Rob v Ryan sutekh222000

Rob had gone to the TW commissioners and pleaded his case that while their suspension was one thing, the brutal assault Ryan and co. had given him was another. He made a simple deal with the Tw, he would get immediate matches with all three men, one at the time, on consecutive nights. If he won all three matches, his suspension would be lifted, if not he would be fired. The TW agreed, secretly hoping this new kid would be removed as a problem. Rob hit the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans, unaware of the thrashing he had taken. Ryan looked forward to finishing Rob off. The two locked up. Rob went for a go-behind and spun around Ryan, using a wristlock to keep the teen at bay. Ryan used a reverse drop-toehold to break the hold and slapped Rob in a side headlock. Rob powered out of the hold, lifting Ryan in an atomic drop position. he realized that their postion would have meant that if he threw Ryan, it would be to the floor, so he instead released Ryan, not exactly gently, but not with any force. He had a simple goal in this match, beat Ryan without hurting him in the slightest, to prove his technical skill

Rob decided the best way to end this was quickly and so he used a sunset flip to pin and defeat Ryan. His two other foes went down in similiar fashion, all without inlficting any damage. Now Rob moved on to avenging his first loss to Pat.