Frank vs Taylor -Prologue 1 cagewrestler
It was an off day in the TWL and Kevin and the Posse had appropriated the ring for a workout and some planning. Kevin was still po'ed at dropping the lightweight jacket to that goody-two-shoes Samuel, but it wasn't the end of the world, just a minor setback. The Posse was still the Force in TW and on the next card there was going to be some payback.
As Kevin and the others were watching Martin and Taylor work out in the ring, they heard the door open. Turning around, they saw Chaz sauntering toward them. Kevin had considered Chaz a new threat to his championship, but the guys told him that Chaz had been the one that set up Joey for him, so Kevin wasn't really sure what Chaz was up to these days.
"Hey Posse-Dudes, making plans for the next card?" Chaz approached without trepidation.
Kevin replied with his trademark smirk, "NOBODY crosses the Posse Mr. Anarky. That little runt will get his, don't worry about it. Now what's on your mind? The boys told me about the help with Joey, not that I really needed it, but hey, I owe you one."
"Yeh, that was tough luck against Samuel. I give him. . . let's see, when IS his first title defense? Thirty days, maximum, right? The TWL screwed you Kev, just like they screw everyone except their favorite little prettyboys. You get tricked into an interdivisional match with a middleweight, destroy the bum after a hard fight, and they book you to defend your belt the very next card. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. That's why we need more disruption against the establishment. Hear the latest? So many of their favorites are getting pounded in NHB matches that they've banned 'em from the arena."
Kevin and his boys nodded in disgusted agreement. "Yeh, next thing you know we'll have 'flag wrestling'. Don't they know this is a contact sport? Well, you can still get in a few good licks before a five count. So, you decide that you are Posse material?"
Chaz smiled and shook his head. "Thanks for the compliment, Kev. No doubt you guys are THE awesome force in TW, but that's not my bag these days. Gotta continue to spread confusion and get the whole league out of balance. I do have a favor to ask, though, since you admit you 'owe me one'.
"Bet I know what you're after. You want the first shot at that little shit so you can take another championship jacket."
Chaz shook his head again. "Been there, done that. Your man in the ring there cured me of championship jackets. Those things come with a BIG target on the back of 'em."
"Yeh, he did do an number on you didn't he?" replied Kevin. Martin and Taylor had stopped there workout and were listening to the conversation. Martin slapped his ripped abs. "You don't want another shot at these?" he grinned down at Chaz. "That was a pretty impressive win over Frank that you pulled off, I must admit. Thought you might be after me next for a rematch."
Kevin interrupted. He had things to do and plans to get into motion. "So exactly what DO you want Chaz?"
"Well, Frank is still out of action, but he IS going to be ringside at the next card. Now I took care of him both physically and mentally, but I probably fucked with his mind the most. He can always rationalize that he kicked my butt all over the ring for the first fall and more, and in a standard match would have won before I wore him out. I think he needs a more PHYSICAL lesson."
Kevin was intrigued. "I thought you guys were back together and full of brotherly love again - well hold that, I don't recall too much brotherly love even before your I Quit match. Still, I heard he got the crap beat out of him by Willy because he was defending you as his brother.""Yeh, but these 18 year old seniors have huge egos and short memories. He's beginning to think he's the Alpha male of the house again. We just need a little 'persuasion', but I can't get involved, it needs to be a little more. . . how shall I put it. . . " an evil little grin spread across Chaz's face, ". . . subtle. . . "
Chaz pulled Kevin aside and began to whisper in his ear. Kevin's smirk transformed into a broad grin, then he started laughing. "This is great!" he thought to himself. "Chaz's little plan will not only help put a Posse member over, but by the time we are done with Frank, he will be so far down the ladder that Martin won't even have to consider a match with the chump former champ."
"OK, Anarky-Dude, we'll help you screw your brother over. See ya at the matches."
About halfway through the matches at the TW Arena, the Posse marched out from the back and took over the ring. Kevin lead them to the ring, Lance, Rusty, Martin, Taylor, Philip, Jed, Luke, Tyson, and Brett. . they were all there, and when they filled the ring, no one was about to make any attack. Even so, some of the guys could not resist needling Kevin: "Hey Kev, you forget something? Where's your jacket?" Kevin flipped the finger and commandeered the microphone.
"The Posse is definitely po'ed and we are tired of TWL BS. The office forced me into a match with one of their favorite middleweights, and me a mere 128 pounds. Well 30 pound weight advantage or not, who was up across my shoulders screaming out his submission? Prettyboy Joey. But was it enough for me to take care of that chump? No, the very next card I have to defend my title, and after training all week for Jacoby, I get to the Arena and find out that it is Samuel in the ring. Congratulations office, you did me in. Well, I'm not going to cry over the past."
"But while I'm forced to work every night, my boys are getting bored and rusty. I've got a stud here who has already made a pretty impressive debut, but looks like everyone is scared of him now. He tossed the mic to Taylor.
"I must say, I'm less than impressed by the caliber of the competition I've seen here, especially from the good ole boys. You know, the guys who started the league, but try to keep all the new talent out, except when they think it will help them make a reputation. Well I took care of Timon pretty easily, so I need some more experienced competition. I figure I can give away 10-20 pounds no problem. So. . . who might I take on?" Taylor stopped with an arrogant smile on his face and stroked his chin in an exaggerated pantomime of "pondering". Suddenly he was out of the ring, and in Frank's face at ringside.
"Well who do we have here? Mr. Muscles. I hear you were actually the first middleweight champion of TW! You??? Weren't you the pussy who was all in tears and crying and screaming 'I Quit' a couple of weeks ago? What do you go these days? 175? 180? Big man on campus, Senior. Well take a look at what is coming up from the Sophomore Class!"
Taylor ripped off his T-shirt and flexed his bicep in Frank's face. No doubt about it, Taylor was an impressive specimen, packing 164 pounds on his 5'8 inch frame. Still, Frank was 3 inches taller, 2 years older, and about 15 pounds heavier. He wasn't going to take this crap from an underclassman. He had had his share of humiliation lately. Frank pushed Taylor in the chest, and came out of his chair.
"Get out of my face, punk! You know I've been out of action on doctor's orders. You want a shot at me, you'll get it, once I get back into training."
In an obnoxious babytalk Taylor replied, "Awwww, is the poor BMOC still licking his wounds from his wittle bubba? What a joke, without a doubt you are the biggest embarrassment in TW today!" With that, Taylor suckerpunched Frank and threw him into the ring. Frank got whipped into the ropes and Taylor caught him with a perfect belly to belly suplex that almost drove Frank through the mat, leaving him in agony in the middle of the ring. As Frank writhed in pain at the feet of the Posse, Kevin grabbed the mic again.
"This is exactly what I mean, here we have a former champ too afraid of a sophomore to sign a match. What is TW coming too?" Kevin threw down the mic and he and the posse exited the ring, leaving Frank humiliated in the middle of the ring. As Frank struggled to his feet he grabbed the microphone.
"You've got it punk! Next week, me and you! I'll be here!"
As Kevin and the Posse walked through the curtains, just out of sight Chaz gave Kevin a nod.
"Most excellent, Kev, most excellent!!"
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO ANOTHER EDITION OF TW!!!! Our first event of the evening, a special middleweight challenge match will be contest over a fifteen minute time limit, one fall to decide, pin or submission."
Frank stood at the entrance ready to head to the ring. The doctor had given him the official OK to "start working your way back into shape" only two days ago, not knowing that the teen was going back into the ring in a competitive match. Frank was thinking to himself. "Opening preliminary event against a sophomore. My career sucks!" In the back of his mind was a nagging doubt. Taylor would have been tough enough if Frank was primed and ready for him. In his current physical and mental state, well. . .
"Introducing first, he stands 5 feet, 11 inches tall, and weighs in tonight at 178 pounds. He is a former TW Middleweight Champion, ladies and gentlemen, here is Frank!" The announcer had yet to work himself into his usual Michael Buffer frenzy.
"His opponent, standing five feet, eight inches tall, weighing in at 164 pounds, the current state am ateur champion, Taylor!" Taylor strutted to the ring in his blue singlet. As he approached the ring, Kevin and Lance from the posse walked behind him, and Frank's heart dropped a little. Halfway down the aisle, Taylor stopped, turned around and motioned the other two boys back. "Don't worry, I won't need ANY help taking care of this chump!"
Kevin gave him the thumbs up and turned around. Of course he and Lance stopped just behind the curtain where Chaz was lurking. He grinned at the punk, "We'll watch from right here, just in case, but like you said, this shouldn't be a problem for Taylor!"
Since this was a preliminary event, TW officials had asked Cody, the heavyweight to referee. Cody brought the two boys to center ring. "OK Frank, Taylor. . . this is a standard TW match, no funny stuff or you are out of here. When I tell you to break, break I'll give you a five count and then it's a DQ. Three count pin or submission will decide it. Let's have a clean match and may the best wrestler win!"
Taylor held out his hand to Frank. As the muscleteen reached for it, Taylor lifted it up and turned, grinning as he strutted back to his corner. The bell rang, and the two wrestlers circled. Frank was trying to go for a collar and elbow lockup, but Taylor moved in and out in a classic am ateur style. "Tonight, muscleman, you are going to get a lesson in just how a real WRESTLER handles himself, not a football jock who thinks the WWF is real!". Taylor dove and executed a single leg takedown, mounting Frank on the back, using alternative forearms to crossface Frank. It a tactic that was probably more annoying than painful, although any wrestler will tell you "it don't feel good, but you learn to take it" Frank tried to get to his knees, and as he did, Taylor grapevined one leg, grabbed the other, and asked Frank, "You ready to make a wish?" With one quick spurt of strength, Taylor rolled Frank, and now Frank was on his back, his legs painfully spit apart. "Call this a banana split. . . hope you've been working on your flexibility, chump!
Frank's face was twisted in pain. Less than three minutes into the match and Taylor had him in position to score a win by either pin or submission. The pain in his legs was excruciating, and Taylor rolled forward, forcing Frank's shoulders to the mat. Cody began the count, pounding the mat, one. . . two. . .
"Taking the easy way out, huh pussy?" taunted Taylor.
With a lunge, Frank pulled one shoulder off the mat, and Taylor eased up on the forward pressure, but cranked backward on the leg split, forcing Frank to cry out and pound the mat in pain.
Suddenly Taylor released the hold. "I could beat you with that, but I want a good workout tonight. Come on pussy, get up!" Taylor stood over Frank grinning at him. He bounced with perfect balance on the balls of his feet as Frank crawled first to his hands and knees and then unsteadily to his feet, his thighs burning with pain still. This time Taylor moved directly in, and grabbing Frank around the waist in a bearhug. From the standing bearhug position, Taylor powered Frank up and over in a perfectly executed suplex, landing on top driving the air out of Frank's lungs. Taylor did not even try for a pin. Instead, he lifted Frank up off the mat and once again bearhugged him in the center of the ring. This time Taylor held the bearhug position and poured on the pressure. He had heard how Willy had punished Frank with a bearhug and figured the muscleteen's ribs might still be hurting. He was right.
Each time Frank would try to lift up his arms to get some leverage and try to push out of the bearhug, Taylor would cinch down driving even more air out of his opponent's lungs. Cody looked at Frank and asked him, "You ready to give it up Frank?"
Through gritted teeth, the former champ spat out, "No!" but he had no idea how long he could take this. Taylor was a powerhouse and he was grinding away with glee. Slowly, Frank's arms began to go limp. Cody lifted Frank's right arm once. . . twice . .
Summoning all his strength, Frank held his arm waist high as Cody dropped it the third time, so Taylor simply threw him up and over in another suplex. The two sweaty bodies hit the mat with a hard thud, Frank on the bottom again. This sophomore was destroying him , just like he had destroyed Timon. Frank should have known better.
Watching from the back Kevin turned to Chaz and grinned, "Now watch this, it's about time for a special series I had Taylor work on just for this match!"
Again, Taylor made no attempt at a pin, but instead stood over the Frank's sweaty, limp body, beckoning him to get to his feet. As he did, Taylor slipped behind his blond opponent, cinching his waist, and then lifting him up and over his head in a German Suplex. As Frank's head and back hit the mat with a thud, instead of letting go, Taylor twisted and lifted Frank back to his feet and repeated the maneuver. Member of the Posse or not, the crowd seemed to be behind the young am ateur now as he used a classic, clean am ateur wrestling style to destroy the former champ. . . seeing Taylor's plan, the audience began to count with each German Suplex in the chain. "ONE. . . .TWO. . . THREE. . . FOUR. . . FIVE. . .!!!" With each suplex Cody shuddered. He wasn't quite sure what to do. Taylor was breaking no rules, but he was not trying to pin Frank. Finally, after the fifth German Suplex, Taylor bridged forcing Frank's shoulders to the mat. Cody went down fast, counting one. . .two. .
Philip came running up to Chaz and Kevin. "Quick, Martin's in trouble! It's Joey and Ian!" Chaz and Kevin turned and raced back for the dressing room. He couldn't have those guys doing a number on Martin before his next title defense. No way Kevin wanted a second championship jacket to escape the Posse.
**************Taylor twisted his body forcing Frank's shoulders off the mat. Cody grabbed him by the shoulder. "Come on man, pin him, you've got him beat!"
Taylor grinned. "Sorry man, Kevin said I needed to make another impression!" Taylor did give Frank a break as he pulled the straps of his singlet down and rolled the top all the way to his waist. He mounted the second turnbuckle and flexed for the crowd. Without a doubt, this was the most impressive newcomer in TW in a long time. The former champ lay in the center of the ring, chest heaving as he gasped for air.
"Now that I've given you an am ateur wrestling lesson, I'll finish you off prostyle.!" Taylor climbed all the way to the top rope and launched himself through the air with a frog splash. The impact was devastating as the crowd gasped watching the sweaty body bounce off the mat and into the air from impact. Yep, Frank would have been finished if he hadn't managed to roll out of the way.
Still, Frank had absorbed a lot of punishment, and he barely managed to crawl over and cover Taylor's chest. The crowd was stunned as Cody pounded the mat one, two, . . .
Taylor benchpressed Frank off his shoulders with such force that Frank went a couple of feet into the air. No way was this chump getting a cheap pin on him!
Cody motioned Frank back at the helpless sophomore. Frank had his second wind down, and started laying a few well placed stomps on Taylor's chest and stomach. Fickle as they were tonight, the crowd was now cheering Frank's comeback. Frank lifted Taylor up off the mat by the hair and then scooped him high above his head an slammed him to the mat. He was still fifteen pounds heavier than this kid, and now it was beginning to show.
Taylor did not know what had gone wrong. Still, he had his insurance policy. Where was Kevin? As Frank continued to punish the am ateur champ, Taylor looked up and saw the curtains part and Chaz come running toward the ring. He smiled in relief.
Chaz reached ringside, looked up at Frank, grinned, and gave the thumbs-up.
Frank grinned. "No help from the calvary tonight, kid!" Frank lifted the teen high up in the air and brought him down hard across his knee with a backbreaker, his opponent's arms still tied behind his back. Taylor screamed in pain as he slid off Frank's knee. Frank lifted Taylor by the hair. "Come on son, time to learn a lesson!" Frank pulled Taylor to his knees and then slipped behind him. Frank knelt behind him and grabbed one of Taylor's legs, positioning the calf behind Frank's own knee, trapped between Frank's thigh and calf. He positioned the other leg in a similar manner. Leaning forward, Frank cupped Taylor's chin under his right arm and then leaned back. The effect was traumatic, and the result was immediate. Taylor was screaming out his submission at the top of his lungs. "I GIVE!!!! I GIVE!!!! LET GO!!!!
Frank was enjoying this, and Cody got all the way to four before he let go. Nobody really knew just how good it felt for him to hear the ring announcer shouting, "At 13 minutes, 23 seconds of the match, winner by submission, FFRRANNNNKKKKK!!!!!!
He was back on track.
Taylor stumbled back to the dressing room area. As he approached the Posse's dressing room he heard the pounding and shouting. Someone had opened the rollup door in the back of the arena and driven Kevin's own ATV in---parking it against the door. Taylor moved it, ripping a piece of paper off the door. Kevin and the Posse came streaming out.
"What the hell is going on?!??!! " screamed Kevin. Then looking at Taylor's sweatsoaked, painracked body, "and what the heck happened to you?"
Taylor snarled out, "I lost!! Maybe this will help you figure things out!" He handed Kevin the sheet of paper from the door. Kevin read it and crumpled the paper in a rage throwing it on the floor. His eyes were burning in rage, "They WILL pay. Every sucker in TW who crosses me WILL pay!!" he screamed.
Scrawled on the crumpled paper were the words: "Anarky Rules!"