punk_wrestler2000 Tag Teams: Sandy / Hal vs Warren / Gene: Part 1
The two brothers entered the TW commissioner's office. They had just arrived in town a few weeks ago and heard about TW only a few days ago. Once they heard they decided to come check it out and sign up. They had wrestled back home as a tag team. Now they would try and continue their success here.
Each teen had the proper parental slip and a note from his doctor stating he was clear to wrestle. Now all there was to do was get signed up, weighed in and scrounge up a match.
Warren the eldest of the two brothers was 16 stood 5'10 and weighed 166 pounds. He had nice big 16" biceps and looked young and tough. His brother Gene, was 15, stood 5'8 and weighed 158 pounds. He like his brother had nice 16" biceps.
The brothers had had a fair amount of success back home, but both knew they had to start at the bottom.
Gene and Warren did not care they had been wrestling since they were 12 and 11, respectively.
After finishing their weigh ins they headed to find a locker and hit the gym. They also wanted to scope out the competition. Preferably the tag team ranks.
Finding a locker was harder then one would think The recent influx of new wrestlers had left the TW facility over crowded.
Warren and Gene finally found lockers in the back of the locker room next to those belonging to Sandy and Hal, another new tag team to TW.
As they were stowing their gear Sandy and Hal busted into the locker room.
Sandy and Hal were anything but polite and quiet. They stormed to their lockers, mad because they could not get a match for tonight's card.
Sandy spotted the two newbies and winked at Hal. Hal nodded knowing it was time to play their game.
"Damn, just because we come from another league we can't get a damn match." Sandy said as he sat down next to Warren.
Hal nodded. "Man you would think someone would give us a chance."
Warren and gene said nothing, but they sized the two boys up.
Warren thought they looked tough, almost like punks. Gene figured the same, but really didn't care.
"Hey man could not help over hearing. Are you saying this league don't give new guys a fair shake?" Warren asked.
"Yeah, we have been here a couple weeks and can't get a match." Hal responded looking forlorn.
Sandy shook his head, "Hell all we want is a chance to show what we got. Just looking for a good fair fun match."
Hal almost blew it and laughed out loud as Sandy played the innocent young kid.
"Hey we're new here as well. We just signed in today. We." Warren said pointing at his brother, "My brother and me that is will take you guys on. I mean we're the same size and it could be a good even match."
Sandy could not believe how easily these two dweebs swallowed the bait. They obviously were real new to TW. New enough they had not heard about them.
"Hey man thanks. This way we both get a match." Sandy said.
Hal standing in the back nodded. This was going to be an easy win.
Sandy told Gene and Warren he would handle the contract. Warren said thanks and he and Gene headed to work out, happy to have a match their first day here.
As they left Sandy and Hal broke into rancorous laughter. "Man what dweebs. We will crush their candy asses tonight." Sandy said almost in tears from laughing.
Hal was clutching his side. "They have no clue. Talk about gullible."
Sandy and Hal headed to the commissioner's office and got all the paper work completed.
They left the arena shortly there after on cloud nine. They had all good intentions of giving Warren and Gene a nice welcome to the world of teen's wrestling.
Later that evening Warren and Gene entered the arena. They were excited to be having their debut match this quickly. They headed to the locker room and saw it was full.
Some of the guys ignored them, but a few stopped and introduced themselves.
As Warren and Gene were changing another tag team joined them.
"Hi, I'm Jeff this is my partner Sean." Jeff said as he extended his hand to the new guys.
"Hi, I'm Warren and this is my brother, Gene." All four guys shook hands.
The usual sizing up went on, but Warren and Gene did not have time to make a challenge. Their minds were on the upcoming match.
Sean looked Warren over then asked, "You guys get a match yet?"
Warren nodded. "yeah we got one tonight. Another newbie team Sandy and Hal."
Jeff shook his head. "Man, those guys are tough. They took one of our toughest tag teams to a double DQ just last week."
Warren looked at Jeff. "No way, they told us they had not had a match."
Sean and Jeff both shook their heads. "They played you guys for suckers."
Warren's face flushed red. "Dammit we should have known better."
Gene and Warren knew it was to late to back out, not that they would.
But this changed everything. Now it was no longer going to be a get acquainted match. Now Sandy and Hal were going to get a fight.
The arena was filled to the rafters. All the tag teams were there to see another match featuring the Punks from JW. After Sandy and Hal's match with HB and Kane it was clear they were an up and coming force to be reckoned with.
But what the guys did not know was who would be dumb enough to step in the ring with them. As they glanced around the arena the question still remained unanswered.
The announcer took center ring.
The audience gave the brothers a hearty TW welcome.
Warren and Gene bounded to the ring like it was in their blood. As one they gripped the top ropes and did a somersault into the ring, then moved into a back flip. The two teens landed on their feet and moved to their corner to await the arrival of their opponents.
All of the tag teams took note of the newbies. They could see a squash job in the making.
The audience booed the two punks loudly. They still remembered the match with HB and Kane.
In looks the two teams were quite different. Sandy and Hal looked every bit the punks they were, while Warren and Gene looked like the boys next door.
The audience knew squash job, was the word of the evening.
Warren and Gene were ready. As soon as Sandy and Hal hit the ring, they sprang into action. Both teens did a handstand, then fell back locking their powerful legs around Sandy and Hal's heads.
Then in one swift acrobatic move they flipped the punks across the ring and flat onto their backs.
Corwin and Drew let out a low whistle as they watched the talented newbie perform one hell of an acrobatic maneuver.
The ref moved and broke up the action and got all four teens to their corners.
He called for the bell.
Sandy and Hal were still stunned by the sudden way they had been taken down. They knew now they were not facing rookies.
Hal and Warren faced off as the bell rung.
Hal was thinking about how to handle Warren, when Warren leapt in the air and locked on a flying head scissors. Before Hal realized what was going down, Warren had flipped him to the mat.
Hal grunted as he felt the powerful legs roll him around the ring.
The audience applauded the fast take down.
Warren knew he and Gene could not rely on this the entire match. They had to wear their muscular opponents down. Warren rolled Hal to the corner and reached up and tagged his brother. Gene entered with an over the rope flip. He landed butt first on Hal's stomach.
Warren released the head scissors and slipped out of the ring.
Sandy was livid. These two guys obviously had been tipped off.
Gene stood to his feet, and landed a hard stomp to Hal's ripped abs. Hal grunted. Gene went to stomp him a second time but Hal gripped his foot and shoved him backward. Gene lost his balance and tumbled to the mat.
Hal shot to his feet and landed a perfect punt kick to Gene's underbelly that flipped the 15 year old to his back. Hal gripped the ropes and slammed both knees hard to Gene's stomach.
Hal lifted Gene and locked on a full nelson. He walked him over to an anxious Sandy and made the tag.
All watching wondered why Warren did not move to break up the eminent double teaming on his brother.
Hal powered on the full nelson, but noticed Gene was not struggling.
Sandy slipped through the ropes and prepared to pepper Gene's ripped abs.
Gene was ready As Sandy shot his first punch, Gene pushed back against Hal and locked his legs around Sandy's torso pinning his arms to his sides.
The look on the tough teen's face was priceless as Gene closed his awesome leg scissors.
Hal was shocked. He released the full nelson and before he could stomp down on Gene, Gene twisted his entire body and flipped Sandy to the mat. Hal was in mid stomp and stomped his own partner in the chest.
The ref moved quickly and escorted Hal from the ring.
Sean and Jeff were standing with Jimmy, Barry, Rick and Carter. All six teens were duly impressed by this new tag team.
HB and Kane were incredulous. These rookies were doing to Sandy and Hal what they could not.
Sandy was still hurting from Hal's hard stomp to his chest. His arms were still pinned to his sides. Sandy was feeling the affects of Gene's powerful leg lock.
Hal was pissed. These newbies were making them look like amateurs. He slipped through the ropes and kicked Gene in the head. Gene's head snapped back and his leg lock loosened.
Sandy pulled his arms free and shot a closed fist to Gene's balls.
Gene yelled out in pain as his balls were busted. He rolled from the ring to regroup.
Now concern showed on Warren's face. Gene had rolled from the ring on the wrong side.
Sandy started for the ropes and the ref headed him off. As he did Hal leapt off and drove his elbow hard to Gene's back.
Gene collapsed to the floor and took a hard kick to the ribs. Hal lifted the teen and gutbusted him, before tossing him back into Sandy's waiting hands.
Gene was gasping for breath. Hal and Sandy both knew they had to keep the teens grounded and neutralize their powerful legs.
Sandy waited till Gene started to stand then nailed him with a vicious clothesline that flipped the teen over the top rope and back to the arena floor. As Gene hit, Hal dropped an elbow to his gut. Gene was seeing stars.
Once again Hal rolled Gene back into the ring. Gene knew he had to get to his corner and tag out. He was getting destroyed.
Sandy decided to have some more fun. He gripped the 15 year old by the nape of the neck. Sandy spun him around and into the ropes. Gene hit the ropes, but grabbed on for dear life.
Sandy had already committed to a drop kick and hit nothing but air as he fell to the mat. Gene fell into his corner and tagged Warren.
Gene fell to the floor exhausted as Warren moved in on Sandy.
As he did Hal charged the action. Warren was ready. He did back flip and hooked Hal's head. Warren then pitched forward and sent Hal flying over the top ropes and to the arena floor. As Hal flipped over the ropes his back struck the ring apron.
Hal collapsed in a heap outside the ring.
Warren shot to his feet and greeted the slowly raising Sandy with a front kick hard to his stomach. As Sandy doubled forward, Warren hooked his head, turned and applied a text book neck breaker.
Sandy grunted loudly and fell to the mat. Warren hated that move, but these guys had set them up to be worked over. Now it was time to pay the piper.
Warren drug Sandy to his feet and whipped him to the ropes. Sandy ricocheted off and Warren caught him in his arms. Warren drove Sandy down over his knees hard back first.
Sandy yelled out as he felt the hard blow smash against his spine
Gene was back on the ring apron and wanting in. Warren decided now was the time to end this charade.
He hoisted the winded and hurting Sandy to his feet. Warren then squatted down and placed Sandy on his shoulders. Gene climbed to the top turnbuckle and set up for their finisher.
Warren walked to the corner and tagged his little brother. Warren then backed to the center of the ring as Gene leapt off.
Gene's legs wrapped around Sandy's chest and drove him from Warren's shoulders to the mat. Gene flipped side ways as he fell ramming Sandy's shoulder hard to the mat as his powerful legs squeezed the teens ribs hard.
Sandy yelled out as his shoulder took the burnt of the blow. He then felt the awesome body scissors compressing his rib cage. Sandy pounded the mat as Gene continued to crush his chest.
Gene kept the scissor hold firmly locked on and rolled Sandy to his back. Gene then arched up and forced Sandy's shoulders to the mat, while still locked in the chest squeeze.
The audience was cheering loudly as the ref's hand hit the mat for a stunning three count and a stunning victory for the newbies.
Most of the other tag teams were speechless. They had expected to see a one-sided squash job, not a newbie victory.
The audience cheered loudly as the punks were disposed of in grand fashion.
Hal was still down outside the ring nursing his sore back. He could not believe these rookies had taken he and Sandy down.
Sandy was still stunned and lying in the middle of the ring. He was crushed to think some equally sized dudes could whip him and Hal. They had whipped bigger and tougher teams in their former league.
When Warren and Gene entered the locker room they met some of their up and coming competition.
Warren broke off from the group and moved over to Sean and Jeff. `Thanks for the heads up. That made us approach the match a little differently."
Jeff and Sean nodded. "No problem. Next time ask someone before getting roped into a match."
Warren nodded and headed back over to introduce himself to some more of the guys.
As Sandy and Hal entered the locker room they came face to face with another punk team. The four teens locked eyes, nodded a greeting and then moved off. They had something to discuss.
Corwin, Drew, and a few others watched the four teens and knew something was in the works.
But soon Sandy and Hal were forgotten. Corwin and Drew moved over and introduced themselves to the high flying tag team of Warren and Gene.