Tag: Chris/Shannon Vs. Alan/Greg 1 eric_the_great64

What was originally scheduled as a tag team match between newcomers Chris and Shannon against the team of Alan and Greg became a 2 on 1 handicap match after Shannon failed to showed up.

Chris (17/5'10/175) Vs. Alan (17/5'11/178 and

Greg (18/6'/186)

Chris used to wrestle in high school and came to TW looking for more success.

Alan and Greg were feeling pretty confident going to this match and expects an easy win.

Chris was himself feeling confident despite facing one of TW's top tag teams alone.

Chris came to the ring to the cheers of the crowd and the female fans were clearly impressed with the newcomer.

The team of Alan and Greg came afterwards to a more subdued crowd.

Alan opted to start the match. As both competitors lock up, Alan delivered a knee to the abs of Chris and followed that with a clothesline but Chris was able to duck on time and delivered a clothesline of his own to a unprepared Alan.

Chris attempted a quick pin but was only able to get a one count as Alan was able to kick out.

Chris to swang Alan to the ring post. Chris then charged towards Alan but Alan was able to moved away on time and Chris hit head on the ringpost.

Allan then waited patiently for a dazed Chris to turn around and delivered a devastating kick to his chin that knocks Chris down.

Allan then tag in his partner Greg and thet both grab their opponent by the hair, lift him high to deliver a huge vertical suplex. Chris felt a great pain in his back as it hit the mat. Alan and Greg now has the advantage in the match.

Greg then grab his opponent's legs and flipped over for a boston crab putting even more pressure on Chris hurting back.

Chris screamed in agony and the ref ask him if he wants to submit but Chris refused to submit, Greg continues to put more pressure on Chris hurting back but was forced to released the moved by the ref.

Greg continues the assault on Chris' back with an over the knee back breaker and delivered another suplex.

Greg went for the pin but only got a 2 count. Greg was furius at the ref, accusing him of making a slow count.

Greg tag Alan in, before leaving they double teamed Chris. Greg held up Chris while Alan pounded Chris' abs.

Alan sidewalk slammed Chris. Alan picked up Chris and place him on the top turnbuckle and prepares to hurricanas Chris all the way from the top but Chris somehow manage to reverse it into a awesome powerbomb that knock the sense out of Alan long enough for Chris to get the pin and victory.

As the ref raised Chris arm in victory, an angry Greg attacks Chris from behind. Once Alan recovered, they both beat the hell out of Chris.

After a few minutes later, satisfied that they got their message that no mess with them across, Alan and Greg left.

Chris was left alone in the ring looking less the winner but he would recover and get even one day.