Joey vs. Alex in a No DQ match part 1 southpark23294

Joey is in the locker room putting on his traditional orange bikini and stretching thinking about the match he has coming up. A week ago had had attacked Kyle from behind and kept the upper hand during the entire time in their Last Man Standing match. After the match Joey went to the commissioner and had him draw up a contract for him and Alex to wrestle. It was during the tag team match of Joey and Kyle vs. Troy and Alex that Alex had done a sneak attack of his own on Joey and Joey wanted some revenge. When the commissioner presented the contract to Alex he said he would sign it with a no disqualification clause put in there. Joey agreed and the match was signed but now that the match was minutes away he wondered if he had done the right thing knowing Troy would be at ringside.

Joey heads out of the locker room area to get ready for his name to be announced. As he passes by the area that Troy and Alex are in he sees them talking and swears that just as they look up and see him he hears Alex say Kyle's name. Joey continues to walk on not giving it too much thought since no one had seen Kyle since last week's butt kicking. The announcer lifts the mic up, "Ladies and gentleman, this next match is a No Disqualification match." The crowd cheers their approval. "Now making his way to the ring weighing 160lbs and wearing orange bikini trunks, Joey!" Joey jumps in the ring and flexes for the crowd as the girls and some guys scream his name. "And now his opponent accompanied by his tag team partner Troy, weighing in at 162lbs and wearing blue trunks, Alex!!" Most of the audience shows their disapproval for Troy and Alex but they have a few fans that they acknowledge as they make their way to the ring.

Joey and Alex circle each other inside the ring and the bell rings. As Joey walks close to the side that Troy is on Troy makes an attempt to grab Joey's leg. It is only a halfhearted attempt as it is really meant to distract Joey and it works. As Joey turns his attention to Troy, Alex punches the unexpected Joey in the kidney. Joey falls to one knee and grabs at the injured area. Alex then stands behind Joey and pulls back his chin exposing Joey's chest leaving it open for a vicious fist from Alex. Joey is now on both hands and knees trying to recover from the two shots and before he can get his thoughts together Alex drops an elbow onto Joey's back forcing him down on his stomach. Alex jumps down with all his weight on the back of Joey into a sitting position and putting Joey in a camel clutch. Joey's back is burning with pain but he doesn't let the thought of submitting enter his mind. After a couple of minutes of this Alex releases the hold and gets off Joey but not before delivering a foot to the back.

Joey realizes he has to get to his feet if he is to mount any defense or offense. As he pulls himself slowly up on the ropes Alex in the meanwhile has instructed Troy to give him a chair. Alex reminds the referee it's a no DQ match as Troy throws Alex the chair. Holding the chair about chest high Alex sees Troy pointing behind him and as Alex turns to see what's up he is met with a drop kick from Joey. Joey's feet connect with the chair, which crashes into Alex's chest and face knocking him down back first to the mat.

Joey, still hurting from the earlier attack on his back is slow to get up but still faster than Alex. Joey moves the chair out of the way and kicks Alex in the chest as he tries to sit up forcing Alex back to the mat again. He drops onto Alex's stomach with both knees forcing a whoosh of air to come out. Joey rolls off as Alex holds his stomach. Joey then goes to Alex's feet and grabs his ankles spreading his legs. Alex covers his crotch area and pleads for Joey not to do it but Joey's aim isn't for the crotch but for Alex's inner thighs and connects with both knees. Alex rolls over several times on the mat as he holds his thighs and the referee asks if he wants to give. Alex replies no. Because of the pain he isn't able to stand which allows Joey to drop several elbows across the chest and stomach of Alex. Joey then goes to the outside rope ready to leap down on Alex. Troy has seen enough and climbed up on the apron grabbing Joey's foot causing him to loose his balance and fall crotch first onto the top turnbuckle. Joey's face grimaces in pain as he grabs his crotch and Alex slowly rolls away to the ropes and starts to stand. Troy gets into the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle, positions the still hurting Joey to suplex him off the top rope and executes it perfectly. Joey's body crashes onto the mat and Alex follows it up with an elbow drop on the chest and attempts the pin. He only gets a 2 and a half before Joey surprised everyone and lifts a shoulder up. Realizing he should have hooked the leg Alex stays laying across Joey's chest and hooks his left leg but Joey had recovered a little more and is still able to kick out. Alex gets up and pulls Joey up by his hair and then into a crotch slam. Joey's back again bounces off the mat. Alex again pulls Joey up by his hair and grabbing an arm slings him into a corner. Joey hits hard and just slumps over with his arms draped over the top rope keeping him up.

The crowd lets Alex know of their displeasure of his and Troy's actions. Alex turns and yells back at the audience and then turns to Troy to determine what they should do next. Alex instructs Troy to get up in the ring and hold the chair up. The crowd could tell from Alex's motions that the plan would be that he would throw Joey toward Troy who would nail Joey with the chair. Alex walks over towards Joey who is still being held up by the top rope and stops about three feet from him pointing and laughing yelling at the audience that Joey is finished. Just as he turns his head back toward Joey he sees Joey lunging at him catching Alex with a closeline. Both wrestlers fall down as Joey is still weak but it is Joey on top of Alex as Alex's back hits the mat. Joey lies on top of Alex who is stunned and both wrestlers' sweaty chests heaving against each other. Troy lifts the chair up above his head and aims for Joey's back but Joey sees this and rolls out of the way causing Troy to hit Alex in the chest with the chair. Joey gets to his feet as Troy takes a second too long looking at Alex. Troy turns to find Joey thinking he will hit him this time but instead is hit with a super kick to the chin. Troy and Alex lie face up on the mat barely moving. Troy is holding his face and Alex holding his chest. Joey falls against the ropes and then points to the chair and then looks to the crowd for approval. The crowd gives its approval as Joey makes his way over and picks the chair off the mat. He closes in on Troy and Alex who are still trying to regain their senses and Joey lifts the chair above his head.

"Wait, let me Joey." Joey and the crowd look towards the entrance from the locker room and see Kyle holding a mic and walking toward the ring. The crowd is just as stunned as Joey to see Kyle. Some of the crowd is booing Kyle while the rest sit there not knowing how to react. "Joey, like I said last week before our match, I know it wasn't your fault that we lost our tag team match". Kyle enters the ring and gives a kick to Alex's chest as he tries to sit up, knocking him down again. Kyle continues, "Last week even though you sneaked up behind me and attacked me while I was discussing the rules with the referee, you beat me fair and square and I deserved it for accusing you of not being there for me. Let me prove tonight that I can be there for you by giving me the chair and letting me get some revenge on Alex and Troy."

Joey wasn't sure what to think and even though some of the crowd also wasn't sure what was going on many encouraged Joey to give Kyle the chair to use on Troy and Alex. Joey stood there for a few seconds looking Kyle in the eye and then gave the chair to Kyle with most of the audience at this time cheering this action. Kyle turns toward Troy and Alex who by this time were on their knees in a perfect position to be nailed by a chair shot to the head. As Kyle lifts the chair up and the crowd cheers Kyle suddenly turns around and nails Joey over the head who only has time to get one hand up to try to block the chair. Joey falls to his knees since the one hand only stopped some of the impact. Kyle raises the chair again and this time smashes it over Joey's head with no hands to stop it. Joey falls unconscious to the mat. The crowd is on their feet yelling at Kyle as Troy and Alex make it to their feet. The crowd now knows it was all a plan as Troy, Alex and Kyle all smile at each other and shake hands over the fallen Joey. Kyle steps back and motions for Alex to pin Joey. Alex sits on Joey's chest positioning himself in a perfect school boy pin and flexes his muscles much to the displeasure of most of the crowd. The referee, in one of the corners shocked at what just happened, is grabbed by Troy pulled over to Joey and Alex throwing him on the mat and reminding him it's a no disqualification match so all that just happened was legal. The referee counted one, two, three and raises Alex's hand as Alex stays on top of Joey. Alex then gets off of Joey and the three wrestlers began stomping on Joey who is now conscious enough to feel the kicks and chair shots. Troy grabbed Joey's arms and stretches them out above his head as Alex holds down Joey's legs leaving his abdomen exposed. Kyle stands over Joey hitting Joey's abs with the chair time after time. The referee keeps signaling for the bell to be rung but the three wrestlers don't care if it rings all night. Then Troy releases Joey's arms, which went immediately to cover up his injured abs. Alex grabs one leg and Troy the other and spread apart Joey's legs. Joey's abs is hurting too much for him to do anything else but holds on to them as Kyle grabs the mic. Kyle speaks, "Fans of TW I would like to introduce you to the newest formed alliance…The Bad Boys!!" The crowd just boos and yells except for a few people that like the pain and evil these three wrestlers are dishing out. "Joey, how does it feel to be the first victim of The Bad Boys?" Kyle grabs the referee and orders him to hold the mic close to Joey's mouth. The referee does as instructed and hearing Joey moan from the pain of his abs silences the audience. Kyle looks at Troy and Alex as they continue to spread apart Joey's legs and the three smile and nod at the same time. At that exact second Kyle screams out "I said how does it feel Joey?" And with that Kyle brings the edge of the chair smashing into Joey's crotch of course causing Joey to scream out in pain for the entire crowd to hear. Troy and Alex drop Joey's legs and The Bad Boys leave the ring congratulating each other over the job they just did as security and medical personal rush to the ring.

As the three boys make the way to the locker room still laughing about what they just did they were met by Jake, Mike and Tom. Jake, "That was real tough, the three of you against one." Kyle, "Oh? And you three think you can stop us? You three couldn't even stop an electric clock if you pulled the plug out." Mike, "Well then lets sign a contract and see how The Bad Boys handle things with three opponents instead of one." And so the 6 wrestlers went to the commissioner's office and signed the contract for a match in one week.