Lucien's Return - 1 RyanCarrWeber

A month had passed. Lucien's pain had faded, leaving him more determined than ever to return to TW. He had worked his ass off to raise his grades, and had even shed a few pounds, replacing them with muscle still buried under a great deal of overweight. He felt ready to return, and walked into his stepfather's office to ask for it. After a bit of "are you sure?" from the man, Lucien received permission to schedule a return match. He knew exactly how he would do it.

Gerrit had, despite his elation at being part of the Heavyweight Championship bracket, not quite gotten over the guilt of Lucien's last beating. He was working out one day, preparing mentally and physically for his match with Pat, when he got a call from the heavyweight. "Gerrit, listen - I need to ask a favor." Gerrit responded warily, unsure how Lucien knew he felt he owed the teen -- *am I that transparent,* he thought -- that he'd do it if he could. Lucien went on, "Listen, man, you remember my last matches in TW. The one against those three lightweights. Well, I'm coming back this weekend, and I want a rematch against the three of them." -- Gerrit's eyebrows eased closer as he wondered why the teen on the other end of the line would want to get again what he had before, but he kept listening. -- "See, man, the problem last time was that the damn ref let it turn into a three-on-one brawl, instead of the handicap match it was supposed to be. So this time, I want a different ref, who won't let that happen - and I want you to be that ref."

Gerrit was mildly surprised, to say the least, and told Lucien he'd consider it and call him back later. Lucien smiled as he hung up the phone, sure that the guilt-ridden muscleteen would grant his request. He called Will, and was only mildly surprised to find out that Tommy was over. He challenged them to the rematch, and they laughingly accepted, sure he was in for more punishment. Lucien laughed with them, and let them think it. Their overweaning pride would work to his advantage. Shortly after that, Gerrit called back with an answer in the affirmative. The match was set.

The locker room and stands were abuzz with talk about Lucien's first match back. Before his month-long sabbatical, Lucien had been the most oft-fought wrestler in the league. They wondered whether he'd wrestle as much, against whom, and how viciously. They didn't have to wait long to find out. It was a warm day, the spring air wafting in through the open doors as the scents and sounds of March drifted in to mingle with those of the waiting crowd. The challenger, Lucien, was introduced first, and he emerged to a reception he hadn't expected - applause, lots of applause. He stood waiting in his corner, stretching his 5'10" 252 pound frame as he waited.

Next, Tommy, Chaz and Will were called down, to a mildly enthusiastic welcome (albeit much more enthusiastic from the young women in the crowd). This match, unlike that to which it was a sequel, did not have a clear choice of who was wanted to win. Those in the stands were divided between feeling bad for the fat kid, or vindicated by the lightweights' victory. Tommy got to the ring first, 5'6" tall and 134 lean pounds. He stood confidently in the corner opposite Lucien, looking as tough as he could. Will, the biggest of the lightweights, entered next, at 145 pounds and 5'9". Finally, Chaz, the smallest, but a known tough, who had just kicked Billy's gynastic ass a few weeks before, entered the ring. He was announced as 5'7", 127 pounds, and joined his lightweight partners in the corner opposite Lucien.

All three looked puzzled when the ring announcer kept talking after what they thought had been all of the introductions. "And finally, acting as a special guest referee, please welcome TW's own heavyweight, Gerrit." The three smiled broadly as Gerrit walked down toward the ring, and he smiled back at them. Chaz whispered to his partners, "man, it's gonna be four-on-one... the fat kid's sunk," and Tommy and Will laughed with him. Very few noticed that Lucien was also smiling, conspiratorially, in his corner. Gerrit called all wrestlers to the center of the ring, and explained, "there will be two teens in the ring at a time. Shake hands, and let's get started." The lightweights, if they heard Gerrit's admonition, thought little of it. They shook Lucien's hand, and Will and Tommy got out to leave Chaz to start.

The bell rang, and Chaz ran at Lucien, dropkicking the heavyweight. Lucien was shaken, but didn't fall, and a second standing dropkick was pushed away, landing Chaz hard on his shoulder. The kid got up, though, and tried a clothesline. Lucien, again, was staggered but not felled, and when Chaz tried a repeat of the clothesline, Lucien delivered one of his own. He smiled down at the kid who was one pound more than half his own weight, and readied himself for Chaz to rise. Chaz didn't, though. He rolled against Lucien's legs, trying to trip the heavyweight to the mat. Lucien wasn't moving, and Chaz realized this too late as the heavyweight dropped to his knees on his opponent's chest. Chaz was winded, and didn't look so tough anymore when Lucien got up and the small teen clutched his aching chest. Lucien grabbed the lightweight's arm and pulled him to his feet.

Chaz resisted, but Lucien muscled the boy's head between his thick legs, and delivered a piledriver. Chaz was grateful, secretly, for Lucien's weight, as the thickness of the heavyweight's legs had kept his head from hitting the mat. He acted dazed, though, and when Lucien tried to follow up with an elbow-drop, he was surprised to meet only the mat. Chaz was up, quickly, and started stomping the downed fat teen. Lucien slowly rose, as Will and Tommy began to enter. They, however, found themselves restrained by Gerrit. They tried to convince him, but he would have none of it, and forced them to the apron. As the three argued, Lucien slowly rose, shaking off Chaz's offense like nothing. Chaz bounced off the ropes and slammed a clothesline accross Lucien's chest, but it had no visible effect. Another staggered the heavyweight. A third, Lucien ducked under, and met Chaz's second attack with kick to the gut. Chaz doubled over, and Lucien slammed a meaty forearm to his lower back.

The two lightweights on the apron watched, aghast, as Chaz fell to his hands and knees and Lucien slammed another forearm to his lower back, flattening the freshman out on the mat. Lucien stepped up onto the kid's back, one foot firmly on his upper back, straining the boy's ribs greatly while he stomped his other foot down on Chaz's lower back, just below the boy's waistline. Lucien stepped down, and Chaz arched sideways, his back aching as if a hundred needles had been stuck into his spine. The heavyweight smiled at his former tormentor, and flattened him out on his back with a foot, before flattening the kid further with a heavy legdrop over the chest. Chaz's legs kicked out when Lucien's thigh crashed upon him, and he wasn't going anywhere as Lucien pressed his big gut down over the boy's chest for a pin. 1.... it looked over, with Chaz limp under the heavyweight's mass.....2..... but then Lucien shifted, and just before ...... 3...... he managed to pull the kid's shoulders from the mat.

Gerrit looked at Lucien, "don't overdo this," and Lucien smiled, nodded, and proceeded to powerslam the entirety of his bulk down on Chaz, who was all but lost under Lucien's 252 pounds. The heavyweight dragged him to his feet, smiling as the beaten boy's face brushed without tension over his gut, and backed him into a corner. Lucien turned, his back to Chaz, and began smashing the boy into the turnbuckles Chaz's body slowly fell till he was sitting, leaning back on the bottom turnbuckle. There, Lucien stomped the boy's gut several times before pulling him to his feet and walking him over to his own corner. "Next," said Lucien. Will and Tommy exchanged a look, and as Tommy helped Chaz out of the ring, laying him on the apron to recover, Will entered the ring. He had beaten Lucien one-on-one before. Surely, he could do this and then the team could use quick tags to keep him down, and so what if they couldn't all be in at the same time?

Lucien taunted Will as they circled, "Chaz ain't so tough without backup, eh?" Will glared at the fat teen and moved to kick Lucien's gut before the heavyweight would even see him. But Lucien did see him, was quicker than he had been, and swatted the smaller teen's leg away. Will ignored the rebuke, and focused, still circling. They locked up, and Lucien used his weight advantage to back Will into the corner, where, before breaking the collar-and-elbow, he slammed his weight into the lightweight, taking Will by surprise and winding him. They came again to the center, Will's chest aching but fine, and another lock-up ensued. Will kept himself from being backed up by turning constantly, so that no matter how far the heavyweight pushed him, he got nowhere. Lucien got frustrated after a few turns, and tried to kick Will in the gut, but Will saw it coming and used the moment free to duck behind Lucien and kick the back of his right knee.

Lucien fell to his knees and Will threw himself on the behemoth's back, flattening the heavyweight face-down to the mat. Lucien started getting up immediately, but Will dropped a legdrop across the back of his head. Lucien rolled over, and Will tried to grab the fat teen's ankle to further damage the knee. Lucien simply kicked Will away and kept getting up. A clothesline kept the heavyweight down on one knee temporarily, and a kick to the gut sent Lucien off-balance and into a sitting position on the mat. Will got around the large teen and wrapped his arms around his neck into a sleeper, wrapping his legs around Lucien's waist as best he could for leverage. Lucien's thick neck made it easy for Will to hold his mouth shut as they grappled for position, forcing the overweight teen to breathe slowly and deeply through his nose. The breaths were calming to Lucien, and he felt himself relaxing.

Lucien knew that he had to get up and somehow smash Will off of him. He tried in vain to snatch back at the teen hanging from him, though his reaching did have the positive (for Lucien) effect of sending the heavyweight off-balance, causing him to fall back into Will. Will grunted and his hold loosened as he felt the bulk of Lucien's back settle onto his crotch and pelvis. Will was uncomfortable, but held on. Lucien felt the easing of the pressure on his chin, and was able to breathe more deeply. Will felt the heavyweight getting his breath back and released the hold, attempting to squirm out from under Lucien. But again, the behemoth surprised his smaller foe, and Will found himself trapped as Lucien, with his legs, pushed himself back over the lightweight, until he was lying across Will back-to-front. Now Will was having trouble getting enough air, though Lucien moved very quickly when Gerrit started counting a pin.

Will's taut abs had him up while Lucien was still on one knee, and the lightweight fired a kick to his opponent's gut. Lucien caught this, and Will followed with a kick to the head which sent the big kid, stunned, back to the mat. Will was tired, though, and needed to tag out. Tommy tagged in, as Chaz was still lying dazed on the apron, and went quickly to Lucien. Tommy stomped the teen, who was beginning to rise, and sat on Lucien's back, pulling up on his chin for a weak camel clutch. Lucien ignored it, and got up, causing Tommy to lose his hold on the heavyweight and fall to the mat. Lucien turned around to a kick from where Tommy lay on the mat, which doubled him over. Tommy reached up and grabbed the heavyweight by the hair. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he didn't like the result as he either caused or faild to avert Lucien lunging onto him. Tommy was winded, and slow to get up after the heavyweight did.

Tommy's slowness allowed Lucien to regain control with by putting the lightweight's head between his legs as soon as he got up and powerbombing him to the mat, which put an end to the small teen's offensive. Lucien took his time and measured Tommy for an elbow, which landed squarely on the 134 pounder's sternum. Lucien easily pulled the kid to his feet and slammed him hard accross his knee, into a backbreaker which Lucien held. Gerrit asked if Tommy wanted to submit. He considered it, as Lucien's hands bent him and the heavyweight's gut rested heavily on his own waist, pushing his back painfully down accross Lucien's knee, but did not submit. After a few minutes, Lucien gave up. He was beginning to feel tired. So much activity for one so large is not easy. Lucein knew he needed to end this soon lest his fatigue become an issue.

So he pushed Tommy to the mat and stood, then splashing full-weight onto the prone light-weight's back. Tommy was done. But Lucien had wanted revenge - punishment. So he pulled the kid again to his feet, listless as he was, and tossed him into a corner. Lucien hooked the boy's arms over the top rope to hold him there, and went to the opposite corner. A running start, and Lucien plowed into the smaller teen, smiling at the small gasp that left Tommy's lips as he was crushed into the corner. Tommy was suplexed to the center of the ring, and Lucien got out onto the apron. He climbed, carefully, to the top rope, and then jumped, smashing a leg down accross the lightweight's face, bloodying his nose. Gerrit offered to call the match, but Lucien wasn't done. He bounced off the ropes with another splash that further pulverized the beaten lightweight. Gerrit tried to count a pin, but Lucien pulled Tommy to his feet.

Lucien walked a totally limp Tommy over to his corner and handed him to Will, the only one left whom Lucien had not destroyed. (Chaz was up again, but still aching.) To Will, Lucien said, "Now, kid. Your turn." Chaz took Tommy and rested him on the apron where he himself had recovered from the massive weight of Lucien's attacks, and Will enetered the ring. He thought to himself, 'I can do this - I have before. I can do this." Will lunged at Lucien, aiming low, and connected hard with the big kid's groin. The sympathy Gerrit had been feeling for the lightweights Lucien seemed to be demolishing vanished, and he warned Will about the illegal blow. But Will had accomplished what he wanted to - Lucien was down. Will covered, doing his best to hook a massive leg, but Lucien, pained as he was by the fire radiating from his lower gut, managed to not push, but hurl him off, and onto Gerrit.

Gerrit told Will to watch the hell out, and shoved him a bit. Will was mad, and a bit afraid - this was not a match in which he could afford a biased ref, and so far Gerrit had been fair - but did not say anything. He approached Lucien, and began stomping the heavyweight's head. Lucien did his best to ignore the kicks, but was dazed, and when he got up, Will had no trouble pushing him into the ropes. That was dumb. As Will leapt into a cross-body block that he had hoped would clothesline the massive teen, Lucien simply held out his arms and caught the boy, muttering, "stupid little shit," as he powerslammed the air from Will's lungs. When Lucien got up, Will rolled to his side, holding his chest and cursing himsef for ever agreeing to this rematch. Lucien was happy as a pig in shit.

Lucien was now the one doing the stomping, heavy kicks to Will's sides and back and head which reeled the teen and made him easy pickings, when he got up, to be thrown into the ropes. Will decided on one last-ditch effort to regain control. When lucien bent over for a back-body drop, Will flipped over him, and tried to pull the massive teen down. He did - onto his own chest. Lucien's smile broadened as he rolled off the squashed lightweight who had given him so much trouble... he would have fun taking apart this one piece by piece. Taking one of Will's ankles in hand, Lucien dropped an elbow onto the kid's thigh, smashing that and twisting his knee. Lucien repeated this three more times, as quickly as his weight would allow.

Lucien pulled Will's sweat-glistened form from the mat by his wet hair only to powerslam him back down. The heavyweight spread his former tormentor's arms out to his sides and then, standing over the lightweight, kneeled down hard on the kid's biceps. Will screamed, as his muscles were smashed and his bones felt they would snap (fortunately, they did not). Lucien leaned back to sitting on Will's stomach, and pulled the beaten teen's face up into his gut, stretching the kid's upper back painfully. Will's hollers of pain were muffled by the heavyweight's big gut and only the weak flailing of his smashed arms signaled that he felt anything at all. Lucien got up, and Will relaxed- until Lucien dropped his full weight back down onto the boy's well-toned abs. It was time, Lucien had decided, for them to go away.

Lucien dragged Will to the ropes and tied him therein. Gerrit agian warned the heavyweight, "Lucien, they're done," but Lucien paid no heed as he began to volley kicks and punches to Will's unguarded abs. Will was able to resist the pain for a little while, but soon his already-smarting abs were gone and useless to him. Then Chaz, following a wink by Gerrit, who had seen quite enough, attacked Lucien from behind. Lucien was feeling the effect of the long match, but Tommy and Will were useless, and Chaz was also still aching from his earlier beating. It wasn't a confrontation for long.

Chaz kicked the back of Lucien's knee, and the heavyweight fell, into Will. The freshest of the three lightweights tried to drag Lucien away from his beaten friend, but his useless effort gave Lucien the chance to get his bearings. He began to get up, and Chaz threw himself on Lucien, wrapping his arms around the fat kid's head as Lucien wrapped his own around Chaz's waist -- into a bearhug -- and continued getting up. Chaz struggled in the hold, but it was too tight for him to squirm out of and Lucien enjoyed watching the fruitless effort. Chaz's body strained as Lucien added to the pressure, and stopped abruptly as Lucien jumped and slammed Chaz's frame down to the mat, his own 252 pounds on top of it. Lucien got up, bounced languidly off the ropes, and splashed down onto the smallest of his lightweight opponents.

All three lightweights lay defeated around the ring: Will, in the ropes; Tommy, on the apron; and Chaz, in the center of the ring. Lucien looked around, and looked at Gerrit - "Looks like the roles've reversed. Last time, the three of them beat me, and now I've beaten not one, but the three of them." Gerrit smiled weakly back as Lucien turned his attention back to Chaz. The small teen was just beginning to move, his hand resting on his forehead, when Lucien butt-stomped his abs, smashing the kid's gut under his weight. Lucien got up before the count, and walked around to Chaz's legs, taking one ankle in each arm. Before the words of protest could even leave Gerrit's mouth, Lucien had stomped hugely into the boy's crotch.

Chaz's face contorted and within seconds, his brother, middleweight Frank, had made his way past Gerrit and began to attack Lucien. Lucien called to the ref to let it go as he dodged an attempted punch to the face by Frank and landed his own meaty fist in Frank's ample groin. The middleweight doubled over and a powerbomb over the top ropes and onto the cement floor ended his interference. Lucien looked angrily at Frank, "don't let that happen again." Gerrit nodded, rolling his eyes, and watched disinterestedly from his dark eyes as a parent from the audience checked to see if Frank was okay. Lucien returned again to Chaz, and dropped onto his chest. Lucien pulled the lightweight to a corner, and set him in it, his head toward the turnbuckles, about four feet away from the ropes. He went over to Tommy, still trapped in the ropes, and punched his head three times hard, laughing as it bobbed loosely when he let go. He reached under the bottom rope where Tommy lay and dragged him into the ring and to his feet. Lucien was tired, but he was enjoying this, and he knew how he wanted to end it. He lifted a knee into the middle lightweight's gut, and smashed a forearm accross his back which sent him crashing to the mat, face down. Lucien dropped an elbow onto the speedo-clad teen's lower back, and then got up, pulling Tommy up again for a huge powerslam. Tommy was exhausted and barely conscious and just wanted it to end as Lucien, following a final splash off the ropes, stacked him on top of Chaz, upside down, so that he and Chaz were chest-to-chest, and Tommy's head rested exhaustedly on Chaz's shoulder. Lucien did this for two reasons - they'd stay better that way, and it was more embarrassing.

The heavyweight returned to Will, still tied in the ropes, and freed him. Will slumped to the mat only to be picked up by Lucien and tossed into a corner, followed closely by the heavyweight's full mass. Will again slumped down, and Lucien decided to exact extra revenge on the only lightweight o have defeated him one-on-one. He reared up, and bronco busted the beaten boy, smashing his butt down again and again on the lightweight's chest. He pulled Will out to ring center, and rolled him over face-down. Lucien stepped up onto the boy, providing the service of cracking the kinks out of his back while smashing the air out of him. A final splash onto the boy' back, and Lucien was done.

He loaded Will on top of the other lightweights, his back to Tommy's, and stood with his back to them. Lucien climbed to the second turnbuckle, and Banzai Dropped onto the three of them, his 252 pounds crushing Will's weight onto Tommy's weight onto Chad's at the bottom. And there he sat, and finally allowed Gerrit to count the triple-pin. He sat there for a good twenty seconds, looking down at Will's face as it rested back on Tommy's neck. Then he got up, and climbed to the second rope. A second drop began to dislodge the pile of lightweight boys below him, and the third and final butt-stomp left the three looking like yesterdays discarded newspapers. And there's nothing older than yesterday's news. Today's sounded better to Lucien anyway - he had avenged his own beating.

He considered whether to beat Gerrit too, but decided Gerrit's hand in this match had been enough. He was done for now. Or so he thought, until Frank re-entered the ring. Looking furious over his Lucien's beating his brother like a common jobber, Frank entered and shoved the heavyweight from behind as he held his arms aloft, enjoying his victory. Lucien turned around and Frank spat in his face, "we will settle my brother's score next week." Lucien smiled, "ok, I'll fight you next week too." Before Frank could react to the threat of immediacy, Lucien had slammed a fist into his nuts again, and elbowed his back so that he fell to the mat. Less careful with the middleweight than he knew he had to be with the lightweights' frames (broken bones meant suspension), Lucien splashed once full-weight onto Frank's back, rolling him over and hooking his leg tightly for a mocking pin.

Then he climbed the ropes, and jumped, splashing down hard upon the middleweight's muscled chest and abs. Frank's face contorted with pain as Lucien planted a hand in his crotch to help himself to his feet, and stepped ontop of and over Frank as he left the ring, victorious at last and looking forward to next week's pounding.