punk_wrestler2000 Two Champs: Separate thoughts and Aspirations: Willy & Wes


As the LW four corners match had ended and Willy and Wes had locked eyes, a tremor of doubt shot through both of the tough LW wrestlers.

Willy had watched Wes's performance in the four corners match and thought the muscular nerd boy had again gotten lucky.

Willy watched Wes head to the shower and his mind raced back to happier times when he and Wes had been best friends. In some ways Willy missed that, but in others he did not.

A lot of the other guys did not understand Willy's friendship with the nerdy, but awesomely built wrestler.

Kevin jarred Willy from his reverie.

"Come on CHAMP, now that you know who you are facing retaining the title should be as easy as ever."

Willy looked at Kevin and gave an off-handed nod.

He HAD bested Wes twice before!!

As Willy and Kevin walked out of the arena with the other TW champs, Willy was feeling apropos.

Willy was feeling that having and wanting were not the same thing.

He had been pissed at Wes after the beating he had taken in the BR. Then when Wes had not come to his aide and Luke had, Willy resolve had snapped. He had not even bothered to find out why.

Now as he stood on the verge of facing his best friend for a third time, Willy wondered if this was all worth it.

He had aligned himself with the darkest elements in TW just to get back at Wes and claim his title.

Willy thought back to the night he had beaten the nerd BOY.

But even that night and that victory were clouded over by memories of their private practice matches.

Willy, though surrounded by other guys, was feeling lonely.

He shook his head and tried to dismiss the feelings as pre-match jitters. He knew facing Wes again in the ring would take all his efforts.

Willy knew this would be the toughest fight of his life.


Wes on the other hand was not thinking in terms of friendship or the good old days. Wes was now single focused.

He wanted his title back.

Wes remembered how Willy had Pearl Harbored him in their last meeting. Wes vowed once he got the upper hand in the upcoming match he would make Willy suffer.

But Wes could put on a good front. It came from being considered a nerd by his fellow wrestlers and school mates.

Many times Wes had been forced to prove himself in school yard fights and in gym class.

Wes was no stranger to hard fought matches.

Wes let the hot water of the shower cascade over his sore muscles. Shawn, Jacoby and Chaz had done a number on him in the four corners match. He was sorer then he had ever been in his young life.

But even though he was sore, the pain did not act as a deterrent, but as a constant reminder that Willy had stripped him of something he wanted back.

But Wes knew he was fighting an uphill battle.

No former TW Champ had ever recaptured their title.

Could he be the first?

Wes toweled off and changed into his street clothes. He made the long walk home be himself, but didn't mind.

The time alone gave him a chance to plan his strategy.

As he walked he thought of the many nights he and Willy had made this walk together.

Wes shook those thoughts off.

This time he would not let his emotions over take his bid to regain his title and finally end the doubt.

Over the next five days Wes hit the gym and worked out harder then ever. He vowed to be ready, when he and Willy faced off in the ultimate showdown of LW muscleboys.