More Changing Room Conversation jimsub81
You know", said Samuel to his buds; Adam, Jacoby and Greg. "We could be the solution to our own problems". "What do you mean?", said Adam. "Simple", replied Sam, "We just sign on to fight each other..and BAM. We got a match. We don't have to go looking for an opponent who may not want to take us on. We have opponents right here. What do ya say Adam?", Sam asked. "You and me next Saturday. We each get our first bout and I'll get to whoop up on your little butt." That last part he said with a hint of a friendly smile. Adam smiled too and said, "Your pretty smart for a DORK! Why not?" "OK so, were on then?", asked Samuel. "You got it Sammy. All we need to do now is go sign the contract". Samuel stopped short and said."Aaaaaghh, does anyone know where you actually get a contract?" He got blank looks from Adam and Jacoby and Greg said "Follow me. Remember? I have had one match!" All four of the friends laughed as they went off to sign up Samuel and Adam for a match next Saturday.