Second Six Man Tag Match: Part 1 punk_wrestler2000
**Evan / Cole / Mitchell Vs Eric / Tim / Christian **
After Rusty defeated Falcon and Kevin had bested Rico the next event on the schedule was another six teen tag match. The audience fully expected this to be a squash job. The team of Evan, Mitchell and Cole were do to face a much smaller and younger tag team.
But some of those in the audience knew age and size did not matter in a tag match. Cody and Dane had proven that with their defeat of the Muscleboys, Beau and Jason.
Christian (Chris), Tim and Eric knew if they were to win they would have to do some serious double and triple teaming, as well as work on one member of the opposing team. Normally they would have gone after the weakest member, but all three of their opponents were muscular. Chris and Tim knew they would have to watch Eric. Eric was the smallest member of the team.
"Ladies and Gentlemen we have our second six man tag team match. First introducing our youngest tag team all our 14 years of age and making their debut in TW. At a combined weight of 438 pounds we give you, Christian, Tim and Eric."
The three young boys made their way to the ring. All looked fit. Christian was the biggest at 6'1 and weighing 152 pounds. His brother Eric was the smallest standing 5'8 and weighing only 137 pounds. Their best friend Tim stood 5'11 and weighed 149 pounds. It was clear they were giving up weight and muscle mass to the opposing team.
"Introducing their opponents, who have one victory under their belts already, at a combined weight of 520 pounds, Evan, Mitchell and Cole."
The three larger teens vaulted their way into the ring and stood nose to nose with their opponents. It was clear to the audience this would be a squash job.
Evan stood 5'9 and weighed 175 pounds. He was solid muscle. His brother Mitchell stood 5'11 and weighed 170 pounds of equally solid muscle. Their cousin Cole was 5'10 and 175 pounds of ripped solid muscle.
The younger boys eyed their opponents. They knew they were giving up a lot in muscle and weight, but they had practiced long and hard for this match. They hoped to make a good showing.
Chris was set to face off against Evan.
Chris and Evan locked up collar and elbow. Evan tried to muscle Chris into a headlock, but Chris tossed him into the ropes and performed a good arm drag take down. Chris did not mess around as he launched a hard kick to Evan's ripped torso. Evan did not even feel the kick as he stood back to his feet.
Chris leaped and got Evan with a flying head scissors. He drove the more muscular teen to the mat. As he held Evan compliant he rolled to his corner and tagged in Tim. Tim vaulted over the ropes and landed with both knees to Evan's stomach.
Chris released the head scissors before the ref counted him out. Time drug Evan from the mat, turned him and flung him into Eric's out stretched foot.
As Evan doubled over, Chris landed a big elbow drop on his neck from the second rope. Evan dropped.
Tim landed two hard kicks to the muscular teen's ribcage.
Mitchell and Cole were beside themselves as Evan got the crap beat out of him in the opposing corner. Mitchell entered the ring and headed over to stave off the triple team. The ref headed him off.
Eric, Tim and Chris went to work as the ref held Mitchell and Cole back.
Chris held Evan in a full nelson while Eric and Tim delivered double axe handle blows to Evan's gut.Evan was struggling, but could not over come the triple team effort.
Checking to make sure the ref was not looking Eric slammed a hard fist to Evan's groin, further weakening the muscle boy. As Evan sank to his knees, Eric and Tim landed a double elbow drop to Evan's back.
Evan was in a world of hurt.
Evan tried to get to his knees. Eric and Tim landed a double kick to his gut. Evan dropped faced down on the mat.
Chris, Tim and Eric had cut the ring off, preventing the muscle boy from tagging out of getting close to his corner.
By the time the ref had turned around, Tim was the only one in the ring. He had Evan forced back to the corner and was driving in hard fists and knees to the teen's body. Evan was breathing hard as he got a good hard working over.
When Evan started to double over. Tim grabbed his head and slammed him to the mat. He reached up and tagged Chris in as he held Evan wide-open and gave Chris a couple free shots at Evan's torso.
Tim released Evan's arm and he dropped limply to the mat. Chris yanked him up by the hair and landed a hard chop to his chest. Evan dropped back into Eric's waiting knee.
Evan felt the knee slam into his back. He pitched forward and took a knee lift to the head. Evan dropped down to the mat breathing hard.
Chris lifted Evan from the mat, tagged in Eric and they flung Evan to the ropes. They set for a back-body drop. Evan had enough left to see it coming. He grabbed the ropes and stopped his forward momentum. He shot a hard kick to Chris's head. He turned and launched a kick to Eric's gut, then rolled to make the tag to Cole.
Chris had crawled out of the ring, and Eric was almost to his corner when, he was grabbed by the powerful Cole. Cole flung the lighter wrestler into the corner like he was a sack of rags. Cole followed landing a hard elbow smash to Eric's thin chest. Eric dropped to the mat in agony.
Cole lifted the smaller teen and power bombed him to the mat. Eric arched up as he hit and took a big stomp to his gut. Eric curled into a ball as the pain radiated deep into his stomach.
Cole pointed to Mitchell. Mitchell set his foot and Cole whipped the little boy into the corner. Eric felt Mitchell's foot dig deep into his soft belly. He dropped to his knees clutching his gut.
Cole tagged in Mitchell. Mitchell lifted the winded teen and gutbusted him over his knees. Eric felt the air driven from his lungs.
Mitchell rolled the winded teen over and applied a boston crab. He sat way up on the smaller wrestler's back and applied the pressure brutally.
Eric winced, but would not submit.Chris was through the ropes and slammed Mitchell with a clothes line across the throat. Mitchell released the hold and Chris drug Eric over to the corner where he could make the tag.
Eric fell limply out of the ring. Chris moved in to face Mitchell.
Chris had the height, but not the muscularity of his opponent. Mitchell quickly cinched in a side headlock and flipped Chris to the mat. He rolled Chris over to his corner. Evan was ready with a hard stomp to Chris's gut.
Mitchell drug Chris to his feet and tagged in Evan. They flung Chris to the ropes. As he recoiled they landed a double knee to Chris's gut. As Chris doubled, they lifted him and executed a text book double over the knee back breaker.
Chris was hurting.
Mitchell moved out of the ring and let Evan have his crack at returning some of the punishment he had taken earlier.
Chris was still trying to clear his head from the double team attack. He felt Evan grasp his legs and spread them. He looked up to see Evan poised to stomp his abs.
Evan smiled as his foot drove hard into Chris's solid torso. Chris held back a yell as his stomach muscles were stomped in.
Evan ceased his gut stomps. He hit the ropes and dropped a big elbow to Chris's sternum. Chris curled into a fetal position.
Eric and Tim were chomping at the bit to get back into the match.
Evan rolled Chris over and applied a camel clutch. Chris screamed as his stomach muscles were stretched even more.
Evan was astounded when the tough 14 year old would not submit.
Chris always aware of his position in the ring kept moving ever closer to his corner. Evan was so preoccupied with torturing Chris he did not notice.
Chris made one final lunge and tagged in Tim.
Cole shouted to Evan, but it was to late. Tim slammed a big chop to Evan's throat.
Evan released Chris and rolled off gagging as he tried to breath.
Tim lifted the winded teen from the mat. He tossed him to the ropes. When Evan ricocheted off he was met with a hard fist to the lower gut. Evan dropped to his knees. Tim landed a hard boot to Evan's head.
Tim drug Evan to his feet and went to toss him to the ropes again. Evan reversed sending Tim to the ropes. Cole was ready and slammed a big elbow to Tim's back. As Tim recoiled Evan hit him with a shoulder block. Tim flailed back into Cole's waiting arms.
Cole had Tim locked up. Evan launched a well-executed drop kick that struck Tim in the chest and gut. Evan then started laying in the body blows.
Tim felt Evan's rock hard fists pulverizing his torso.
Eric started to move towards Evan. Mitchell headed him off with a big boot to the stomach. Eric dropped like a ton of bricks as the larger teen's kick knocked the air from him. Mitchell scooped the smaller teen up and slammed him hard to the mat. Eric rolled under the bottom rope.
Cole and Evan were still double teaming Tim. Cole had Tim's arms pinned behind his back and Evan was driving in double fisted gutblasts. Tim was struggling to take the hard shots. Each one was driving him down to the mat.
Chris and Eric entered the ring. Cole held Tim, while Evan went o meet Chris head on. Mitchell again went after Eric.
All six men were now in the ring.
Evan drove Chris to the corner. He shoved a big elbow to his throat. As he held him in the corner he drove repeated knees to his stomach.
Mitchell had Eric high in the air. He dropped him gut first over his knee. Mitchell held the little dude and repeated the maneuver.
Cole still had Tim against the ropes and was still working his body with fists and knees.
Finally the three bigger boys halted their assault. They looked at each other and grinned. They each grabbed their opponent and hurled them across the ring into each other.
The three smaller boys rammed into each other hard and crashed to the mat. Evan pinned Tim, Cole pinned Chris and Mitchell pinned Eric. The ref checked to make sure the two legal men in the ring were the ones he counted.
Tim tried to kick out, but his body was to worked over to cooperate. All he could do was struggle as the referee counted to three.
Eric, Tim and Chris lie on the mat, as Evan, Cole and Mitchell raised their hands in victory.
Evan, Cole and Mitchell were surprised, by the tough fight the three younger teens had given them. They had not expected sucj=h a tough match from the three 14 year olds.
They helped the three younger boys to their feet and all six wrestlers shook hands.