Kevin vs Justin Paul Part 1 chrisch234
JP has been seriously thinking of challenging Kevin for the lightweight title since the 10 man tag match. JP, afterall, was the one that pinned Kevin for the win and now wanted the gold around his waist. JP only thought about how he was the one that pinned Kevin, not that he also had a little help from Dane softening up Kevin before that victory pin. All he had to do was piledrive Kevin again and he would be the new champ.
The commissioner had the contract signed by JP and gave it to Kevin. Kevin signed without hesitation. He never expected JP to challenge him and wanted a title defense anyway and was glad it would be against JP. Kevin thought JP would be an easy win and would get the match over in a record time.
The match was announced and JP was introed first at 5'11" weighing 144 pounds. The crowd gave him a cheering welcome which JP liked. He bounced into the ring waiting for Kevin. Kevin was announced next at 5'6" weighing 128 pounds and received his usual reception from the crowd with mostly booing, although there were some Kevin fans in the crowd.The ref checked both boys and gave instructions. Kevin tried to psyche out JP by staring him down but JP was unshakeable tonight. He was ready for his title shot. JP figured he was 5 inches taller, 16 pounds heavier and 3 years older than Kevin and it would work to his advantage to take the bad boy and win this match. The bell rang and both boys exited their corners and circled once. They went for a lockup and Kevin had other ideas and threw a right fist into JP's gut. JP was more or less expecting Kevin to do something other than lockup and took the punch with only a muffled grunt. In the instant Kevin was waiting for JP to double over, JP shoved his hands into Kevin's chest forcing him back a step and with his long legs, landed a boot into the unprepared stomach of Kevin doubling him over. JP locked a front headlock on Kevin with his left arm and lifted three kneelifts into Kevin's gut winding him before letting him fall to the mats. Kevin rolled under the bottom rope to the outside to recover. JP did not capitalize on this and waited for Kevin to reenter the ring. Kevin took full advantage of the count and only returned to the ring at the last possible second before the 10 count out.
The crowd was going nuts as Kevin was on the receiving end as he reentered the ring. Kevin put his hands up and kept backing away from JP. JP pursued him and kicked out with his long leg. Kevin caught the kick, spun JP around and connected with a vicious clothesline as JP made a 360 degree turn. JP hit the mats hard on his back. Kevin landed a hard stomp to the lean gut of JP making him rear up. Kevin planted a hard boot to the ribs to flatten JP on his back and dropped his 128 pounds with both knees to the middle of JP's gut. JP was sucking air as Kevin kept his weight on his gut and posed for the crowd. The ref started counting, Kevin moved his weight up onto JP's chest in order to land two hard gutblasts into the navel of JP to soften him up. Kevin stood up before he was counted out and JP rolled on his side clutching his stomach. Kevin pulled him up by the hair, whipped him to the ropes and dropkicked JP in the chest on the rebound. JP hit the mats as Kevin leapt from his knees to the side of JP. Kevin slammed another right fist into JP's navel and feeling not much resistance, then applied his infamous claw to the aching abs of JP. JP could not believe the power Kevin could put into a one handed claw hold and felt his intestines being squeezed. JP saw he could barely reach the bottom rope if he stretched as far as he could but the pain was almost unbearable. JP reached and did get the bottom rope with his fingertips and the ref called for the break.
As soon as Kevin released the hold, JP pulled himself backwards to the ropes and rolled out onto the apron. Kevin went to the opposite side of the ring and bouncing off the ropes landed both feet into the gut of JP with a baseball slide knocking him onto the floor. JP laid on the floor in the fetal position nursing his battered guts as the ref counted. When Kevin saw JP may be counted out, at 8 1/2 Kevin leapt over the top rope and landed a stomp to the side of JP to stop the count. Kevin pulled JP up by the hair and slammed his forehead on the apron of the ring. Kevin then climbed back into the ring and reached over the ropes and pulled JP up by the hair forcing him to get on the apron. JP lunged forward driving a shoulder into Kevin's midsection bending him over. JP then jumped over the top rope and over Kevin grabbing him around the waist as he vaulted over him pulling Kevin into a sunset flip. JP held as the ref counted 1…and Kevin slammed his legs together around JP's head breaking the pin attempt. Kevin was up first and JP was almost to his feet. Kevin waited and they locked up in a collar and elbow lockup. Kevin managed to muscle JP to a turnbuckle. JP tied up Kevin's arms so as not to allow him to punch on the break. They stayed tied up like this for about 10 seconds and the ref was there threatening to DQ both of them if they did not break. JP loosened his grip and Kevin put his arms up for one of his few clean breaks. JP had other ideas and fired a right fist into Kevin's gut doubling him over. JP put Kevin's head between his legs and struggled once then pulled Kevin up for a piledriver hoping to end the match. Kevin locked his legs around JP's head and executed a frankensteiner landing JP in the middle of the ring. Kevin was up instantly and dropped both knees into JP's gut followed by two hard punches to soften him up sufficiently. Kevin applied a double claw with both hands rearranging JP's intestines. JP was nowhere near the ropes and could not take the hold any longer. He slapped the mat and verbally shouted out his submission. The ref called for the bell and after what seemed like an eternity, Kevin finally released the hold. JP curled up in a ball and received a couple of obligatory kicks from Kevin as he celebrated his victory to the boos of the crowd. As Kevin jumped out of the ring leaving JP curled up on the mats, he was met by a few members of his Posse and they all walked back to the locker room smiling at the crowds reception of them.