Stephen & Bryan Vs Matt, Logan &Derek jimsub81
Stephen came to the gym anyway even if his buddy Daryl had to cancel out on him. He wanted a good workout and figured he's be able to find a partner. He saw Bryan lifting alone and struck up a conversation with him. They found out they had a lot in common and soon were having a good time working out together. Stephen wanted a real ring match and asked Bryan the best way to go about getting it. Bryan laughed as Stephen being new could not have known that he, Bryan, had had only a single ring appearance, that being the time he teamed with Frank in a losing effort against Corwin and Drew some time ago. As they worked out they put their heads together and saw that recently handicap matches were becoming popular. There were several three man teams in the league and Bryan suggested that they approach the newest team of Matt, Logan and Derek. The three teens were slightly intimidated by the builds of Bryan and especially Stephen's. But, being new, they wanted to get a shot at some ring time as soon as possible and they agreed to the match.
"Our next match is a handicap bout. First, the three man team, at a combined weight of 511 pounds, ...MATT, LOGAN AND DEREK!" The three fit but not terribly well built teens ran to the ring to polite applause as they were total unknowns. Their good looks drew a few gazes from some young ladies in the crowd. They jumped into the ring looking very pleased to be there. "And, their opponents, at a combined weight of 359 pounds...BRYAN AND STEPHEN!" Some fans remember Bryan from his single, and unimpressive, appearance but most eyes are drawn to the incredible form of Stephen. The 17 year old had a body that looked as if it had been sculpted in marble. Bryan's body was nothing to be taken lightly either. Together the two 17 year olds looked to be quite formidable. All the normal tag team rules were to apply. The bell rang...
Logan started against Bryan. They went into a collar and elbow lock up but it didn't last long as Bryan easily out muscled him and cinched in a side head lock. Logan and his mates had practiced long hours but apparently not up to the level of a real match. Logan felt like his head was about to crush under Bryan's tremendous strength. Logan fell to one knee. Bryan smiled back at Stephen who gave him the "thumbs up" sign. Logan had a small opening and shot a fist to Bryan's gut. Bryan took the punch with little effort and continued his head lock pressure. The referee raised Logan's arm and it fell limply. Derek and Matt could hardly believe that they were on the verge of losing their debut match within the first few minutes. Derek bolted over the ropes and grabbed Bryan around the neck pulling him off of Logan. The referee cautioned him and got him out of the ring. But Bryan was not really hurt from Derek's attack and grabbed Logan again. He motioned toward Stephen and whipped the lighter teen toward him. Stephen stuck a foot through the ropes and Logan's chest slammed into it sending him crashing to his back. Bryan stood over him and dropped a muscle powered fist into his upper abdomen winding him severely. He tagged Stephen and the muscle bound boy promptly reached down and snatched up the gasping boy and lifted him to his shoulders. Then, with am azing ease, he pressed Logan cleanly over his head. The audience loved it. Bryan laid down on his back and Stephen tossed Logan toward him. Bryan then shot out his legs in a powerful kick that connected with Logan's falling body. The two booted feet sunk deep into Logan's middle and propelled him across the ring. Logan hit the mat near his own corner and wearily moved about holding his smashed gut.
Stephen moved toward him and Matt jumped into the ring to head him off while Derek grabbed Logan pulling him closer to their own corner. Stephen seemed annoyed that Matt had interfered. Matt shot a strong forearm to Stephen's ripped chest. The built teen seemed not even to notice it or the second one. Stephen, as if wanting to show how to throw a forearm, threw one of his own that slammed Matt's lean chest and sent him stumbling backward. Stephen closed on Derek nailing him with a fist to the side of his head causing him to release Logan. Stephen then pulled the legal man, Logan, up to his feet and ripped in two strong punches to the lower belly. Daryl had taken shots like this in his training session with Stephen but Logan's abs were nowhere near the shape of Daryl's and he grunted and sank to his knees as the big fists dug in deep.
Stephen was about to finish off the kid when Matt struck again from behind with a clothesline across the back of the head. Stephen was knocked forward and let go of Logan who eagerly tagged in Derek legally.Derek and Matt began kicking at the toned body and the referee began counting Matt who laid in another hard kick to Stephen's ribs before getting out. Derek grabbed the right arm of the slightly stunned Stephen and whipped him to the ropes. As he recoiled Derek connected with a well aimed ax handle to Stephen's solid stomach. Stephen grunted but didn't go down. Derek bounced off the opposite ropes and landed a clothesline across the bulging pecs and sent Stephen backward but still did not put him down. Derek applied a standing drop kick that further moved Stephen back but not take him down. Derek slammed in another clothesline that seemed to have little effect. He then seemed exasperated that his best was having little to no effect and he climbed to the top ropes behind Stephen who was shaking his head to clear the cobwebs. He heard Bryan shout out "Watch behind you!". Stephen turned just in time to see the midair form of Derek falling toward him. Derek's slender frame slammed into Stephen's rippled torso and the muscleteen simply "caught" Derek holding him close to his body like a child clutching a pet.
Derek seemed to realize the gravity of his situation as he felt Stephen bounce his own back off the ropes. Stephen launched himself upward and came down on top of Derek with his powerful form. Derek was crushed under the solid body. Stephen then pulled Derek's right arm up behind him in a chicken wing and walked him over to Bryan, who he tagged in. Stephen then pulled Derek into a full nelson and Bryan prepared to land some shots to the wide open gut. He only got one in though as Matt and Logan charged to Derek's aid. Bryan saw them coming and warned Stephen who released Derek and turned to meet the intruders. Bryan went for Matt and Stephen took on Logan. Matt was rocked by two hard punches to the head and Logan was slammed with a heavy fist to the stomach and a forearm to the chops. Matt and Logan were sent reeling backward and their opponents still came on. Stephen grabbed Logan up in a crotch slam and sent him to the canvas hard. He dropped a big knee to the stomach and nailed Logan in the jaw with a big right and Logan was in never never land. While Stephen was dealing with Logan Bryan had turned Matt to face the turnbuckle. Bryan hopped up on the second rope holding Matt's head from behind and slammed the 18 year olds face into the top buckle a total of seven times. He hopped off the rope and Matt was barely able to stand. He didn't have worry about standing for long though as Bryan scooped him up into a slam position and deposited him right on top of the body of Logan that Stephen had just crushed. The crowd was loving it as the 2 man team took it to the 3 man team. Derek was now just beginning to stir. Stephen and Bryan looked at each other and smiled and closed on him.
Stephen took Derek's arms while Bryan took his feet. They swung him like a swing and tossed him perfectly landing right on top of his partners. The three boys were stacked like pancakes and the audience loved it. Stephen and Bryan took their bows as Matt, Logan and Derek untangled themselves. They got to their corner and frantically conferred about how to attack these two muscleteens. They decided Matt should continue as he was the strongest. Matt nodded in agreement but didn't look too enthused about it. He circled Bryan and they locked up. Maybe Matt was the strongest of the three but he still could not go toe to toe with Bryan who outmuscled him into a front face lock. Bryan ground his arm into Matt's face who cried out on pain. The referee asked if he wanted to submit but the tough kid squeaked out a muffled, "No". Bryan released the hold and raised a big knee into Matt's gut that doubled him over. Bryan reached over and tagged Stephen just before he whipped Matt to the ropes. Matt rebounded and came right into the waiting arms of both teens who leveraged him straight up into a double suplex. Matt dropped on his back hard and both Bryan and Stephen fell down with a power punch. Stephen's hit Matt below the navel rearranging his bowels while Bryan's hit just below the ribs driving all the air from Matt's body. Bryan moved to get out of the ring as Stephen covered and hooked Matt's leg. Derek and Logan charged Stephen as they saw defeat coming their way. Bryan intercepted them delivering a clothesline to each of their chests sending them back to their corner. The referee's hand hit the mat a third time and the bell rang.
The audience was crazy with pleasure as they saw the three teen team defeated. Stephen and Bryan hugged each other as they had their arms raised in victory. Derek was enraged as he wanted a win badly. He was quite unhappy at his team's pitiful debut. He looked as if he were going to attack Stephen but when he took a look at Stephen's bulging muscle as well as his challenging gaze he had a quick change of heart. The three beaten boys left the ring with Derek walking much further ahead of his teammates. Stephen and Bryan did a few more poses for the audience who was lapping it up.