Rico Vs Philip...A Rematch jimsub81
Now that Martin had started the ball rolling for the Posse with an impressive win Philip thought he should try and keep it rolling. He scanned the list of potential opponents. His eyes kept coming back to the name Rico. It was Philip's loss to the 15 year old that had sent him off to Kevin's house and his trip to the darkside of the league. Fellow Posse member Tommy had beaten Rico a while ago. At the end of that match Philip had gotten involved after the pin and words..and a few fists... were exchanged between him and Rico. After that encounter vows were made to settle things in the ring. The rematch never came to pass. But now that Philip wanted a bout with a respectable opponent he couldn't get the incident out of his head. Rico had been invited to take part in the Lightweight championships and was indeed considered a good wrestler.
Philip approached him and it took little time at all to revive their dislike for each other. The match was agreed to and signed for the next event. Rico was a little wary of accepting a match against a "Posse" member but had gotten it in writing that there would be no interference form Philip's friends. Philip with confidence said, "I won't need help to deal with your sorry ass!" Rico just replied, "I beat you once and I can do it again."
The audience was patiently waiting for the next bout. "And now our next match is a lightweight event. First, standing 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighing in at 140 pounds...PHILIP!" Like any member of the Posse he got a less than warm reception. Still he bounded to the ring full of his youthful exuberance with a big smile on his face. "And, his opponent, standing 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighing in at 152 pounds...RICO!" Rico had proven himself a survivor. He began with a loss but hung in there and had compiled an impressive record. He had even been thought so highly of that he was invited to be part of the Championships. Rico had himself a top slot in the TW league and he had earned every bit of it. The crowd received him well and was unquestionably the favorite for this match. The two boys tried to stare each other down. Neither could. The bell rang and the long awaited rematch was on...
Rico had been knocked out of the Championship tourney by none other than Kevin himself. He wanted nothing more than to take some of the pain of that loss out on Kevin's "boy" Philip. He struck fast with a clothesline across the forehead. Philip staggered but didn't go down
Rico bounced off the ropes and came back with another clothesline hitting Philip's chest. He staggered to a corner but still kept his feet. Rico was up fast and delivered a drop kick to the chest sending Philip all the way to the corner leaning against it. Rico moved in of the slightly smaller boy. Philip managed to fire a punch into Rico's gut. Rico flinched as the kid could really hit hard but he proceeded to pull Philip into a front face lock. He squeezed the trapped head and Philip was having trouble breathing. Rico slammed Philip's head down to the mats and grabbed an arm in one hand and a leg in the other while placing a foot in the middle of the back. He applied his wicked stretch move with perfection and Philip was groaning but would not yield.
Philip gritted his teeth and took the pain as Rico showed no sign of letting up. Philip was close to the ropes and reached for them. Rico saw what he was doing and pressed his hold further to try to get the submission before Philip reached the ropes. He thought he was going to be broken in two but still Philip would not submit and strained for the ropes. He barely managed to touch the bottom rope but that was enough to cause the referee to make Rico break the hold. He did but grabbed Philip pulling him up quickly and smacked him across his stout chest with a hard backhand. He then tossed Philip toward the ropes. Philip had presence of mind to make like a baseball player stealing second and slid under the ropes to the arena floor. He needed to regroup and as the referee counted him he did just that. He saw Martin, Kevin and Tommy sitting in the stands watching him. Martin gave him the "thumbs up" sign and Philip got back in as the referee hit "nine".
Rico attacked again as before, quickly. Philip was ready for him this time and sidestepped his clothesline kicking him in the back as he passed. Rico stumbled into the ropes and Philip sprang on him landing on his back pressing his throat into the second rope. Rico was choked and Philip got off him only to push his throat back onto the rope. The referee warned him about such moves and Philip responded by punching Rico in the back. He came around the side of Rico and shot several hard kicks up into his stomach. Rico tried to pull himself up by grabbing the ropes. He was hurt and needed to get to his feet to defend himself. As he grasped the top rope Philip grabbed his feet and jerked them out straight. For a brief moment Rico was suspended between the ropes and Philip like a human bridge. But as Philip tugged again Rico lost his grip on the ropes and he slammed face and body first to the mats. Philip attacked the boy's back again with a knee drop followed by a punch. Rico groaned as he was pulled into a Boston crab. He cried out but not in submission. He was near the ropes and grabbed it. Philip was made to release him. He did but hoisted Rico up and pulled him into a knee lift to the belly.
Rico was aware that this was not the same kid he had bested months before. He was stronger and much more brutal and Rico was going to have to do something fast or he was going to lose this match. Philip pulled Rico into another knee lift to the stomach and as Rico was bent over he shot an extended leg kick into Rico's chest whipping him backward to the mats. Philip dropped an elbow to the sternum and Rico was sucking wind. Rico was not above using a dirty trick and decided the time was now. As Philip was raising Rico for another maneuver Rico slammed a fist into Philip's groin. He let go and Philip and fell to his side. Rico was hurting but knew he had only a few moments to damage Philip before he recovered. As Philip lay on his side Rico drove the point of his boot into Philip's pecs several times before pulling him up by the hair. Philip was still trying to fight off the effects of the punch to his balls when Rico plowed a fist into his navel. Philip had a pretty hard body but still had a touch of softness there. Rico's fist struck again and Philip was hurting bad.
Rico grabbed an arm and whipped Philip into a corner. He hit the turnbuckles hard with his chest. Rico charged at him intending a splash. Philip saw him from the corner of his eye and turned as Rico rushed. Philip fought threw his pain and turned leveling his shoulder into the midsection of Rico. Philip's strong shoulder slammed hard into Rico's middle lifting him off the mats. The force of the impact was bone jarring for Rico who hit the mats almost unconscious. Philip bounced off the ropes on the other side of the ring and dropped his muscular leg across Rico's chest. He jumped up and came down with a body splash and stayed laying on his chest. The referee counted Rico out. The bell rang and Philip was announced as the winner much to the crowd's dismay.
Kevin, Martin and Tommy came to the ring to greet him. Rico was getting up and thought they were going to do one of their classic numbers on him but they didn't attack him. Kevin just sneered at him as if to show his contempt. They raised Philip up on their shoulders in another display of celebration at the success of one of their own. They moved back to the locker room as the audience booed them. But, if the message was not clear after Martin's victory, it certainly was now after Philip's. The Posse was here to do business and anybody who thought they were all bark and no bite were in for a rude, and painful, awakening.