Preliminary thoughts to a title shot punk_wrestler2000

Saturday morning as the heavy weight wrestlers arrived for their morning workouts, they noted the bulletin board.

A big sign announced the upcoming Championship matches. Four of the heavy weights saw their names embossed in big letters.

A few were disappointed, but it only spurred them to try harder. One of the most disappointer was Dane. He was one of the toughest heavy weights in the league, and he was not even up for a title shot.

But his best friend was. Dane walked over and congratulated Cody on having a shot at the TW heavy weight belt.

Gerrit and Alexander took their shot at the title as expected. Neither big muscled teen said a word. They just headed to begin their morning workout.

Everyone waited for Pat to read the listing. They knew he would have a lot to say.

Pat entered the locker room and his eyes went right to the bulletin board. He smiled a sadistic smile as he saw he had a shot at the coveted Heavy Weight Championship belt. This had been his objective since joining TW.

Pat noted his opponent was Gerrit. He had no doubt he could whip the muscle-bound heavy weight. He also had no doubt he could handle Alexander. But he did have a doubt as to if he could handle the muscle-bound Cody.

Pat knew he was tough, but so was Cody. He knew if they locked up for the belt, it would be a hard fought battle.

Pat's eyes than went to a few of the rules. No interference, no pinfall, win must be garnered by submission. No count outs, and no winning by disqualification. It had to be a clear-cut win to advance.

Pat smiled deviously. He could fight that way and he could win.

As he turned his steel blue eyes locked with Cody's light blue eyes. These two grapplers had no doubt they would be facing each other for the coveted title shot.

Pat walked over to Cody and stood nose to nose with him. "You know I will squash you." Pat said belligerently.

Cody just smiled, "We will see. First you need to get by Gerrit. Good luck. You will need it."

Cody then turned and headed with Dane for the weight room.

Pat watched him go and hoped he defeated Alexander. He was going to enjoying crushing the big muscleboy for the title. But first he had to whip Gerrit.

Pat knew Gerrit was no slouch. If he was his name would not be among the contenders.

Pat knew to obtain his goal he had to be on top of his game plan.