently. He had an intense look on his face as he watched his opponent across the ring. He thought no definition in his chest or abs and what a pronounced bellybutton for a target.

They come to the center of the ring and lock up in a collar-and-elbow. Tommy breaks it almost immediately and then throws a half-hearted backhand into Danny's gut, not enough to get any reaction, just attention. Tommy then takes a step backwards and tightens his abs and slaps his stomach with both hands. He then drops his hands toward his side inviting a gut punch. Danny understands the challenge and throws a right into Tommy's gut, who just stands there smiling as if nothing happened. Tommy nods and then says "my turn." Tommy punches that bellybutton with a right; Danny stands tall but has a slight grimace on his face. Tommy motions again and Danny throws another right into the center of Tommy's gut. Tommy just smiles as he punches Danny with another right. This time Danny doubles over but comes back to upright position quickly. He takes a deep breath and throws another right into Tommy's gut. Tommy fakes the pain and rocks back bringing his right fist behind him telegraphing his next punch. It lands on top the bellybutton sinking in; Danny drops to his knees.

Tommy pulls him up by the hair and Irish-whips him into the ropes. A clothesline catches Danny across the chest and puts him on the mat on his back. Tommy pulls him up again and throws him into the ropes. This time on the rebound Danny is kneed to the gut and somersaults over onto his back. Tommy sits down on Danny's face and begins to throw right after left repeatedly into Danny's gut that is turning bright red. As the barrage of punches continue Danny's legs are squirming and he is waving his hands in submission but the referee doesn't see them since he is concentrating on getting Tommy to break the hold. Tommy rises to his feet and runs toward the ropes. As Tommy rebounds Danny tells the ref, "I quit." It is too late; Tommy is already in the air dropping with both knees into the gut. Tommy then nonchalantly lies across Danny's chest, who is really out of it by now. Even though the ref heard the submission, he counts off the pinfall.

Tommy stands up with a smirk on his face and wipes the sweat off his brow and then flings the sweat onto Danny's prone body. He says, "you were nothing" and exits the ring. Danny requires assistance leaving the ring and going back to the locker room.