jimsub81 Night of Destruction: Epilogue. 

Tyson was sitting with Elton in the locker room when Drew entered leaning on Joey and Patrick's shoulders. The two boys had been cold toward him since the Outlaws had debuted and he accepted their help but was still a little suspicious of their motives. The two boys led Drew right past a bench that looked very inviting and shoved him up against a wall. Drew was weary and whipped as he looked into the faces of the boys he was once close friends with. "Come on guys", he said, "if you want a match we can talk about that later right now I'm just too hurt to think about that." Joey said, "What if we want a piece of you right now? You have no idea how mad I..we", motioning to Patrick "have been at you and Corwin. Now you take part in this match siding with that little creep Kevin."

Drew just stayed held in their arms and said, "I don't have to answer to you. What Corwin and I do is our own business." Patrick and Joey still looked at Drew with anger in their eyes. "come on", said Drew, "if you guys want to take me then just fuckin do it. I won't be able to fight you though. I thought you both had more class than that." Patrick spoke up, "Look who's talking about class! Drew, you and Corwin were the two most popular guys in the league. All the fans loved you. Most of the wrestlers respected you. Now everyone hates you." Drew looked at him annoyed saying, "And your point Patrick?" By now Elton had moved over to the altercation rubbing his sore back. He then said, "What I think Patrick wants to know is why the change in attitude? Why go from being Corwin and Drew to the Outlaws?"

Drew took a deep breath. He didn't feel like getting into this now but decided to anyway. He began, "Its like this. People cheered us and fellow wrestlers said they were our friends but when we turned our backs, don't think we didn't hear the comments, the jokes the snickering about Corwin and me. I've even heard you use the word faggot Elton. How you, as a black man, who has undoubtedly felt bigotry at it worst could use that word and then look at yourself in the mirror is amazing to me!"

Elton hung his head. He never thought of it like that and Drew's words hit home, REAL close to home. "Elton I may never forgive you for obstructing me from helping Corwin after out last tag match he means the world to me. But I would never, NEVER call you a nigger no matter how much I don't like you! And as far as the fans go. Didn't you hear them tonight yelling to crush the faggot? Well, screw them too! We just thought if everyone hates us why not play into it?" Drew looked at Joey and said, "And who better to team with if you want to be the bad guys than Kevin and his Posse? We're still the same guys we just know who our friends are now...no one, and apparently there never was!"

Joey and Patrick had released him and Drew at last got to sit down. Elton moved back to where Tyson sat. A few minutes passed before Elton said, "I won't lie to you Drew, I don't like you much, right now anyway, but I promise I'll never use the "F" word again, for as long as I live." Drew nodded. it was a big admission for Elton to make and he appreciated it. Drew returned the nod and put his aching head down.

A while later more of the contestants came staggering in all had the look of being through a war. Cool showers helped revive them. When Corwin came in he looked the worst of all! Drew leapt up to help him as quickly as his hurting abs would allow. But as bad as Drew felt Corwin felt three times worse! Corwin fell into Drew's arms and he almost dropped him but he was helped by Elton of all people. Together they got Corwin into the shower and soon the battered boy was feeling better. Good enough to stand by himself anyway. Drew gave Elton a slight nod of approval as he left them on the bench. Elton said, "Don't be thinking this means we're friends or nothing. When me and Martin meet you two in our rematch I'm still gonna do my best to whip your ass!" Joey didn't speak or even smile but he did hand Drew a towel to help clean up Corwin before he walked away. Without looking back Joey said, "You're wrong about one thing Drew. Not everybody made fun behind your back." Joey and Patrick went back to watch the end of the match. "What was that all about?" , asked Corwin. Drew just said, "I'll tell you later."

Vinny and Rusty finally came staggering in. The two tall teens had been in the match a long time and they looked the part. As Vinny was helped over to the rest of his team mates he offered Rusty a hand. Rusty was very disappointed that he had submitted. He wanted to get the final submission himself but he took Vinny's hand. The guy had put up one hell of a battle. As a matter of fact they all had fought hard and done themselves proud. Even the guys who were eliminated had shown heart and skill. The eight eliminated boys knew that they had done well but they could not get over the feeling that they had failed somehow or at the very least let their team mates down.

Not many words were spoken till the match was a last called to an end when Martin called out his submission. Despite the pain racking their bodies Corwin, Drew, Rusty and Jacoby all smiled and gave each other the high five. Elton, Tyson, Brett, and Vinny hung their heads. It was then that the winning side moved over and exchanged handshakes with their worthy opponents. The hard feeling before the match had faded a little but had not been removed completely. Many of the teens exchanging handshakes would meet again in the squared circle.

Kevin then stuck his head into the locker room yelling at his guys to get down to the ring. The Posse followed Kevin to greet the ultimate winner Taylor who was kneeling in the ring resting his hands on his thighs. He was totally spent. He never had been this beaten or this exhausted. He wasn't even sure he could stand without blacking out. Right on the heels of the Posse came Martin's team. When Kevin spat on the defeated but brave hearted Martin it was an act not missed by Elton or Drew. Elton shot Drew a look as if to say, he knew what kind of person Drew had aligned himself with. Drew averted his eyes. The act made him feel uncomfortable as well. But this was Taylor's moment in the sun. As the last man standing in this awesome battle he deserved all the praise he had coming to him. His team mates helped him to his feet. He stood on wobbly legs as he accepted their praise.

The audience booed at the final result. Martin's side had been the favorite unquestionably. But most of the fans realized that they had just been witness to perhaps the longest and hardest fought match in TW to date. They gave all the participants a round of applause as if to express their thanks.

Elton gently helped Martin to his feet. The mid-weight champ's legs were shaky and Elton propped him up while Brett and Tyson wiped his face and body off with a wet towel. Martin thought nothing had felt better in his life than the coolness of the damp towel as he was rubbed down. Martin's and Taylor's eyes locked as an opening in the other wrestlers allowed them to see one another. Martin considered going and shaking Taylor's hand but could not bring himself to do it. There was still much to be settled between them. Taylor would undoubtedly be the next title defense Martin would have to face. Martin felt as if he had just been through a war with Taylor and he wasn't ready to get "chummy" with him. There was still a lot about Taylor that he did not like. But there was no denying that Taylor was the toughest opponent Martin had ever faced.

Taylor felt much the same way about Martin. Taylor wanted the MW title in a big way. He felt he deserved it and getting a submission tonight out of Martin only fueled that fire. But behind all of Taylor's bravado he realized that Martin was not the Champ for nothing, though he would never admit that aloud. TW was filled with tough wrestlers and Martin stood alone atop the Middleweights. It was a position he earned with guts, sweat and blood. Taylor knew he would have to be on top of his game to knock Martin from that perch.

The wrestler gradually left the ring and the crowd filed out. Although nothing was really put to rest all ten of the participants gained a new respect for their team mates as well as their for their opponents.