jimsub81 Match Prelude

Drew was none too happy about Corwin accepting a singles match with the tough Kane. They were a tag team afterall and Drew wanted to get back on track to get their tag team title jackets. As they worked out in the TW gym a few wrestlers that had been giving them the cold shoulder seemed to be warming back up to them a little, but not too much. The actions of the Outlaws had made them a lot of enemies, enemies that were not likely to forget their behavior and more importantly wanted revenge on them. The current tag team champs Rick and Carter were first in that particular line. But right now the everyone was getting along fine as the training and the workouts continued.

Corwin and Drew were standing by waiting for Joey and Patrick to finish in the ring. Joey had taken a month off to work on his game both physically and mentally. He had lost a string of matches and had the living crap beat out of in an after hours NHB match against Jacoby. He needed time to regroup and his friends were there to help him along. The new HW Champion Dane and former Champ Cody not only worked with him on his moves but helped him overcome the demons in his mind as well. Now Joey understood that he may not win all his matches, nobody did, but that didn't mean he was a loser or a poor wrestler. Wesley had worked with him on his weight training. As Joey tossed Patrick around in practice he never looked better. He was ready to get back into the ring for real.

Drew tried to break the tension between them and taunted the blonde muscle kid by saying, "Geez Joey you act like you're not retired anymore. Poor Patrick looks like he's been through the wringer!" Joey gave Drew a slight nod he was glad that things were not so tense between them anymore but they were not yet back to normal. Joey managed a smile and said, "I never was RETIRED Drew! I just needed some time to get things together. But I'm ready now!" Joey raised his voice in a little bit of showboating and said to the whole gym as he raised Patrick in a power slam, "You all hear that? I'm back and will take on ALL challengers!" At that Patrick was sent crashing to the mats! Everyone in the gym heard him and a few took notice notably the muscleboy Stefan who had recently crushed Joey's pal Patrick. The up and coming Lucas also made a mental note of it.

When nobody came running with offers and Drew said, "Doesn't look like you have any takers boy!" Joey stepped over the dazed Patrick. Joey knew his pal was faking being hurt just a little and said, "Well Drewy maybe you will just have to be my first victim in my return to action match!" Drew tried to shake off Joey's challenge with a laugh but deep down Drew felt a sinking feeling in his stomach at the thought of taking Joey on one on one. Joey was looking better than he ever had and a 100% Joey was a tough obstacle. Just ask Martin or Zack. Drew waved his hand jokingly and said, "I wouldn't want to ruin your return Joe. You better find someone you can really be sure of beating.. Hey I think Benji has an open date!" Joey wasn't laughing at Drew's joke as he vaulted the ropes. Corwin stepped aside. Drew had got himself into this he was going to have to get himself out of it. "I'm dead serious Drew you want to go at with me?" The altercation had gained a few on lookers now and soon there were a half dozen wrestler watching to see where this went. Drew was taken aback a little by Joey's bravado he was having a hard time telling whether Joey was joking with him or not and said, "Joey I'm a tag team wrestler not a singles one you know that." Joey looked over at Corwin and said, "So is Corwin but he's fighting Kane in a solo bout. So Drew, sounds like you're fresh out of excuses. The only one I'll accept is that you're scared of me." There was no way Drew as going to accept those terms. A singles match was the last thing he needed right now but he had no choice. He got right up to Joey touching their nose tips and said, "Anytime, anyplace I will whip you muscle headed ass!" Joey smiled, He had accomplished his goal. Joey had been wondering who he should make his come back challenge against. He wanted the wrestler to be competent and good but still one Joey felt confident in beating. Unwittingly Drew stepped right into that role. Joey said, How about next weekend, right before Corwin gets trashed by Kane!" Corwin looked up and said, "Hey!" Drew nodded his approval. Joey and Patrick exited the ring. Drew looked at Corwin. Corwin said tauntingly, "I don't ever want to hear how my mouth gets me in trouble again!" Drew just said, "Shut up!"