Alex vs Shawn chrisch234

Another match with a newcomer, Shawn, before the rest of the finals.

Shawn was introduced first at 5'9" weighing in at 143 pounds. Shawn came running to the ring and was acknowledged with a good reception from the crowd for a newcomer. Shawn bounced around in his corner limbering up waiting for his opponent. Shawn kept a big "Pepsodent smile" while he was getting ready for his first match wearing his skimpy black speedos and white boots.

Alex was introduced next at 5'10" weighing 145 pounds. Alex walked down the aisle to a mixed reception. Some of the crowd liked Alex but most thought of him as a jobber. This is the title that Alex wanted to avoid and just had to get a win tonight. Alex thought that being a year older and already having a couple of matches that his experience and age would be enough to beat this newcomer. Both boys had already seen four newcomers in their first pro ring matches tonight and all three went down to defeat. Alex wanted to make it 5 in a row.

The bell rang and both boys exited their corners. Shawn came towards the center of the ring with his hands raised somewhat high for a collar and elbow lockup. Alex bent at the waist and charged into Shawn catching him around the waist driving him back into the corner turnbuckles that he just walked away from. Alex grabbed the center ropes and drove his shoulder into Shawn's body three times trying to wind him. The ref was counting and Alex knew he had to back off and did with a closed fist to the stomach of Shawn. Alex took a couple steps back to admire his work and was surprised to see Shawn still holding the top ropes and still had ½ a smile left on his face. Alex took advantage of Shawn's defiance by advancing a step and swinging an uppercut landing his fist above the speedos and below the navel, driving his fist up into the well tanned gut of the younger boy. This bent Shawn over and Alex secured a side headlock. Alex walked Shawn out of the corner then turned and walked him back to the corner placing his head on the top turnbuckle. Alex proceeded to release the headlock and slam the forehead of Shawn repeatedly into the turnbuckle.

Alex stopped the forehead punishment to Shawn and turned him so his back was in the corner. Shawn slumped because of dizziness. Alex ran to the opposite corner then took a run at Alex for a bronco buster. Alex dropped and rolled out of the way just in time. Alex impaled his spread legs on the second turnbuckle and fell back to the mat clutching his jewels which did make contact with the turnbuckle but not too hard. This gave Alex time to shake the cobwebs out of his head but also gave Alex time to recover. Alex started to get up and Shawn met him rising from his knees. Alex fired a fist into the gut of Shawn just hunching him very slightly and could not believe he did not double over the rookie. Alex grabbed an arm and whipped Shawn to the ropes. Shawn had the presence of mind to grab the ropes and did not rebound as Alex expected. Alex jumped up for a dropkick and met nothing but air. Alex hit the mats hard on his back. Shawn bounded off the ropes catching Alex behind the knees rolling him up in a cradle, putting Alex feet over his own head and sat on the legs in a tight cradle. Alex could not begin to muscle out of this pinhold as the ref counted 1…2…3.

After the count, Shawn leapt off Alex and the ref raised his hand. The crowd liked it. Alex left the ring as fast as he could back to the locker room not in a good mood since he lost again and this time to a younger rookie.

Shawn left the ring shaking hands with the big smile returned to his face on the way back to the locker room. He was met with high fives and congratulations on his win by the other newcomers Leopold, Laz, and Cameron that already had a match tonight and lost. The only one that did not take part was Timmy as he thought Shawn should have lost as he did in his debut match.