Carl & Ari Vs Corwin & Drew: Part 1 punk_wrestler2000

HB and Kane knew their most serious competition would come from the team of Corwin and Drew. They decided to enlist the help of a couple friends in eliminating Corwin and Drew from competition. They sought out Carl and Ari, another punk tag team in TW.

HB and Kane had grown up with Carl and Ari, and the four of them were good close friends. HB approached Carl in the locker room. He told Carl he wanted some hurt put on Corwin and Drew. He did not care how it was done, as long as they were out of action.

Carl had chuckled, then turned to HB, "Those two wimps. Man taking them out of action will be easy. They have not faced anyone tough in tag team competition."

HB smiled, "Lets go get the match signed. I want them out of action before we face Cody and Dane. Corwin and Drew right now are the top contenders for whoever wins that match. "

As they entered the TW commissioner's office Corwin and Drew were there. When Carl saw them he walked right up to Drew and challenged them to a match. Corwin watched Drew's expression. So far they only had 1 loss in TW and that was to the current title holders.

Drew just smiled, "Anytime Carl."

Carl looked at HB and snickered. "Tonight, wimps. Ari and I will squash you two puny weaklings."

Corwin stepped forward, "Bigger guys than you have tried to whip us. Tonight it is."

The contract was quickly drawn up and signed. The match would take place after the ten teen special tag match. Corwin and Drew always brought in the crowd when they were on the card.

As they exited Drew said to Corwin, "Cor, we have to be on top of our game plan. Carl and Ari outweigh us and are bigger built. We have to be ready to fight hard and dirty."

Corwin nodded. He did not like to fight dirty, but after being worked over by Ron and Cort, it had come easier. "Don't worry, buddy. All we have to do is give it our best."

Drew nodded, but he had a bad feeling about this match.

Drew and Corwin had watched the tag match from the stands. They could not have been happier when Dane's team was victorious. A few scores had been settled. Their match was next up.

As they were preparing the ring announcer paused and announced a special lightweight match. All eyes were on the ring as Kevin and Chen were announced. The match took no time at all, and Kevin lost. The audience was ecstatic.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I know nothing can compare to the match you just saw, but we do have a few more matches tonight. Next up is a just signed tag team event. First entering the ring at a combined weight of 355 pounds, we have Carl and Ari. They are making their TW debut."

The audience held their applause as the two punks made their way towards the ring. They wondered briefly who these two tough looking teens were going to beat up on.

Carl was 17 years old, weighed 180 pounds and stood 5'10. He was well-muscled and had the rugged appearance of a street punk that just got out of jail.

His partner Ari was 15, stood 6' and weighed 175 pounds. He sported a tattoo on his left arm and looked just plain mean with his crew cut.

Both punk like teens were solid muscle.

"Now entering the ring, their opponents at a combined weight of 327 pounds, Corwin and Drew."

The audience were on their feet as their favorites stormed down the aisle and leaped over the top rope. The audience loved this good-looking pretty boy tag team.

Carl and Ari stood facing their so-called competition. Ari locked eyes with Drew and made a slashing motion across his throat. "You wimps are going down and down hard."

Drew made the universal hand gesture as he and Corwin backed to their corner. They knew this was going to be a rough one.

Corwin started against Carl. The two teens were the same height, but Carl had 18 pounds of solid muscle on Corwin.

They went for a collar and elbow tie up. As Corwin went to tie up, Carl stepped back and kicked him hard in the stomach. Corwin doubled over from the unexpected blow. Carl slammed a big elbow to the back of Corwin's head, driving the lighter teen to his knees. Carl sent a hard kick to Corwin's lower gut. Corwin clutched his stomach and fell to the mat.

Corwin felt Carl slip behind him and lock him in a full nelson. He drug Corwin over to a waiting Ari. Carl tagged Ari in. Ari slammed two hard fist to Corwin's stomach then followed with a knee lift. Corwin was winded from the quick attack.

Carl released Corwin for a second, then both teens whipped Corwin to the ropes. As Corwin bounced back they drove a double gut punch into his stomach. Corwin dropped to his knees clutching his stomach and sucking wind.

Ari pulled Corwin to his feet by his hair. He lifted the winded teen from the mat and power bombed him in the center of the ring. Ari hit the ropes and drove a big knee to Corwin's gut. Corwin gasped for breath as he felt the double team efforts of the punks.

Ari rolled Corwin to his back and cinched in a Boston Crab. Corwin was fighting hard not to submit. Drew had seen enough. He slipped through the ropes to deliver a clothesline to Ari, but was met by Carl. Carl scooped Drew up and tossed him over the top ropes.

Drew hit the floor hard.

The audience booed loudly as Corwin again got double teamed.

Ari had broke his hold and now held Corwin's arms locked behind his back. Carl was driving ferocious fists into Corwin's stomach and chest. Corwin was almost out on his feet. Drew had climbed back to the ring apron. He slipped through the ropes and nailed Carl with a forearm between his legs. Carl collapsed to the mat in agony.

Ari released Corwin and let him fall limply to the mat. He charged Drew. Drew stepped back and delivered a standing drop kick to the charging teen. Drew's aim was accurate. Ari flailed back to the ropes.

Drew was turning to assist Corwin, when his legs were swept. Drew pitched forward to the mat. Before he could get up. Carl landed a knee drop to the small of his back, then a hard right hand to the side of his head. Drew was seeing stars from the hard punch.

Carl tossed Drew back to his corner. Carl than exited the ring. Ari moved back towards a downed Corwin.

Corwin felt like a wimp. He had been manhandled the first few minutes of this match. He ached all over. He saw Ari moving in on him. Corwin played possum. As Ari reached down to drag Corwin from the mat, Corwin planted a big thrust to his throat. Ari back-pedaled into Drew's arms.

Corwin stood shakily to his feet. He was damn sore. He moved towards Ari. Carl started through the ropes, but the ref headed him off. Corwin planted a big boot to Ari's wide-open stomach. He followed with a big knee to the punk's groin. Corwin then tagged Drew in. As Corwin stepped through the ropes, he kicked Ari in the ribs.

Drew was irate as he stepped through the ropes. He lifted Ari to his feet and whipped him across the ring. Ari met a big foot to the face as he recoiled.

As Ari's head snapped back, Drew stepped forward and drove a clinched fist to the teen's sternum. Ari gasped and fell forward. Drew brought a knee lift to his chest. Drew backed to the ropes and was preparing to clothes line Ari. As he took his stance he was struck with a clothesline from Carl. Drew sagged against the ropes. Ari crawled to his corner and tagged Carl in. Carl was through the ropes. He charged Drew striking the pretty boy in the chest with his shoulder. The impact knocked Drew through the ropes.

Drew slowly got to his feet. As he did he was struck with a double drop kick. Drew flailed back against the ring barrier. Carl and Ari moved in on the winded and hurting teen. Corwin moved to the ring apron. He launched a drop kick to Ari's back, knocking the teen face down to the floor.

Carl turned to grab Corwin, but Corwin was back on his feet. Corwin shot a hard kick to Carl's lower belly. Carl grunted but did not drop. Corwin backed up a step and swung a roundhouse kick towards Carl's head. Carl ducked out of the way and Corwin missed completely. Corwin dropped to the floor. As he rolled Carl stomped his chest, then laid in a big kick to his gut. Corwin was sucking wind.

Carl drug Drew back to the ring. Before rolling him under the bottom rope, he drove two hard fists to Drew's gut. As Drew doubled Carl shot a thrust to his throat. Drew gagged and dropped to his knees. Carl lifted the gagging and coughing teen and rolled him under the bottom rope.

Carl stepped to the ring apron, than gripped the ropes and flung himself down on top of the winded teen. Carl hooked Drew's leg and went for the pin fall. The ref hit two and his hand was coming down for three, when Corwin grabbed Carl's leg and pulled him off Drew.

Corwin landed a big boot to Carl's head. Carl dropped to the mat. Corwin grabbed Drew and drug him towards their corner. He needed to get Drew out of the ring. Drew had the presence of mind to tag Corwin and roll under the bottom rope.

Drew started towards Carl but it was too late. Carl tagged Ari back in.

Corwin was mad. They had signed to wrestle not street fight. But if these punks wanted a fight he could oblige.

Ari raised his hands for a contest of strength. He had no intentions of locking up with Corwin. He was suckering the teen in. Corwin debated and decided to beat Ari at his own game. Corwin stepped forward, started to raise his hands, then shot a hard foot to Ari's groin. Ari dropped to his knees. Corwin took one step back and kicked Ari in the side of the head. As Ari's head snapped to the side, Corwin unloaded with two big kicks to Ari's gut. Ari pitched forward, hurting. Corwin hit the ropes and brought a leg drop down across Ari's head. Ari was stunned.

Carl was through the ropes. Corwin turned and caught the advancing Carl with a thrust to the throat. Carl back-pedaled. Corwin followed. As Carl hit the ring post, Corwin drove two knees to his gut. Corwin was mad as hell at the beating he and Drew had taken.

Corwin stepped away from Carl and landed two chops to his chest. Corwin followed with one more chop across Carl's throat. Carl dropped to his knees gasping for breath.

Corwin looked across the ring to see Drew standing in the corner and signaling for their finisher. Corwin moved to Ari and pulled the teen to his feet. Corwin positioned Ari on top of his shoulders. Drew had already climbed to the top rope. Corwin tagged Drew in. Corwin leapt and struck Ari across the chest with a vicious clothes line. Corwin released Ari's feet and allowed Drew's momentum to carry Ari to the mat.

Drew stood up quickly. He double stomped Ari's abs, than landed a double knee drop to the gasping teen.

Drew then cinched on a figure four leg scissors. Ari felt the brutal pressure Drew was applying to the leg lock.

Carl started through the ropes, but Corwin headed him off with a kick to the stomach. Carl fell back out of the ring and to the floor. Corwin followed him down with a knee to the chest.

Ari was still struggling in Drew's brutal figure four leg lock. Drew applied even more pressure, twisting Ari's knees in ways knees were not meant to twist. Ari finally yelled out a submission. He knew Drew could easily break his legs.

The audience cheered loudly as Ari submitted. Once again Corwin and Drew had overcome a difference in weight and size to win a match.

HB and Kane were incredulous as Ari submitted to Drew. As Drew and Corwin's hands were raised in victory HB and Kane charged the ring. They would deal with these two wimps themselves.

Corwin and Drew saw them coming. They waited till they started through the ropes. Corwin grabbed HB by the head Drew grabbed Kane. They double bull dogged the two thugs to the mat. As Corwin and Drew stood they landed two hard kicks to the downed thugs ribs. Corwin then lifted HB and tossed him over the top rope. Drew had Kane up in the air. Corwin knelt down and extended his knee. Drew dropped Kane over Corwin's knee gut first. Kane rolled to the mat than under the bottom ropes.

The audience cheered loudly as Corwin and Drew gave HB and Kane a taste of real tag team wrestling.HB and Kane retreated to the locker room. For now they wanted no part of Corwin and Drew.