"punk_wrestler2000 The Night the Doubt Died.: Wes Vs Willy: LW Title Match
The Night the Doubt Died
The tension in the TW arena was thick as the Light weight match was set to be announced. The arena as usual for a title match was packed to the rafters.
For the two wrestlers involved this was more then just a title bout. This bout was a grudge match, a rematch, a brawl to settle it all.
The two tough teens had met twice, with the two preceding matches going to Willy.
Most in the audience doubted Wes had much of a chance of beating his former friend and now arch rival.
The locker rooms were abuzz with activity.
Kevin and the Posse were giving Willy last minute instructions.
Kevin was not happy about all of the titles being on the line.
The LW defense was the first in the four title shots.
Kevin had held the prestige of the Posse holding all four major titles in TW. This had been his dream since he had formed the Posse.
He had not doubt Willy and Luke could retain.
His biggest worries were the as yet undecided HW contender and the Tag Team contenders.
Kevin was telling Willy to get down and dirty.
Willy shot Kevin a glance and told him in no uncertain terms he did not need or want his advice on how to wrestle a match.
Kevin surprisingly enough backed off.
Rusty patted Willy on the shoulder and told him to fight his fight.
Luke, Evan and Cole wished Willy luck as they heard the announcer take up the mike and begin the introductions.
Across the hall Wes was pumped and ready. He sat with Derrick and MW contender Elton.
Cody and Dane popped in to wish the ripped LW good luck, but both doubted he could pull out a victory.
Finally the waiting was over.
The lights in the arena dimmed as the announcer began his introductions.
"Welcome to another night of hard hitting TW action. Tonight's lead off match is for the coveted LW Title Jacket. The two teens facing each other have met twice before. This match is guaranteed to set the pace of the evening's festivities."
The arena erupted into thunderous cheering. The fans had come to expect great action from these boys.
In the back both teens tensed as the final conflict was about to begin.
The curtains parted and Wes ran to the ring. He was shirtless and his physique rippled with each step he took. Everyone could see Wesley was in top physical condition for this epic confrontation.
Wes leapt over the ropes and stood center ring.
The audience cheered the teen muscleboy loudly.
The curtains again parted the current champion strutted to the ring clad in his title jacket. Willy had the jacket open to show off his awesome body.
Willy entered to a mixed chorus boos and cheers.
Wes debated although briefly about blind siding Willy as he climbed into the ring. But Wes had a spirit of fair play and staved off the temptation.
"Now introducing our special guest referee for this title bout. "
All heads turned expecting to see Cody or Dane or even Rusty. But as the curtain parted again they saw the awesomely ripped physique of Daryl step out from the back clad in the black and white ref's shirt.
Daryl stepped into the ring and greeted both Willy and Wes. He called the two tough teens to center ring and laid down the law. He told both this was not a brawl but a wrestling match. Daryl than checked both teens over for illegal objects. Even though this was a formality, it had to be done.
Willy removed his title jacket and handed it to Daryl. Daryl held it aloof for all to see then handed it to the ring announcer.
Daryl motioned both guys to their corners. "When the bell sounds come out fighting."
Wes and Willy backed to their corners. Neither teen took his eyes from the other. Both knew this was going to be a fight.
Daryl called for the bell.
Like two dingo warriors Wes and Willy tore out of their corners and locked up center ring collar and elbow.
The biceps of both powerhouse teens bulged as they struggled to gain control of their tenacious opponent.
Willy finally took control as he broke the lock up and slapped a side headlock and Wes and flipped him down to the mat. Willy ground his arms hard against Wes's head and face and produced a loud grunt from the younger boy.
Wes struggled to kick out but Willy cranked on the pressure.
Wes maneuvered to his knees and tried to force them back to their feet.
Willy knew what Wes was trying to do and slipped behind the muscleteen.
Willy changed his hold to a rear chinlock. As he pulled tight on Wes's chin Willy rammed his knee hard to Wes's back.
Wes grunted and clawed at Willy's well applied hold. Willy sent another knee to the teen's back. Wes dropped back to his knees as Willy cranked hard on his rear chinlock.
Willy kept the pressure on then dug his fingers in hard and deep to Wes's throat. Wes started to panic as his air was cut off.
Daryl was right there and checked to make sure the hold had not become a choke. When he saw it had he started to count Willy.
Willy continued to dig his fingers in hard and deep until Daryl reached four. Willy then released the hold and drove the flat of his foot hard to the small of Wes's back. Wes pitched to the mat face first.
Wes struggled to catch his breath. As he did Willy hit the ropes and drove an elbow smash hard into his lower back. As Wes arched up Willy slammed a wicked forearm to the back of his head.
Wes's face slammed forward and hard into the mat. Willy stood and stomped down hard on Wes's lower back.
Wes grunted as Willy took early control in the bout.
Willy ceased his stomps and reached down and gripped a winded and dazed Wes by the nape of the neck. Willy drug the muscleteen to his feet and shot him to the ropes. As Wes recoiled, Willy raised his knee and dug it hard into Wes's eight pack abs. Wes did a 360 as he flipped over the knee and dropped to the mat flat on his back.
Willy smirked as he easily dominated the former champ.
Willy again bounced off the ropes and this time dropped a hard closed fist to Wes's sternum. Wes folded up and took a second closed fist to the side of his head.
Willy then placed a hand on Wes's crotch and one on his chest. Willy sent a series of six knee drops to the pit of Wes's ripped abs. Wes wheezed as Willy's powerful knees beat the breath from him.
Willy decided to go for an early pin. He dropped down and covered Wes, hooking his leg.
Daryl dropped down and struck the mat.
Wes kicked out. Willy slammed a hard shot to Wes's gut and hooked the legs again.
Wes kicked out this time with authority.
Willy reached down and drug Wes to his feet. He gripped the kid's arm and flung him chest first to the corner.
Wes struck the turnbuckle hard.
Willy charged forward and drove his knee to the small of Wes's back. Wes sagged in the corner as Willy's 150 pounds slammed into him.
Wes felt Willy grip the nape of his neck. Willy pulled his head back and smashed it into the turnbuckle. Once, twice, three times.
Wes fell to his knees.
Derrick and Elton could not believe Wes had mounted no offense.
Willy was squashing him.
Kevin was ecstatic as Willy fought like a man possessed. So far Willy was proving why he was champ. He had not let up on Wes since the opening bell.
Willy reached down and stood Wes to his feet. He stood him against the corner post and teed off on his ripped abs.
Wes's body jerked with each hard fist landed to his abdominal muscles.
Willy delivered ten hard shots then followed with a forearm uppercut that dazed Wes. Wes fell to his knees and through the ropes.
Daryl headed Willy off before he could follow the dazed Wesley outside the ring.
The audience was shocked. They had never seen anyone squash Wesley.
Wesley was on his knees and breathing deeply. He had to focus or he was dead meat. Willy was essentially kicking the shit out of him.
Wes stood and climbed to the apron as Daryl reached nine on his count. Willy moved quickly and gripped Wes by the head. He turned the teen around and draped him over the ropes back first. Willy then drove two powerful forearms across Wes's pecs. Willy then turned Wes around and snapped him down over the top rope throat first. Wes fell back from the ring apron and down to the arena floor.
This time Willy slipped out of the ring. He stood on the apron then leapt off driving a hard elbow hard to Wes's navel.
Daryl started to count both boys out. Willy slipped back into the ring, leaving a gasping Wes lying on the floor.
Again Wes climbed to his feet by the count of nine. He gripped the ropes and hoisted himself to the ring apron.
Willy was ready and charged forward aiming a drop kick at the winded muscleteen.
Wes saw the telegraphed move and dropped down from the apron. Willy hit nothing but rope. As he did his legs became entangled and he fell to his back.
Wes rolled under the bottom ropes and laid three hard stomps to Willy's gut. Willy grunted and tried to free his tangled legs.
Daryl warned Wes to back off as he untangled Willy. Wes did so, then when Daryl turned away Wes dropped a leg across Willy's chest.
Willy grunted as he felt Wes's take advantage of his situation.
Daryl again warned Wes, who moved to a neutral corner. Daryl finally got Willy freed.
Wes watched and waited. As Willy stood Wes leapt in the air and struck Willy with a powerful drop kick right in the chest.
Willy fell into the ropes.
Wes charged but Willy side stepped and used Wes's momentum to propel him through the ropes and out of the ring.
Wes hit the floor hard.
Willy slipped under the bottom ropes and lifted the dazed and winded former champ. Willy gut broke Wes twice over his knees then carried him back to the ring and rolled him under the bottom rope.
Willy stood to the apron, gripped the ropes and propelled himself over the ropes and splashed down on Wes.
Wes felt the 150 pounds of solid muscleboy squash his body to the mat. Wes wheezed and struggled to toss Willy off.
Willy grinned down at Wes.
Wes reached up and locked his hands around Willy's head. He pulled Willy's head down hard and fast as he raised his head up. The sound of the head butt resounded through the arena.
Willy rolled from Wes and clutched his head.
Wes was dazed, but not as bad off as Willy. Wes stood to his feet. He reached down and gripped Willy's legs and rolled him to his back. Wes spread the teen's legs and dropped another head butt to Willy's lower belly.
Willy whished out his air.
Wes still held Willy's legs as he stood and sent three hard stomps to the same spot. Willy wheezed as he felt the powerful shots tear into his belly.
Wes released the legs and reached down and drug Willy to his feet. He whipped the winded boy to the ropes and greeted him with an across the throat clothesline on his return.
Willy flipped over the shot and fell to his back. Wes hit the ropes and drilled an elbow hard into Willy's sternum.
Wes stood and again sent Willy to the ropes. This time Willy held on. Wes charged. He was intent on nailing Willy with another clothesline.
Willy had other intentions. He bent down just as Wes was set to deliver his blow. Wes flew over Willy who assisted the Muscleboy over the ropes as he straightened up. Wes landed with a hard thud on the ring floor.
Willy dropped to his knees.
Daryl started to count Wes out.
Wes was lying flat on his back.
Daryl knew barring a miracle Wes was not going to beat the count.
Daryl had reached 6 and there was no movement from Wes.
Inside the ring Willy was finally pulling himself to his feet.
Willy moved over to the ropes and Daryl was forced to break the count as he told Willy to get to a neutral corner.
Outside the ring Wes showed signs of life.
Wes's entire body hurt. The back drop over the top ropes had taken a lot out of him. Wes shook his head and climbed to all fours.
Slowly ever slowly Wes gripped the bottom ropes and hauled himself to the ring apron.
Willy moved quickly and as Wes stood, he reached over the ropes and hooked the teens trunks. Willy showed off his muscle power as he hoisted Wes into a vertical suplex.
But instead of taking him up and over Willy stepped back and dropped Wes over the top ropes gut first. Willy then used the ropes to sling shot Wes over and into the center of the ring.
Wes lie spread eagle and flat on his back. Willy stood to his feet and slowly walked toward the downed teen. Willy knew this fight was over. Not even Wes had the stamina to recover from the beating he had just dished out.
Wes's chest was heaving as he tried to catch his breath. He knew his bid at regaining the title was slowly oozing away much like his strength.
Wes hated to stoop to underhanded tactics, but he had no choice. This was now survival.
Willy reached down and started to drag Wes to his feet. Wes barely resisted. He was spent. As Willy brought him up Wes sent a forearm between his legs.
Willy yelled out as his balls were busted hard.
Daryl saw the low blow and moved in quickly and cautioned Wes.
Willy had fallen against the ropes as he struggled to stand. The pain in his groin was radiating up into the pit of his stomach. Wes took a few seconds to compose himself then charged toward Willy. He struck Will with a hard clothesline across the chest.
The blow sent both teens tumbling over the top rope and to the arena floor.
Daryl started to count. As he reached five there was no movement from either teen.
As he reached eight it became apparent that both teens were down for the count.
Daryl reached ten and both teens still lie on the floor unmoving.
The bell sounded.
The audience was unsure of what had just happened until the announcer took up the mike.
"Seeing both guys have been counted out and there is no winner, they both get a five minute rest. If at the end of five minutes they still can not continue the match will be declared a draw. If at the end of the five minutes only one can continue, he will be declared the winner."
Not a sound could be heard in the great arena. All eyes were on the champ and former champ.
Both had taken some hard shots and looked like this match was over.
Kevin did not care. A double count out and Willy still retained the title.
Three minutes passed before any movement was noticeable from the two battered and bruised teens.
Willy was the first to show signs of life. He stood and shook his head and climbed to his corner. He knew the rules.
Four minutes passed and Wes started to climb to his feet.
Slowly he made it to his corner.
He and Willy locked eyes. The stare down said it all. The match would continue.
The bell sounded to resume the match.
This time the two teens did not come out like dingo warriors. They were more like two exhausted grapplers who knew one wrong move would spell defeat.
They circled each other wearily. Both wanted to have a clear way to go before locking up.
Finally instinct gave way to logic and they locked up. Willy was in the better shape of the two and quickly muscled Wes to the corner. Willy drew his hand back to send a punch to Wes's stomach, but Wes was ready. He lurched from the corner and struck Willy across the bridge of the nose with a head butt. Willy back stepped and Wes drove his foot hard into Willy's gut.
Willy's bas had been unflexed and the foot dug in deeply and caused him to double over. Wes knew he had to strike now. He hooked his arms around Willy's head and cranked hard. Wes then turned around still gripping Willy's head as he brought Willy's neck down over his shoulder in a neck breaker.
Willy howled as he took the hard blow and fell to his knees. Wes moved in front of Willy and again gripped his head. Wes lifted the muscleteen to his feet by a front chancellery. Wes then dropped down to the mat ramming Willy's head down hard.
Willy saw stars as his face impacted hard with the mat.
Wes straddled the dazed teen. He knew he had to keep the pressure on.
Wes lifted Willy from the mat and slammed him gut first over his knees three times. Wes rolled Willy to the canvas.
Willy lie on his back sucking wind. Wes stood to his feet than double stomped Willy's stomach.
Willy wheezed as the 148 pounds remained standing on his gut.
Wes bounced up and down a few times, the stepped off and dropped both knees to the pit of Willy's honed abs.
Willy wanted to scream out but all that flew from his mouth was spittle and a gasp for breath.
Kevin was livid as Wes took control of the match.
This had been unexpected.
Wes stood from the winded muscleteen and dropped down with both knees again. Willy wheezed as he felt his powerful abs giving in under the assault.
Wes rolled Willy to his stomach then drug him to his knees. Wes locked Willy's head between his legs and lifted. In one quick move Wes pile drove Willy to the center of the ring.
Wes did not let Willy go. He held on, stood and pile drove him a second time.
Willy fell to the mat unmoving.
Daryl knew the match was over, but could do nothing till Wesley covered the beaten teen.
Wes looked down at Willy and smirked.
Wesley knew he should go for the easy pin fall, but he wanted to inflict just a little more punishment on his former friend. He climbed to the top ropes and leapt off.
Willy through the pain had seen what was coming and pulled his knees up. Wes came down gut first over the upraised knees.
Wes felt his powerful abs crush under the force of the blow. He rolled from Willy clutching his stomach and coughing.
Daryl started to count again as both guys lie dazed in the center of the ring.
As he reached eight, Wes and Willy had backed to opposite corners and were pulling themselves to their feet.
Daryl could not believe the punishment these two guys had dished out to each other.
These were two of the toughest LW wrestlers in their division and maybe pound for pound two of the toughest guys in TW.
The audience was impressed. These two tough teens had given it their all.
Thirty minutes of hard hitting wrestling action had already gone down in the books.
And still a winner had not been decided.
A lot of other wrestlers were watching the match from the stands, and even they were impressed by the show of moxie from these two tough teens.
Wes and Willy staggered toward the center of the ring and prepared to lock up. Both teens were tired and close to exhaustion. Neither boy had expected the match to go on this long. Both were hurting. Both needed to end this soon.
They stood toe to toe in the middle of the ring. They locked in a contest of brute strength. The two equally sized grapplers banged together chest to chest as they tried to flex one another to their knees.
Kevin cringed as Willy locked with the powerful Wes in a test of strength. Kevin had the feeling Wes would win this battle.
As if reading his mind Wes suddenly dropped to his back and planted both feet hard into Willy's worked over abs. Willy grunted and doubled forward as Wes monkey flipped him across the ring.
Both teens got to their feet and charged each other. They met mid ring in a flurry of fists and forearms. Daryl stood back and watched he did not want to get tagged by one of their wild shots.
Wes finally caught Willy with an upper cut to the sternum. Willy staggered back and Wes landed a standing drop kick to his chest. Willy stumbled back to the corner. Wes waded in only to met by both of Willy's feet plowing into his stomach.
Wes stumbled back and Willy surged out of the corner driving a hard knee lift to Wes's lower belly. Wes fell back into the ropes.
Willy grabbed Wes's arm and hurled him across the ring. As Wes hit the ropes and ricocheted back, Willy stood ready and drove a super kick hard to his stomach.
Wes wheezed and fell to his knees. Willy followed with a round house kick to Wes's head.
Wes fell to the mat breathing hard. Willy approached slowly.
Willy drew his foot back and sent two hard gut blasts into the downed teen's stomach.
Wes whished out his air as Willy took command. Wes started to get to all fours and Willy straddled him. Willy dropped ass first across Wes's lower back and drove him back to the mat.
Willy then hooked Wes in a camel clutch.
Wes struggled but Willy locked his hands under his chin and pulled back. Wes yelled out from the pressure.
Wes kicked the mat, and tried to buck up, but Willy had the hold locked on tight.
Daryl was on his knees asking Wes if he wanted to submit.
"NO." Wes screamed out emphatically.
Willy squeezed his knees together and worked on Wes's rib cage as he pulled back on the well applied Camel clutch.
Wes groaned in sheer agony.
Willy smirked. He knew he had the tough teen beaten.
In desperation Wes reached up and locked on to the pressure points of Willy's wrists. Wes squeezed as if his life and TW career depended on it. Willy cursed as he felt the powerful fingers digging into his wrists.
Willy released the camel clutch and pulled his arms free from Wes's torture. Willy stood and stomped hard into Wes's lower back.
Willy reached down and gripped Wes by the nape of the neck and his trunks. He lifted the teen and slammed him down in a gutbuster. Wes whished out his air. Willy than hauled Wes to his feet again and whipped him to the ropes.
Wes hit but grabbed the ropes. Willy had set to deliver a back breaker. Wes released the ropes laced his hands together and slammed the double axe handle blow to the base of Willy's head. Willy dropped to his knees like a rock.
This time Wes did not go for a high risk move. He moved down and gripped Willy's legs. He flipped the teen to his back and locked on a figure four leg lock.
Willy knew what was coming and tried in vain to kick out.
Wes locked the hold in place then dropped to his back and bridged up applying a killer grip to Willy's locked legs.
Willy screamed out in pain as he felt the tendons around his knees being contorted in various directions.
Willy started to sweat as he realized he was in the middle of the ring and the ropes were not close enough to grab.
Wes knew this was it. Wes knew if he failed to get a submission this time it was all over. Wes cranked on the pressure and worked over Willy's legs.
Willy screamed out again as he felt his right knee pop.
"FUCK, I quit. I give up. Break the god damn hold." Willy screamed as pain radiated up his leg.
Wes broke the hold and fell to his back.
Willy rolled up and clutched his knee. He was in agony.
Wes lie there stunned. He could not believe Willy had submitted, but Wes had heard the knee joint pop.
Daryl had to help Wes to his feet so he could raise his hand in victory. Daryl then handed Wes the title jacket.
Derrick, Elton and a few others rushed to the ring to congratulate their buddy.
In the back of the arena Kevin was livid. His premier LW had lost to the muscleboy NERD. Something had to be done.
But not with Derrick and Elton in the ring. Before he could deal with Wes, he had to deal with the loser: Willy.
Kevin watched in stunned silence as Wes reached down and offered his hand to Willy.
Willy glanced at his former friend and thought about brushing the hand away. He did not need his help. OR DID HE?
Willy then surprised himself by taking the outstretched hand.
Wes helped Willy to his feet and supported his former friend.
Kevin was growing madder by the second as Wes assisted Willy back to the locker room.
In Kevin's little mind he felt betrayed.
Posse should help Posse. This was a clear infraction of his rules.
Kevin motioned to Luke, Philip and Stefan. "It's time to cut our losses. Explain to Willy he is no longer needed."
Kevin thought nothing of sending the two tough MW wrestlers and one LW wrestler to beat up an already battered boy. In fact he thrived on it.
As Willy was being assisted back to the locker room, he realized he had fucked up by joining the Posse. He missed his buddy and he missed the camaraderie of their weekends of goofing around.
Willy had his arm around Wes's neck. Wes glanced at his former friend and Willy grinned the old familiar grin.
Derrick and Elton were walking behind the two rugged LW wrestlers. Derrick was the one who noticed Stefan, Luke and Philip heading for the locker room.
"Guys we got problems. Posse is on the move." Derrick said.
But Derrick had not been the only wrestler to notice.
When they entered the locker room, Daniel was already moving to assist.
It was not that Daniel gave a rat's ass about Wes or Willy, it was the fact he hated Stefan.
Stefan and Luke saw Derrick, Elton and then Daniel blocking their way. Stefan wanted to fight, but Luke had a title defense coming up and could not risk injury. Luke backed off as did Philip.
Kevin was entering as Luke and Philip were exiting.
"Is it taken care of?" Kevin asked.
Luke shook his head. "Not against those odds." Luke said as he retreated.
Kevin entered just as Stefan was being taken down by Derrick and Daniel. Kevin knew the muscleboy stood no chance, but he did nothing to intervene. Instead he walked over to Willy and Wesley.
Kevin shoved Willy to the wall. "Man you suck. You let NERD BOY kick your ass and take your title." Kevin screamed in Willy's face. Kevin then drew his hand back and readied to level Willy with a hard shot to the head.
Kevin never got the chance. Wes gripped his hand and turned him around. Before Kevin knew what was happening Wes drilled three hard shots to Kevin's lean belly.
Wes kept a hold of Kevin's hand and squeezed. "Back off little man." Wes said as he sent a knee into Kevin's stomach. Kevin wheezed and gasped for breath.
Willy reached down and gripped Kevin by the chin. "As of now I am through with you. You cost me too much." Willy said as he drilled a fist of his own to Kevin's face. Kevin stumbled back and scrambled to his feet.
His eyes bore into both teen muscleboys as he backed out the door.
Derrick and Daniel had finally let Stefan up and he also beat feet out of the locker room.
The three MW wrestlers left the two old friends alone.
They knew they had a lot to talk about.
Willy shyly looked at Wes and extended his hand. "I'm sorry." Willy said quietly.
Wes reached around and hugged Willy. "Let's get cleaned up and then we will talk."
Neither teen said another word as they headed to the shower. Both knew they had more then a few things to discuss.