punk_wrestler2000 High Flyers: Corwin / Drew Vs Warren / Gene: Part 1
== Disclaimer: The set up for this match was written by Jim.==
A few more days had come and gone and Warren and Gene still found themselves the center of a lot of attention. Their debut match had given them a win over the very tough Sandy and Hal. Many people claimed they were a fluke. It was just one match after all. But then the brothers followed that with another win over another good team in the form of Mark and Dillon. Sandy and Hal and Mark and Dillon had been friends for years. Both tough teams would attest to the fact that the high flying brother duo was indeed for real.
Their high risk moves and acrobatic performances in both matches were greatly admired by everyone who saw them. It was only natural for many of the TW wrestlers to begin to compare them to the only other tag team to incorporate such moves on a regular basis, Corwin and Drew.
Corwin and Drew had seen both matches and were as impressed as everyone else. Corwin was having a hard time accepting that they apparently now would have to share part of their limelight with these new guys who were as new to the JW boys as they were to the TW ones.
But Warren and Gene soon found many guys coming up and introducing themselves. Anyone that could best two teams like the ones they had were worth knowing. The tag team of Sean and Jeff were the first to become friendly with them. Even before their first match they had gotten to know each other. Now on this busy Saturday afternoon in the practice/work out area they along with Warren and Gene had use of one of the practice rings.
Sean was standing on the top rope in one of the corners. Gene was doing the same in the opposite one although it was almost like second nature to him. Sean was wobbly and struggled to avoid a painful fall as he stayed on the ropes. Warren was steadying him and Jeff was trying to hold back a laugh as Warren and Gene tried to teach the somewhat awkward Sean the finer points of a high risk move.
Since the arrival of the JW wrestlers the facility was always a little more crowded but strangely not in a bad way. But as boys waited for their turn on various equipment they watched as the training went on in the ring. Many guys looked just like Jeff as they wanted to laugh at the almost comical wobbling of Sean.
Gene yelled across, "OK you're getting it Sean. Now just balance your weight and try not to think about how high up you are." Sean was too busy concentrating on exactly how high up he was to answer him. Warren said, "OK, I'm letting go now. Do like Gene said and distribute your weight evenly. The ropes are sturdier than you think." Gene then did a flip off his perch. He hit the mats in a perfect somersault and bounced right up next to Jeff. A few watchers even gave him a light round of applause. The blonde boy blushed and waved at them.
More than a few heads turned when they heard the normally quiet Gabriel say louder than normal, "You are so full of shit Robby! There is NO WAY those two guys are better than Corwin and Drew!" Robby was a slight middleweight but well schooled and one of the most technically gifted guys in the league. He argued back, "Gabe, I've seen them both. I'm telling you these guys have better moves." Gabriel waved him off and looked back to the ring.
Sean was fairly steady now and Warren said, "OK now. Do it just like we've been trying it." He was referring to the high leap off the ropes that would most likely defeat any opponent if landed properly. Sean said, "Yeah, all right but what am I landing on? I got no target." Jeff said teasingly, "Man you're lucky you haven't broke your neck yet. Like you could hit a target anyway!" Warren gave a nod to Gene who immediately suplexed Jeff and slammed him down to his back before Jeff could finish saying, "What the fu..?" Gene bridged up and held Jeff in place as Sean leapt and came down with an awkward yet effective elbow that slammed his partner right below the navel. He had been aiming for the sternum but it worked nonetheless.
Jeff rolled over clutching at his belly as Gene and Warren patted Sean on a nice first try.
Rich of the tag team Rich & Keith called out, "Nice one Sean. Think you could do that to someone other than your own partner?" The comment got a lot of smiles and giggles. Sean yelled back, "Would be happy to give it try on you ya creep!" Sean then went to see to Jeff's condition. He rolled Jeff to his back and Jeff snatched him around the head and bulled him to the mats. Sean knew Jeff was OK if he were attacking this strongly. As Jeff held Sean down he said, "Don't you ever fucking do that to me again!" But there was more play than anger in his voice and he let Sean up.
Robby and Gabriel resumed their argument when Martin, who had been listening to them joined in, "Sorry Robby but I got to go with Gabe on this one. I think C&D would tear these two guys up." Robby looked a little disbelieving at Martin who's opinion was really respected, "Martin I can't believe you above all people would say that. I mean everyone knows you can't stand Drew and especially Corwin!" Martin nodded as he said, "No, I can't stand them but I do know how tough they are. I've fought them many times Robby. Have you?"
"No, but.."
"No buts Robby. I think Corwin and Drew would take these two in a heartbeat."
Walt then got involved and said, "Martin you're so off base...AGAIN! Didn't you see what those two just did working with Sean and Jeff?"
Martin said, "I saw that and its impressive but its just practice!"
Now the lanky LW Justin Paul added "Its just practice here but I know you saw them win those two matches against two good, tough ass teams!"
"Yeah, yeah" echoed Robby and Walt, who were now joined by several other wrestlers including HW Bastian and LW Toby as well as the tag team of Rich and Keith. The MWs Zack and Timon were there also finding themselves disagreeing with good buddy Gabriel. All were on the side of "the new guys."
Sean said to Warren and Gene as the argument could be heard quite clearly around the large room, "Looks like you guys are the hot topic again!" Warren and Gene looked a little embarrassed as they didn't like being "the Hot Topic."
Martin spoke up and said, "It was still just two matches! Two JP! Now come on! Corwin and Drew are like what? 20 & 5, something like that? They've been kicking tail since the beginning and you're gonna tell me that these two guys from who knows where are in the same league with them?"
More voices agreeing with Martin on the side of Corwin and Drew being tops chimed in with agreeing tones. Included were MW Jordan, LWs Tommy and Lazlo, HW Jake and the tag team of HB and Kane among others.
The argument had gotten so large that all other activity in the facility stopped as everyone had an opinion on this hot topic. The sides were drawn almost like a classic battlefield. Over 40 wrestlers from all divisions were on one side or the other as the arguments began to break off into separate ones as no single voice could speak for all the mounting tension. There was no real danger of violence as it wasn't that big of a deal but it sure was one where every boy in the league had an opinion.
Staying out of the dispute were the tag teams of Sandy & Hal and Mark & Dillon. Both had lost to Warren & Gene and Mark and Dillon had lost before to Corwin and Drew. There was no love lost between either of the teams. They had been watching Warren and Gene in the practice ring and were looking for weaknesses
Also staying out of it were the HWs Dane and Terry. Dane just didn't want involved and Terry didn't know either team well enough to comment
The four boys in the ring just watched as the event unfolded. Now no discernible voices could be heard. It was one big cacophony of voices. But as the heavy doors to the locker room slammed shut everyone looked over to see the well known figures of none other than Corwin and Drew!
The former champs entered to see the gathering of loud voiced boys in the middle of the room. At their entry all talking stopped. It was almost like it was planned. Drew looked at Corwin and said, "What the hell is going on?" Corwin said, "I don't know but if I see Rod Serling in the corner I'm outta here!"
Jordan said, "OK well, here they are. Lets settle it right now!"
"What's he talking about?" asked Corwin. Drew shrugged.
"What's he talking about?" said Gene. Jeff said, "Sounds like they want you guys to get it on." Warren said, "I don't know. I wasn't planning on a match today, just a little practice." Sean took a look at the crowd that was closing in around Corwin and Drew and said, "You may not have a choice."
Warren and Gene looked at each other. Gene said, "Oh what the hell huh? May be fun." Warren then smiled, "And I wouldn't mind getting piece of that Corwin guy. He really jerked my chain the other day!" Sean said, "Better slow down buddy. Wanting a piece of Corwin and Drew and actually getting it are two different things. We're O & 2 against them."
The throng of wrestlers surrounded Corwin and Drew all talking at them at once the two could barely tell who was saying what.
Tommy: "Come on guys go in there and show those new boys how to use the ring."
Rich: "Yeah, I'd love to see you two get wiped out!"
Gabriel: "Wiped out? Are you nuts Corwin and Drew will kick their asses to the roof!"
Curtis: "In your dreams tubby!"
HB: "Come on guys. Five minutes go give em a lesson."
Bastian: "Yeah, A lesson on how to lose!"
The normally quieter of the two Drew at last said, "Enough!" and waved his hands over his head, "What the hell are you all talking about?" More voiced answered at once. Drew said, "Shut up! One at a time please!" He pointed at Robby and said, "Robby man, what's going on?" Robby said, "Well, we were just having friendly discussion as to which team has the better moves in the ring. The new guys Warren and Gene or you two." Drew nodded as it began to make sense and asked, "And where do you stand on this Robby?" Robby smiled a little grin and said, "You know I love you guys. We've been around since the beginning. But I gotta be honest with you. I think they can take you."
Almost as soon as he said those words the debated opened up widely again. This time Corwin silenced them with a loud, "Shut up!" Corwin said, "So now that we came in you all want to get us into a fight is that it?" Seth who stood with Gavin said, "Basically yeah. But I can understand your not wanting to get into another match in that ring. You two have some bad memories of it. Or at least you should!" The boys who didn't particularly like C&D laughed as Seth made reference to his and Gavin's beating of them as the JW were first introduced.
Corwin gave Seth a dirty look and said, "So how long are you gonna rest on those laurels Seth? We agreed to settle things in a regulation match and yet we still haven't! Maybe you're having second thoughts?" Seth and Gavin gave each other a sly grin and Gavin answered, "Second thoughts about squashing you two and your and your Tarzan Underoos, not likely! We were champs in JW!" Corwin said quickly, "You guys took us a little off guard. When we meet in a real match it'll be a different story. Oh, and by the way, we were champs here!"
One half of the current tag team champions Evan, chimed in at both of them, "The key word there for both of you is, WERE!" Evan could not resist gloating and shoving his title jacket in the faces of those who coveted it. Seth said, "Maybe we'll just have to let you prove your stuff after we teach these two another lesson." Evan just shook his head and said, "Whatever guys. Go play your games! Cole and me could handle either of you. That includes those two teams in the ring too!"
Jeff shot back , "I hear you talking Evan I haven't seen you guys defend a single time yet! What's the problem? Jessie and Jack keep turning you down?" The crowd erupted at that remark. Evan just shot Jeff the bird and walked away embarrassed. He knew he and Cole had not defended their title yet, something they would have to do soon.
The attention went back to Corwin and Drew as the gathering wanted to see the two teams lock horns. Zack said, "So? What's it gonna be guys?" He was looking more at Corwin than Drew as Corwin had shot his mouth off to him during Warren and Gene's last fight. "You gonna back up your talk with some action?" Drew said, "Zack nobody's mouthing off here." Zack countered as he nodded at Corwin, "Well, your partner here sure was when Warren and Gene won their last match. What was it you said Corwin? something like, 'Their moves aren't THAT great and they ain't you?' " Corwin blushed as that was exactly what he had said trying to play down the fact of how impressed he really was at the new boys.
Warren said from the ring, "Hey Corwin! You really say that?" Corwin's jaw tensed up. Drew saw it and knew his partner and best friend was about to commit. Drew knew he had to at this point though. He began to get ready for a fight. Practice ring or not he learned a lesson from Seth and Gavin about not taking the matches here seriously enough.
Corwin shot back at Warren, "You want to get down right here and now?
The other wrestlers shut up and stepped back. They knew they had done their work. There was no stopping this now.
Sandy & Hal and Mark & Dillon said nothing but would watch with great interest as two teams they each loathed were about to take each other on. It would be a prefect time to find flaws in the both team's armor.
Drew followed Corwin up to the ring apron. They looked back and forth form Warren and Gene to Sean and Jeff.
Everyone was excited to see these two stellar high flying teams get down to business. Sean locked eyes with Corwin as the loin cloth clad teen stepped on the ring apron.
Sean smirked. "Hope they squash you, Chump. Just like Seth and Gavin did a couple weeks ago."
Corwin's face flushed red as he stepped through the rope and got right in Sean's face.
Corwin shoved Sean back to the ropes.
"Listen loser, we squashed you and your partner twice, care to make it three out of three?" Corwin said with a slight smirk.
Corwin knew his last remark had pissed Sean off, the two teens went to lock up and their partners grabbed both from behind.
Drew and Jeff pulled Sean and Corwin apart. "Back off boys, this is not your fight."
Both Sean and Corwin were angry. Sean turned to face the loin cloth clad teen. "We want a rematch. Unless of course you're scared to face us?"
Corwin tried to pull away from Drew. "You got it, Sean. And Drew and I will put you down a third time."
Sean said nothing. He figured his big mouth had just made a bet his ass could not cover.
He and Jeff stepped from the ring and let the high flying teams prepare to get it on.
With the debate ended, the four teens stepped into the practice ring. Warren and Gene had heard rumblings of how good the former champs were, but they had also heard how easily Seth and Gavin had bested them.
Corwin was ready to show the new acrobatic tag team just what it meant to be a high flyer. He hated being shown up or hearing others question his ability.
Now the time for the challenge had arrived.
Corwin and Drew looked out at the crowd of wrestlers then motioned Dane to the ring.
"Hey Dane, would you ref the match for us?" Corwin asked.
Dane nodded. "Sure will guys." Dane stepped through the ropes and called for the bell.
Travis, the ever present showman stepped into the ring. "Hold on fellas. We are going to do this right."
Travis made some sounds of a crowd cheering then feigned microphone static as he started to speak.
"For today's entertainment we have sort of an acrobatic match. First in this corner: the loin cloth KIDS."
The other wrestlers laughed as Travis played to the crowd.
"In the other corner, we have the LUCKY Brothers."
Sandy, Hal, Mark and Dillon did not think the term LUCKY suited Warren and Gene.
"This match is to decide which team has the best acrobatic moves." Travis glanced at all four, smirked and then mimicked the sound of a regulation bell sounding and stepped from the ring.
Corwin stepped through the ropes and motioned one of the newbies into the ring. He did not care which one.
Warren stepped through to meet Corwin.
Both teens were 16 years of age and stood 5'10. Aside for a few pounds difference they were exactly the same size.
Warren had taken the challenge as more of a joke, a chance for all of them to strut their stuff, but one look in Corwin's eyes said that wasn't so. Warren recalled how a few minutes prior Corwin had almost tore into Sean.
Drew shook his head as he watched the muscles in Corwin's back tense. The last time they had gotten involved in a practice match they had gotten the shit beat out of them. Drew wondered if history would repeat itself.
Gene watched as his big brother readied to lock up with one half of the former championship team.
Warren and Corwin came to grips in a contest of strength. Corwin immediately dropped to his back and monkey flipped Warren across the ring.
Dane, knew officiating this match would take little or no effort. But he still would keep his eyes open.
Both teens were up quickly. In unison they both leapt in the air going for flying head scissors. All, that happened was their feet became entangled and they crashed to the mat.
Both teens shot to their feet.
They locked up collar and elbow. The two equally sized boys jockeyed for position. Finally Corwin gripped Warren's arm and sent him flying into the corner. Warren hit the ring post hard.
Corwin charged in after him. Warren watched and as Corwin went for a shoulder block Warren gripped the ropes and hoisted himself up and over Corwin
Warren locked his legs around Corwin's midsection and continued over Corwin's back flipping the former champ to his back.
Corwin grunted as he was airborne then slammed hard to the mat.
Drew whistled. Even though it had been executed on his partner, Drew thought it was a cool move.
Warren released Corwin and jumped to his feet. He waited for Corwin to stand. Warren then did a handstand and swung his legs back and locked them around Corwin's head. Warren again flipped Corwin down to the mat hard.
Corwin swore as he was tossed head over heels.
Again Warren released the hold and the two teens sprang to their feet.
Corwin's face was red.
The two teens circled.
Warren feigned a lock up, but Corwin was not biting. As Warren pulled back Corwin leapt up and landed a drop kick to his chest. Warren staggered back toward the ropes.
Corwin charged forward. Warren was ready to leap but Corwin dropped to his back like a brake dancer and planted both feet to Warren's abs. Warren grunted loudly and doubled forward. Corwin locked his legs around the teen's head and flipped him to the mat.
Corwin rolled the head scissored Warren over to Drew and tagged his buddy in.
Warren was breathing hard as Corwin rolled him around the ring. Drew took the tag and gripped the ropes with both hands and somersaulted over landing butt first on Warren's stomach.
Warren let out a whish of air as Drew's 165 pounds crashed into his gut.
Like practiced pros Corwin released the head scissors and he and Drew whipped Warren across the ring. Warren shot his hand out and tagged Gene.
Corwin caught Warren on the ricochet and lifted him up by his waist. Drew had already climbed to the top rope. Drew leapt off just as Gene scurried through and swept Corwin's legs. Drew hit nothing but air as Corwin and Warren tumbled to the mat in a tangle of arms and legs.
Gene was to his feet quickly. Like the acrobat he was he climbed the ring ropes and stepped out on to the top rope. Gene walked the rope like a tight rope walker.
He watched as Dane motioned Corwin and Warren from the ring.
Drew was a little slow getting up from his missed move. Gene waited. As Drew stood Gene launched himself from the ropes and struck Drew with a flying elbow smash to the chest. Drew staggered back to the ropes. Gene dropped to his back and slammed both feet into Drew's lean stomach.
Gene expected Drew to double over from the hard shot.
When Drew did not Gene set to plant his feet again to Drew's stomach. Drew was ready and gripped the incoming legs.
Moving with cat like reflexes, Drew turned Gene into a full power Boston Crab.
Gene grunted as Drew reversed his move and locked him up in the submission hold.
Mark, Dillon, Sandy and Hal edged closer to the ring as Drew took control of the match.
Gene slapped the mat as Drew cranked on the Boston crab.
Warren could see Gene was trapped.
Corwin glanced across the ring and smirked as Drew kept Gene grounded and locked tight in the center of the ring.
Dane knelt down and asked Gene if he wanted to submit.
"NO." Gene grunted out through clenched teeth.
Gene pounded the mat as Drew leaned back and cranked the pressure on his back.
Gene placed his hands on the mat and tried to do a pushup. Drew let him get up so far and then crashed down on his back with his muscular butt.
Drew realized he was not going to get a submission out of Gene this early in the match.
He released the Boston crab and drug Gene to his feet by the nape of the neck.
Drew whipped Gene to the ropes and as Gene recoiled he met him and power slammed him belly to belly to the mat.
Gene whished out his air as Drew's 165 pounds crashed him hard to the canvas.
Drew stood and quickly scaled the ring ropes. He leapt off with a well timed elbow drop.
Gene was stunned, but had the presence of mind to know what was coming.
Gene rolled to his left and Drew hit nothing but mat.
Drew yelled out as his elbow impacted hard with the mat.
Gene continued rolling till he was close enough to tag Warren.
Warren scaled the ring ropes and walked out across them.
He had the balance of a tight-rope walker.
Drew stood to his feet and turned. As he did Warren pushed off the ropes and nailed Drew with a forearm across the chest. Drew was knocked to the ropes.
Warren was to his feet quickly. He glanced at Corwin and smirked. Warren turned to Drew, leapt in the air and drove a powerful drop kick to Drew's chest and stomach. Drew was knocked through the ropes and to the practice room floor.
Drew shook his head as Warren launched a full-scale attack.
The voices of the other wrestlers resounded through the practice arena as Warren and Gene now took command of Corwin and Drew.
Sandy and Hal were impressed but noticed if they concentrated they could beat these guys. So far they had stuck to high flying tactics, very little mat wrestling.
Drew was a little slower getting to his feet. He looked up and saw Warren giving him room to climb back in the ring.
Mark and Dillon wanted to assist Drew back into the action, but held back when they saw Rick and Carter giving them the eye.
Corwin was pacing in his corner. He wanted back into the action. No newbies were going to show him up at his game.
Dane was impressed that Warren stood back and gave Drew a chance to reenter the ring, but Dane also knew that was not a move one would use in a regulation match. If one did, he would most likely cost his team the match. Drew climbed back into the ring. Both teens eyes each other then charged the ropes. They bounced off repeatedly just avoiding near collisions. To some of the wrestlers it looked like they were afraid to lock up.
Nothing could have been further from the truth.
Finally on the third bounce from the ropes the two teens miscalculated and nailed each other with simultaneous cross body blocks. They tumbled to the mat in a heap or arms and legs.
Both freed themselves and shook their heads. This was not how this was supposed to have gone.
Warren crawled toward Gene's out stretched hands and Drew crawled toward Corwin's hand.
At the same instant the tags were made. Corwin and Gene entered the ring and charged each other.
Corwin pivoted at the last second and sent a vicious heel kick hard to Gene's stomach. Gene dropped to his knees clutching his gut.
Corwin smirked. `Come on BOY, get up and show me what you can do." Corwin leapt in the air and nailed the smaller boy with a hard front kick to the chest that sent him down to the mat flat on his back.
Corwin then gripped Gene's legs and drug him a cross the ring toward Drew. He smirked at Warren as he held Gene's legs spread and stomped twice into his stomach.
Gene folded up from the impact of the hard stomps to his wide open gut.
Corwin released Gene's legs and rolled the BOY to his back, Corwin hit the ropes and dropped an elbow smash to Gene's lower back, then he lifted Gene by the nape of the neck and his tights. Corwin tagged Drew who knelt down and extended his knees. Corwin then slammed Gene gut first over Drew's extended knees.
Warren winced as his little brother took the brutal double team gutbuster. Warren watched as Gene fell to the mat and hugged his stomach.
Dane ushered Corwin from the ring as Drew drug Gene to his feet and whipped him to the ropes.
Corwin shot a look at Warren then stepped from the ring.
Warren started through the ropes but Dane headed him off.
Corwin took advantage to climb the ropes and drive a drop kick to the just raising Gene's back. Gene was knocked into Drew who locked on a bear hug and then turned it into a belly to belly suplex.
Gene whished out his air as he was crushed under Drew's 165 pounds.
Drew stood and drug Gene to the center of the ring. He tagged Corwin and the two high flyers climbed the ring posts. They locked eyes and leapt off. They were set to deliver their patented double elbow drop finisher.
Warren shot through the ropes and gripped Gene's legs pulling him from harms way. Corwin and Drew hit nothing but mat.
Dane ushered Drew and Warren out of the ring. Corwin was still down and gripping his elbow. Gene was clutching his stomach and moaning softly. He finally had the presence of mind to roll and tag Warren.
Warren was through the ropes and on Corwin like a new suit. He drug the former champ to his feet and whipped him across the ring. As Corwin shot back Warren dropped to his knees and sent a head butt crashing into Corwin's stomach.
With the force of coming off the ropes, Corwin's wind was knocked from him. He folded over Warren's head and Warren stood and back body dropped Corwin to the center of the ring.
Corwin hit hard and arched up. As he did Warren was already bouncing off the ropes with an elbow drop that struck Corwin in the sternum.
Corwin gasped for breath.
Drew slipped through the ropes to assist Corwin but Warren headed him off with a perfect standing drop kick. Drew was knocked back to the corner and fell through the ropes.
Warren signaled Gene who had climbed to the top rope. Warren then hauled Corwin to his feet. He locked eyes with his brother then whipped Drew toward Gene.
Gene leapt from the top rope and connected with a perfect flying elbow that hit Corwin in the center of his chest. Corwin fell backward to the mat and Gene came down on top of him.
Dane was impressed. Gene stood and he and Warren whipped Corwin to the ropes. Gene was set and leapt in the air and secured a flying head scissors. He flipped Corwin to the mat. Warren bounced off the ropes and did a somersault landing but first on Corwin's gut.
Drew was back on the ring apron just in time to see his partner flattened under Warren's muscular butt drop.
Corwin no longer felt cocky as he was getting worked over by the two newbies.
Corwin was struggling to draw a breath.
Mark and Dillon were impressed. Warren and Gene were doing a number on the former champs.
Both mark and Dillon hated the egotistical Corwin. They were enjoying seeing him get double teamed.
Warren stood from Corwin's stomach, turned and delivered one hard stomp and exited the ring. Corwin gasped for breath as Warren stomped down hard into his stomach.
Gene kept his powerful legs tightly locked around Corwin's head. Dane checked to make sure it was not a choke hold.
Corwin's face was turning red as he struggled valiantly in the well applied head scissors. But Corwin always knew his place in the ring. He rotated his body and kicked out. His foot landed on the bottom rope.
Dane told Gene to break the hold. Reluctantly Gene did as instructed.
Gene shot to his feet and moved with cat like reflexes.
Before Corwin could regroup Gene leapt in the air and drove the heel of his foot hard into Corwin's gut. Corwin let out a yell as his abs were crushed.
Drew winced. He knew that had to hurt.
Gene gripped Corwin by the head and locked on a front face lock. He lifted Corwin from the mat and walked him toward Warren. As he did he drove knee lifts into Corwin's stomach. Corwin grunted and gasped for breath as he got manhandled.
Gene tagged Warren and the two brothers sent Corwin for the ride. Corwin hit the ropes and bounced back only to fall victim to a double back body drop. Corwin hit hard and Gene and Warren stole a page from their book.
They hit the ropes and slammed a double flying elbow to Corwin's wide open torso.
Drew hung his head. He knew it was over.
Gen exited the ring and Warren stood to his feet. He measured Corwin then dropped a power punch to his gut. Corwin moaned as Warren stood hit the ropes and landed with a flying body press. Warren hooked Corwin's legs as Dane dropped down and hit the mat.
Drew charged but he was met with a flying body tackle from Gene. Both teens tumble into and through the ropes.
Dane's hand hit the mat three times and Travis made a sound of a bell ringing.
Sean was grinning from ear to ear as Corwin got his cocky ass pinned.
Outside the ring Gene and Drew stood to their feet.
The two teens glanced at each other and shook hands.
Inside the ring Warren had stood from Corwin and was helping him to his feet. Corwin started to shrug the help off, then thought better of it. He had been pinned fair and above board.
Corwin accepted Warren's help and they also shook hands.
Sandy, Hal, Mark and Dillon started toward the ring.
Sandy and Hal had wanted a piece of Corwin and Drew since they had arrived in TW. Now that Warren and Gene and Seth and Gavin had bested the former champs in practice matches, they figured they should stake their claim to the next official match.
Everyone watched as the four thugs approached the ring.
Rick, Carter, Sean and Jeff were ready to run interference if need be. But out the corner of their eyes they caught HB, Kane and Seth and Gavin. No one wanted a practice match to turn into a brawl.
Sandy spoke for the thugs. `You guys are pitiful. I mean you lost to these two losers and to Seth and Gavin. How bout giving us a shot at you?"
Drew's face flushed red. "Anytime BOY. We still have the best overall tag team record in this league."
Mark and Dillon stepped up next to Sandy and Hal. "Not for long. After Sandy and Hal are done crushing you we want a rematch." Mark said confidently.
Corwin had gotten his wind back and was cocky as ever. "We crushed you guys before we can do it again."
All four thugs started into the ring. Sean was not sure how he felt about Corwin, but he would not stand by and watch as four jumped two.
As the four thugs moved in on Corwin and Drew, Warren and gene locked eyes and nodded.
Before Mark and Dillon had taken three steps Warren and Gene leapt in the air and delivered standing drop kicks to the thug's backs.
As Mark and Dillon were taken down Corwin and Drew delivered front standing drop kicks to Sandy and Hal.
Warren and Gene stood shoulder to shoulder with Corwin and Drew as they faced off with the four thugs.
All knew what was coming as the challenges were issued. The four thugs challenged the four high flyers to a tag team elimination match one week from today.
Corwin readily accepted. Mark, Dillon, Sandy and Hal smirked. "One week BOYS and we will show you how a real ass kicking feels. NO MERCY!" Mark said as he and the other three guys walked away.
Corwin and Drew looked at Gene and Warren. What had started out as competition had ended with them becoming allies.
Allies in one hell of a tough upcoming match.
As the four teens stepped form the ring, Sean and Jeff moved over to congratulate Warren and Gene.
Most of the guys present congratulated all four guys.
It had been a hard fought but fair match. Most also, but with a few exceptions wished them luck in next weeks 4 x 4 match.
After that the practice arena cleared out. The evening's card was set to begin in a few hours.