Chaz vs Cameron part 1 chrisch234
Now for another filler match between the championships.
Cameron had gotten Chaz to sign a contract for a match. Cameron had noticed Chaz as soon as he joined TW and wanted a match with him first. Chaz reminds Cameron of a kid in his old neighborhood. They hated each other and had many NHB wrestling matches and fist fights. Cam usually won and was going to show Chaz who was toughest.
Cam was announced first, 5'9" weighing 124 as he came running to the ring and bounded over the top rope. The girls liked what they saw and Cam blew them kisses and flirted as best he could from the ring. Cam had a very athletic build and no body fat to speak of. He had been working out with a few of the other newcomers to the TW and thought Laz should have done better in his match. Maybe Laz was too nervous or something. Cam had seen the Chaz vs Billy match and during his workout sessions, he would have Laz apply a claw hold to his abs to see if he could take the pain. Cam had no trouble in enduring the pain from the hold. Did Laz know what he was doing and was he applying the hold correctly? Cam dismissed the thought for now and was ready to whip Chaz. Chaz was introduced at 5'7" and 127 pounds. Cam had a height advantage and was only giving up three pounds. This should be an even matchup.After instructions, the bell rang. Both boys circled then locked up. It was a standoff as neither could back the other up. They broke the lockup and circled again. They locked up a second time with the same results. After this second collar and elbow lockup was released, Chaz thought they better trade a couple of punches. Chaz stood with his arms to his sides telling Cam to "C'mon take a shot." Cam knew what Chaz wanted now but was hesitating thinking about if he should or not. Was this allowed or not? Chaz decided he would take the first shot and balled up his fist. Cam saw what was coming and tensed his ab muscles. Chaz smacked a fist into the navel of Cam and Cam just kept smiling. Chaz stood waiting and Cam shot a right fist into the navel of Chaz that made him grunt. Chaz thought to himself that Cam had a good punch. Chaz backed up a couple steps and Cam thought at first that he had hurt Chaz. Chaz jumped up and planted both his boots into Cam's chest with a standing drop kick that sent Cam back into a corner. Chaz was on him like a flash with a knee lift into the gut. Chaz went to whip Cam to the opposite corner but Cam reversed it and Chaz was hurled into the turnbuckles hard.
Cam charged into Chaz jumping up onto his hips and locking his hands behind his head then monkey flipping Chaz out of the corner with good elevation. Chaz hit the mats and bounced and was at the opposite turnbuckle when he stopped. Cam picked Chaz up, who was a little dazed, backed him to the corner and lifted a knee into his gut. Cam grabbed both of Chaz's arms, planted one foot rather harshly into Chaz gut and gave a one foot monkey flip that almost had the same elevation. Chaz hit the mats and it took its toll on his back. Karl, Chaz' friend, started running down the aisle towards the ring. Cam pulled Chaz up and again backed him into the corner. Cam jumped up placing his feet onto Chaz's hips and laced his hands behind the head. Cam should not have tried the same move 3 times in a row. Chaz had his arms free, clasped them together and thrust them forward driving both fists into Cam's solar plexus winding him which caused him to fall onto his back on the mat. Karl had jumped onto the ring apron and the ref went over to keep Karl out of the ring and an argument ensued. With the ref distracted, Chaz pulled Cam up by his hair and hurled him over the top rope. Cam landed hard on the mats outside. Karl jumped off the ring apron as Chaz came up behind the ref to argue with him. Chaz positioned the ref so his back was facing towards the side of the ring that Cam just exited. Karl ran around the ring to Cam. Karl pulled Cam up, got him in a bearhug and walked him to the ring apron. Karl slammed Cam's back into the ring apron twice using his weight to increase the impact. Karl released the bearhug and punched his fist into Cam's lean gut doubling him over. Karl hoisted Cam to the ring apron as the ref turned around to just see Karl helping Cam back to the ring. Cam pulled himself up by the second rope then the top rope until he was standing. Chaz charged at him even though the ref was telling him not to. Chaz grabbed two handsful of Cam's hair and flipped him over the top rope into the ring. Cam landed on his sore back. Chaz slammed a boot down into Cam's open gut making him jerk upwards. Cam was flattened by a stomp to the ribs. Chaz dropped down with a power punch to the middle of Cam's belly then secured a claw hold over his navel. Chaz was putting the pressure on and felt a little resistance still from Cam. Cam now knew what a claw hold REALLY felt like. It was 10 times worse than the hold Laz had applied to him. Cam saw that he could reach back and grab the ropes and did just that. The ref called for the break. Chaz did not release the claw hold as soon as the ref asked for the break.
The ref started counting Chaz out but he held on as long as he could with the dreaded claw hold. Cam was pulling on the ropes and thought it seemed to enable him to tense his abs more. Chaz released the claw, stood up then hopped up in the air and came down with both feet onto Cam's outstretched gut. The air whooshed from Cam's lungs as the 127 pounds of Chaz bounced into his guts. Chaz has seen many of the heavyweights do the double gut stomp and was just waiting for a good opportunity to try it for himself. Chaz liked the results as Cam was now doubled up in the fetal position trying to get his air back. Chaz pulled Cam to his knees, got behind him and applied a variation of a surfboard. Chaz had two handsful of Cam's hair and was pulling back while one foot was between Cam'x shoulder blades. Since it was hairpulling, it was illegal and the ref asked for a break a couple times then started counting. Chaz released at the last possible instant before being disqualified and shoved Cam forward with his foot. Chaz went to the outside to confer with Karl which gave Cam a little time to recover the best he could. When Chaz reentered the ring, Cam was still on his hands and knees. Chaz was pulling Cam to his feet when Cam fired an unexpected fist into Chaz's stomach hunching him and forcing the release of Cam's hair. Cam finished standing on his own and the instant Chaz straightened back up, Cam drove an unexpected front kick into the middle of Chaz gut doubling him over. Cam put Chaz's head between his legs and executed a power bomb. The crowd went wild as Cam went for the cover. The ref counted 1…2 and Chaz lifted a shoulder. Upon Cam's rising from Chaz, he received a rake of the eyes. Cam was rubbing his eyes as Chaz pulled him to his feet. Chaz secured a front facelock with an upward choke to keep Cam upright as he backed him towards the ropes injecting a kneelift to the gut on the way. Chaz got Cam to the ropes and pressed him backward with his arm draped over the ropes. Chaz brought the second rope up locking Cam's arms into the ropes.
Cam was struggling but to no avail. It was only a matter of seconds before Chaz went to work with a volley of rights and lefts burying his fists into the navel of Cam tenderizing his belly for the finisher. Chaz stopped the onslaught again just before he was counted out. The ref attempted to free Cam but Karl was pulling down on the ropes from the other end of the ring. The ref went to confront him and that gave Chaz an opportunity to land a couple more fists followed by three devastating front kicks to the now reddened belly of Cam. The ref threatened DQ which backed off Chaz and Karl. The ref pulled the ropes free from Cam and he collapsed to the canvas. The damage had been done. Cam could not even roll out of the ring for a breather. Chaz yanked Cam to his knees by his hair and pulled him away from the ropes. Cam thought Chaz was going to pull his hair out by the roots and started to reach up to try to ease the pressure but before he even got his hands up to his head, Chaz saw the opening and snapped one more vicious front kick into the red belly of Cam. Cam was on the mats doubled up and in immense pain. A thought of tapping came and went as he did not want to submit to the street punk that has just given him the beating of his life. Chaz muscled Cam onto his back, brushed his arms from his battered gut and secured a hard claw hold onto the reddened belly of Cam. There was no resistance at all this time and Chaz dug deep into the belly of Cam. Cam could not take it any longer and as much as he did not want to, he did yell out a weak submission to the ref.
The ref raised Chaz hand and out of the back, Kevin came charging to the ring and blindsided Chaz to the mat. Kevin did not even think about Karl being at ringside. Kevin was about to stomp on Chaz when Karl came up behind him and locked him in a tight full nelson. Chaz rose to his feet and Kevin looked toward the locker room for help but none was coming. He did not tell anyone what he was going to do and they were not ready if needed. Chaz walked up to Kevin and slapped him in the face and said "This is your lucky day. If you did not have a championship match coming up, I would beat you down just like him." Pointing to Cam. Karl released Kevin whom ran back to the safety of the locker room.
Chaz just blew an opportunity of a lifetime.