Tag: Jed / Luke Vs Carl / Ari: Part 1 muscleboy_jobber
Jed and Luke were looking for another tough match. Kevin decided to have them take on Carl and Ari.
The tough team had come to life with victories over Mark and Dillon and Jobber and Joke, (Otherwise known as Jessie and Jack).
Carl and Ari victory over Jessie and Jack had been a brutal double team squash of Jack. They had never let the poor kid tag out and had victimized his arm so it was now in a cast while the muscle healed.
Carl and Ari had made it known the y would beat anyone, but had their sites set on Corwin and Drew.
Jed and Luke decided to take their challenge. Jed and Luke had recently lost to Sean and Jeff, but beaten the bejesus out of Marcus and Damon.
Since training with Tyson and Brett, Jed and Luke had learned to be mean. A streak Carl and Ari were now showing.
Luke and Jed knew they would have to watch the double teaming and the fact that Carl and Ari like to cut off the ring and keep one opponent from tagging out. Jed and Luke were not Jessie and Jack. They knew how to break up as well as dish out a good double team beating.
Jed and Luke thought Carl and Ari were nothing but thug wannabes. Ari bore a tattoo and Carl just sported a mean look. Ari was the youngest, but also the tallest. Carl was shorter, but the more muscular.
The match was quickly signed. Carl and Ari did ask that Tyson and Brett be banned from ringside. They did not need to be facing four on two odds.
This time around Carl and Ari decided to take out the muscle. They wanted to get Luke out of the way, then double team Jed. They again decided to work over one guy and cut the ring off. They know this would be more of a task with a real tag team.
The two teens ran to the ring and vaulted over the roped. The audience booed loudly remembering how only last week they had destroyed Jack. Carl and Ari were clad in cut-off jeans and black tank tops. Their muscular definition stood out under the tight black tanks.
Both sported crew cuts. Carl and Ari posed as they removed their tank tops and flexed their muscles. The audience could see they were pumped to add another notch in the win column.
Again the audience booed loudly. They did not like the new acquisition to the Posse. For them this match symbolized a travesty. All they cared about now was seeing both teams beat the living hell out of each other.
Luke and Jed were clad in their cowboy hats and chaps. They also had their lassoes.
They set their lassoes down, then removed their hats and chaps. They climbed into the ring and eyed the two wannabe thugs.
The ref knew he was going to have his hands full. Carl and Ari were a master of the double team. Jed and Luke were masterful of sneak attacks in and out of the ring.
Carl was set to face Jed.
Ari leaned over to him, "Dammit I was hoping Luke would start. Blows our plans."
Carl shook his head, "Doesn't matter to me who we beat up first, as long as we beat them both."
Ari nodded.
The bell sounded and Carl and Jed locked up.
Jed and Carl were evenly matched. Neither could get an advantage. Jed tried to force Carl into a headlock but Carl countered and shot a forearm to Jed's head. As Jed's head snapped back Carl gripped his arm and twisted hard. Jed stumbled and fell to the mat. Carl quickly drove to hard knees to Jed's bicep.
Jed grunted as he felt his arm getting hammered. Carl reached up and tagged Ari. Ari was on the second rope and leaped off driving his knee to Jed's shoulder.
Jed yelled as his shoulder bore the brunt of the impact. He rolled to the center of the ring clutching his arm. Ari followed putting the boots to Jed's shoulder and armpit.
Jed was hurting.
Luke was livid as Carl and Ari tried the same tactics they had used on Jobber and Joke,
Ari dropped down on Jed's back and hammerlock his left arm. He hauled Jed to his feet and whipped him to the corner. Jed turned to avoid more damage to his shoulder. He hit the ring post back first. As he impacted, Carl drove a straight hard fist to his kidney.Ari ran full bore at Jed as Carl held him in the corner. Ari's shoulder dug deep into Jed's gut. Jed fell to his knees and Ari drove his elbow to Jed's shoulder. Jed fell to the mat in agony.
The ref started to count Carl who backed off. Ari tagged his partner.Carl stepped through the ropes. They lifted Jed and flung him to the ropes. They greeted the stud with a double knee lift. Jed flipped over and fell to his back. Ari started out of the ring but landed one more hard stomp to Jed's shoulder.
Carl stepped over Jed and straddled him. He pulled his arm back and twisted mightily. Jed roared in pain as his arm felt like Carl was trying to separate it from his body.
Luke had seen enough. He charged Carl dropping the tough looking teen with an elbow to the head. Carl staggered to a neutral corner. Luke followed him in and shot a hard knee to his groin. Carl collapsed in the corner.
Luke quickly scampered out of the ring.
Jed lay on the mat sucking wind and rubbing his shoulder. He could hear Luke telling him to make the tag.
Carl was crawling towards Ari. Jed was crawling towards Luke.
Carl made the tag first and Ari stormed through the ropes. Jed made one valiant lunge and tagged Luke.
Ari backed off as the muscleboy entered the ring.
Luke was pissed as he charged the 15 year old tough guy. Ari tried to stave off the attack but Luke shot a front kick to his lean hard abs. Ari grunted and doubled over. Luke hooked his head and delivered a neck breaker. Ari screamed as his neck crashed down on Luke's shoulder.
Luke quickly got to his feet. Two could play the game Carl and Ari were playing.
Luke lifted Ari in a front face lock. He poured on the pressure as he made Ari's body weight intensify the pain of the hold.
Ari was breathing hard. Luke quickly turned the move into a rear chin lock, and crashed down to the mat, letting Ari's neck again impact with his shoulder.
Luke drug Ari to his feet and slammed the teen with a quick hard clothesline. Ari staggered back towards Jed. Jed slammed home a forearm to Ari's neck.
Carl slipped through the ropes and headed to break up the double team. The ref headed him off.
Luke advanced on a winded Ari. Luke fired two hard quick fists to Ari's lower gut. As Ari doubled, Luke laced his fists together and pounded a sledge hammer blow to the base of Ari's skull.
Ari dropped to his knees.
Luke shot a hard kick to Ari's chest.
Ari was in trouble as he got a taste of what they had done to Jack.
Carl had finally stepped out of the ring, but the damage to Ari had been done. He saw his partner was out of it.
Carl charged Luke, dodging the referee. He nailed Luke with a double axe handle blow to the back. Carl then Drug Ari to their corner and tagged himself in.
Luke was dazed from the sudden shot to his back. All he had to do was tag Jed, but in his stupor he rolled to the wrong corner.Carl charged Luke. He lambasted him with a brutal kick to the head. Luke stumbled forward and Carl hooked his head. Carl bull dogged the muscleboy to the mat.
Carl then stood and put the boots to Luke's torso. No one worked over his partner.
Jed was through the ropes. He scooped Carl up and body slammed him over the top rope. The ref saw nothing as he was trying to keep Ari from entering the fray.
Jed leapt over the top ropes and landed with both knees to Carl's stomach. Carl fell to the floor.
Jed laid in two more hard fists to the tough guys abs, then rolled him under the bottom rope.
Ari was livid as Carl got his ass kicked. Luke had finally got to his feet. He staggered to his corner and tagged Jed. Jed stepped through the ropes and headed for the downed and beaten Carl.
Jed scooped the boy up and power slammed him with authority to the center of the ring. Jed hooked Carl's legs and pinned his shoulders to the mat. The ref was there to count.
Ari charged through the ropes, but Luke speared him to the mat.
Luke pummeled Ari's torso with hard rights and lefts.
The ref's hand hit the mat for the three count.
Jed stood from Carl as Luke stood from Ari. The two cowboys embraced and whooped it up in the ring.
They had another victory.
Kevin was holding true to his word. Jed and Luke were starting to win some matches.