Rob v Curtis sutekh222000

Ashley decided the time had come to put her plan into effect. The first phase of the plan was get Rob's ego out of control. She quickly realized there was no better way to do that than give him a squash job. To that end she seduced Curtis, a 16 yr old middleweight. To the kid, Ashley was a goddess he would do anything for. She spent a full week getting him so worked up, he would do anything. She finally convinced him to challenge Rob to a match.

Rob was in the TW commissioners office. The commissioner was congratulating Rob on his recent attitude adjustment and tag team win when Curtis entered the room. His chest puffed up with pride Curtis pointed a finger at Rob.

"I want you tonight you chump, in the ring man on well in your case man is hardly accurate so man on boy" Curtis challenged. Rob glanced up at the kid with a mix of surprise, respect for the kid's guts, and confusion. "Nothing personal Curtis" Rob replied "but I'm gunning for the heavyweight title. Stick to your own division."

Curtis responded by saying that Rob wasn't man enought to fight him. As Rob got up to leave Curtis spat right in his face. Rob went to turn around, then turned back to face Curtis. "Okay fine Curtis" he agreed.

Curtis had been so thoroughly brainwashed that he truly thought beating Rob would be a piece of cake. Curtis entered the ring in green tights to a chorus of boos.

Rob entered in red trunks. immediately the young ladies in the crowd screamed their cheers at their new favorite. Rob began to pose and flex for them, some of whom had to be restrained from entering the ring by security. Rob and Curtis squared off. Rob was 235 lbs of muscle,with Curtis at 168 lbs. Curtis had 15" arms a 40" inch chest and the makings of a six pack vs Rob's 19 inch guns, 49 inch chest and rock hard 8 pack.

Rob offered his hand in a show of sportsmanship. Curtis responded by slapping Rob right across the face. Rob took it in stride and locked up with Curtis. He locked Curtis in a full nelson. Immediately Curtis kicked Rob in the groin. Rob doubled over and released the hold. Curtis fired three punches all to the groin. The ref got in his face and threatened to DQ the boy, but Rob stopped him.

"Okay Curtis" Rob said in an angry roar "You want to face a real muscleman you got it".

With that Rob charged at Curtis. His full weight came crashing on the boy with a clothesline. Curtis hit Rob's bicep hard and spun off the mat in a 360 before crashing down to his feet.

Rob was pumped as well as angry. He did not like having his balls busted. He knew he had promised the commissioners that he would control his temper, but this guy was just begging to be hurt.

Rob moved slowly toward Curtis who was climbing back to his feet. Rob reached down to drag Curtis to his feet. Curtis was ready. He shot a powerful thrust to Rob's throat. Rob coughed and backpedaled to the corner. Curtis did not wait he stood and drove a cross body block towards the muscleboy.

Rob stepped from the corner and caught Curtis in midair.

Rob then slammed the lighter teen down over his extended knee in a brutal back breaker. Rob did not release Curtis but poured on the pressure. He had one hand on Curtis' groin, the other on the boy's throat. Rob squeezed down with both hands producing a loud grunt from the teen.

Curtis struggled but he was going no where. Rob released the hold on Curtis' groin and drove a brutal power punch to his stomach. Curtis gasped for breath as Rob let him roll to the canvas. Rob lifted the teen to his feet and flung him to the ropes. As Curtis ricocheted off Rob leveled him with a forearm across the face.

Curtis staggered back to the corner. Rob charged and drove his shoulder deep into Curtis' gut. Curtis dropped across Rob's back.

Rob maneuvered Curtis and pressed him over his head. Rob's big biceps bulged as he pressed the lighter wrestler like he was nothing but a sack of flour. Rob then drop Curtis from over his head down across his knee stomach first. Curtis yelled out as his abs caved in from the vicious gutbuster.

No one busted his balls or spat in his face without some form of brutal payback.

Rob lifted the winded teen to his feet and bulled him to the corner. Curtis felt his back hit the ring post. The next thing he felt were Rob's rock hard fists digging deeply into his lower belly.

Curtis was barely able to remain on his feet. He gasped for breath. Rob finally stopped his brutal assault. He gripped Curtis' head and bull dogged him to the mat.

Curtis cried out in agony as his face was squashed hard to the canvas.

Curtis still had some fight left. He crawled weakly to his knees. Rob slapped on a front face lock and lifted the teen to his feet all the while applying pressure to his hold. Curtis felt like Rob was trying to sever his head from his body. Rob maintained the front face lock and drilled Curtis' tender gut with two hard knee lifts.

Curtis was getting desperate. He looked down and saw Rob's groin was wide open. He slammed a hard fist to the muscleboy's balls.

Rob staggered slightly but did not release his hold. Rob cranked on even more pressure and lifted Curtis from the mat while still clutching the front face lock.

Rob then slammed Curtis to the mat face first. Curtis felt his nose grind into the mat.

Rob did not wait. He gripped Curtis' head and applied a neck breaker. Curtis was in agony as he rolled around the mat clutching his head and neck

Rob measured Curtis, as the young game wrestler tried to stand Rob slapped on a full nelson. He pulled Curtis from his feet while holding him locked in his big hard biceps. Curtis screamed out as Rob muscled his smaller biceps and drove his chin to his chest.

Rob ran toward the turnbuckle while maintaining his full nelson. He rammed Curtis' chest hard to the ring post. As Rob released the full nelson, Curtis collapsed in a heap on the mat.

Rob knew he could end the match any time he wanted. But this middleweight wannabe wrestler had provoked this hard match. He had busted Rob's balls repeatedly and spat in his face. Rob wanted him to remember this ass -kicking.

Rob scooped Curtis up and locker his head between his big muscled quads. Rob set Curtis up for a pile driver.

Rob fell to the mat and jammed Curtis head to the canvas. Curtis cried out, then lie still. He was out of it.

Rob placed his foot on Curtis' chest as the ref counted to three.

The ref raised Rob's hand in victory.

Ashley had stood back watching the match with Lucien and Ryan.

At her signal they charged the ring.

Rob was caught off guard as Ryan and Lucien leaped through and shoulder blocked him to the canvas. Ryan quickly hammered a big football jock fist to Rob's balls.

Pat had been watching from the other doorway. When he did not see Dane heading for the ring, Pat quickly beat feet to assist Rob. Rob may have just beat him in a match, but Pat could not stand idly by while the heavy weight heels double teamed the muscleboy. Rob had beaten him fair and square.

Lucien was climbing the ropes to splash down on the prone muscleboy. Ryan had Rob spread eagle on the mat and his foot stepping on Rob's balls. Every time Rob tried to move Ryan stepped down a little harder.

Pat hit the ring just as Lucien leapt into the air. Pat met Lucien with a flying drop kick. Lucien fell hard to the canvas.

Ryan roared out and stepped from Rob and charged Pat. As Ryan made his way by Rob, Rob rolled and slammed a hard kick to Ryan's balls. All of Ryan's 270 plus pounds came crashing to the mat. Pat drilled the football player / wrestler with a hard elbow to the back of the head.

As Pat turned he and Rob faced off.

Pat was ready for Rob to launch an attack, but instead Rob held out his hand. Pat took the extended hand.

The two muscleboys shook hands and exited the ring together. Lucien, Ryan and Curtis were left to tend to their bruises.

It was later learned the commissioner had finished talking to Dane, but Dane had been restrained from coming matside by Kale and Trace. They had known Ryan and Lucien were going to attack Rob. What they had not counted on was Pat going to Rob's aid.

Back in the ring Curtis was finally coming to. He realized, if it was to late, that Ashley had used him. He had been blinded by her beauty to take a match he had no chance of winning. Curtis was helped from the ring by two TW med techs. He was treated for minor injuries.

When Rob and Pat finally caught up with Dane and were told what had happened, all three vowed to watch each other's backs.