Willy v Frank I beginning of a MW? dave6911_2001

(**note this story has been edited to correct the authors inadvertant use of Will instead of Willy. The name has been changed to Willy as the author intended).

Willy had a problem. Because he weighed 150 lbs when he first arrived in the league he had a devil of a time making weight for light weight matches. He also had difficulty finding light weight opponents he wanted to wrestle. After all who wants to beat up on the likes of Benji and Alex and other little kids all the time.

He wanted to move up to the ranks of the Middle Weights but he did not want to be a jobber forever either. Though he did not relish beating up Benji or Alex he also did not want to be Benji or Alex. He needed someome to train with him so he could be a good solid Middle Weight.

He decided on Frank. Frank was a friend of his friend Luke's and he figured he would be a good trainer for him. Frank, while not champion was a good solid Middle Weight and Willy figured he may get a left over girl or two from the groupies who constantly tailed Frank.

When Willy approached Frank about the training he immediately said yes. Frank needed a guy to try out something he had been considering for awhile. A practice match with a light weight was the prefect opportunity to try it out. He also wanted to squash a guy pretty good as he wanted to get out of the baby face rut.

The match was set for Luke's place on a Sunday morning. It would last one hour and the winner would be the guy with the most falls and submissions. There was little doubt that Frank would win. If Willy did well enough he would be accepted for training by Luke and Frank. Luke would keep time and could end the match if he felt that one of the wrestlers was in danger of permantent injury.

Every fall or submission would mean a one minute break which counted against the hour.

The appionted time came and Willy showed up ready to wrestle. He was in a pair of blue speedos that matched his blue eyes and accented his blond hair and somewhat built body. He was a little pale as he usually was but his skin had cleared up nicely. He was a solid good looking 16 year old.

Frank looked awesome. He was tan and fit. His chest was stacked and his stomach was flat. His thighs were just the right size. In his red speedo like trunks he was the vision of young teen manhood. He was ready to show young Willy how it was done.

Willy was giving up 25 lbs and both height and experience. He also knew that Luke was at best going to be a fair ref and may even favor Frank. In short Willy was going to be worked over for an hour unless he could get lucky early.

As soon as Luke started the timer Willy went after Frank. He went right to Franks legs and swept him to the mat. Willy tried to capitalize with a fall but Frank kicked out. Frank got immediately to his feet and went after Willy. He swept willy down to the mat with a leg sweep take down and turned him on his stomach.

Frank dropped a few elbows to Willy's back and then followed with a few knees. Willy groaned and rubbed his back. Then he got on his hands and knees and tried to get up. Frank grabbed some hair and pulled Willy the rest of the way up. He then flung the kid into the padded wall and followed up with a spear to the gut.

Willy collapsed to his knees and gasped for air. Frank picked Willy up and lifted him up in the air. He dropped Willy directly onto his back. He did this several times. Then he decided to get a submission. Frank set Willy up for a back breaker over his knee and dropped the kid hard.

Willy was screaming in pain. His back was being bent where it should be going. He knew that he had to last an hour with Frank so he gave in to save his back for later.

Frank smiled only 10 minutes and he had one submission.

Willy used his minute break to try to regroup and get some useable feeling into his aching back.

Luke signalled the resumption of the match and Frank went right back to Willy. This time he got Willy to do a test of strength. He forced Willy dowm to the mat by his wrists. Willy was no match in the strength department for Frank. Once Frank got Willy down to the mat he started to work on the back some more. He dropped knee after knee into the already sore back. Then he started the stomps. Willy was unable to get out of the way because the stomps and knees were taking his breath away. Finally Frank decided to try a camel clutch. He got it locked on and stretched away at Willy's back. For a full five minutes he kept stretching away at the brave light weight. Luke kept asking his cousin if he gave yet and he shouted "No I don't submit." Nooooo

Frank got tired of playing around with that hold and decided to weaken the back some more first. He released the camel clutch and stated a series of slams and backbreakers designed to really soften up the back of Willy.

After about a dozen of those moves and some choice groans and screams from Willy he decided to try again. Again the camel clutch was applied and again Luke asked for a submission. This time Willy who's eyes had teared up submitted. "I submit sir. Please stop.'

A half hour had passed and he only submitted twice but his back was a wreck. He knew that he had to stop Frank from doing this to him or he would be submitting over and over again. He wanted to prove to his cousin that he was ready for the middle weights.

Luke signalled the end of the break and Frank went right back to Willy. This time he started whipping the kid from wall to wall. Willy was getting dizzy he was being whipped so much. His back was taking it again and again as he hit the padded wall over and over again.

After about two dozen hits into the wall it was time again for some back breakers. Repeatedly Willy was picked up and slammed onto Franks waiting knee. Willy's voice started to crack and quaver as he was repeatedly asked if he submitted. His no's were getting higher in pitch and weaker as his air supply was going down and the pain was going up.

Willy refused to give in though. Frank started to really turn up the heat. He started to slam the kid again and again. Willy was just about out on his feet but Luke would not stop the match. Fifty minutes had passed.

Frank wanted one more submission so he took Willy and put him in a boston crab. The pain was too much for poor Willy who started to say that he submitted. Luke pretended not to hear him tho and kept asking. For the next few minutes tears streamed down Willy's face as he repeatedly submitted but was not let out of the hold. Finally with only a couple minutes left Willy screamed "I submit. You are the better man. Please let me go." The submission was accepted and Frank let Willy go. The match was over and Willy had survived. Frank knew that working the back of a smaller faster wrestler was very effective.

The epilogue of this match willy be written after it is decided if Willy will be a middle weight or not. I am going to give the founders a chance to decide if Willy is accepted for training or not.
